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     〃You think the ice will melt away?〃 asked Elsie; puzzled。
     〃If our calculations are ninety…five percent correct; this section of the Antarctic will end up eighteen hundred miles north of here two months after the cataclysm。〃
     〃I've never quite understood how all this is going to break off the entire ice shelf and send it out to sea〃 said Elsie。
     Karl smiled。 〃I'd forgotten that you were the family intelligence collector in Washington for the past three years and were not provided with details of the Valhalla Project。〃
     Holtz held up one hand and pointed to the giant display board。 〃As simply as I can explain it; Miss Wolf; our nanoputerized machine constructed a vast number of molecular replicating assemblers; which in turn constructed over many millions of tiny molecular ice…dissolving machines。〃
     Elsie looked pensive。 〃In other words; the replicated assemblers; through molecular engineering; can create machines that can produce almost anything。〃
     〃That's the beauty of nanotechnology;〃 replied Holtz。 〃The replicating assembler can copy itself in a few minutes。 In less than twenty…four hours; tons of replicated machines; moving trillions of atoms around; drilled holes into the ice every six inches above and below the tunnel。 Once the ice tubes were drilled to a predetermined depth; the nanoputer closed down all further instructions to the machines。 In sixteen hours; the moment our meteorologists have predicted a strong offshore wind in bination with a favorable current; a signal will be sent to reactivate the machines。 They will then finish the job of dissolving the ice and separating the shelf from the continent; allowing it to drift out to sea。〃
     〃How long will that take?〃 asked Elsie。
     〃Less than two hours;〃 answered Holtz。
     〃Then ten hours after the final break;〃 Karl explained; 〃the displaced weight of the Ross Ice Shelf will have moved far enough away from the Antarctic continent to throw off Earth's delicately balanced rotation just enough to cause a polar shift in unison with a crust displacement; sending the world into a devastating upheaval。〃
     〃A world which we then can reshape into our image;〃 said Elsie vaingloriously。
     A man in the black uniform of a security guard came rushing out of an office and approached the group。 〃Sir;〃 he said to Karl; handing him a sheet of paper。
     Karl's face darkened for a brief instant; before turning reflective。
     〃What is it?〃 Elsie asked。
     〃A report from Hugo;〃 Karl answered slowly。 〃It seems an unidentified aircraft is approaching from across the Amundsen Sea; and refuses to answer our signals。〃
     〃Probably the supply plane for the ice station at Little America;〃 said Holtz。 〃Nothing to be concerned about。 It flies in and out every ten days。〃
     〃Does it always pass over Valhalla?〃 asked Karl。
     〃Not directly; but it es within a few miles as it makes its descent toward the ice station。〃
     Karl turned to the security guard who had carried the message。 〃Please tell my brother to observe the approaching aircraft closely。 If it deviates from its normal flight path to Little America; have him notify me immediately。〃
     〃Are you troubled; brother?〃 asked Elsie。
     Karl looked at her; his face showing traces of concern。 〃Not troubled; my sister; merely cautious。 I do not trust the Americans。〃
     〃The United States is a long way away;〃 said Elsie。 〃It would take an American assault force more than twenty…four hours to assemble and fly over ten thousand miles to Okuma Bay。〃
     〃Still;〃 Karl said patiently; 〃it pays to be vigilant〃 He looked at Holtz。 〃Should a distraction arise; can the signal to split the ice be sent early?〃
     〃Not if we want absolute success;〃 Holtz replied firmly。 〃Timing is critical。 We must wait until just before the peak of the flood tide to activate the molecular ice…dissolving machines。 Then the ebb tide will carry the great mass of the ice shelf out to sea。〃
     〃Then it appears we have nothing to fear;〃 said Elsie optimistically。
     Karl dropped his voice; speaking slowly; softly。 〃I hope you're right; dear sister。〃
     At that moment; another security guard approached and passed Karl a message from Hugo。 He read it; looked up; and smiled faintly。 〃Hugo says that the American supply plane is on its normal course ten miles beyond our perimeter and is flying at an altitude of thirty…five thousand feet。〃
     〃Hardly the height to drop an assault team;〃 said Holtz。
     〃No nation on Earth would dare fire missiles into our facility without their intelligence agencies penetrating our operation。 And none have。 Hugo's security force has diverted and blocked all outside probes into Valhalla。〃
     〃Diverted and blocked;〃 Karl repeated。 But his mind was not so sure。 He recalled one man who had already defied too many of the Wolf family's aims; and Karl could not but wonder where he might be。
     Under a sky concealed by a thick layer of clouds; a NUMA executive jet landed on a frozen airstrip; taxied toward a domed building; and rolled to a stop。 Little America V was the fifth in the line of United States ice stations to bear the name since Admiral Byrd had established the first in 1928。 Once situated several miles from the edge of the Ross Shelf near Kainan Bay; the sea was now only a short walk away; due to the calving of the ice pack over the years。 The base served as a terminus for the 630…mile…long well…traveled ice road to the Byrd Surface Camp on the Rockefeller Plateau。
     A man bundled up in a lime…green parka and fur…trimmed hood removed his sunglasses and grinned as Pitt opened the passenger's door and stepped to the frozen ground。
     〃You Pitt or Giordino?〃 he asked in a rumbling voice。
     〃I'm Pitt。 You must be Frank Cash; the ice station chief。〃
     Cash merely nodded。 〃I didn't expect you for another two hours。〃
     〃We hurried。〃
     Pitt turned as Giordino; who had closed the down the aircraft; joined them。 Giordino introduced himself and said; 〃Thank you for working with us on such short notice; but it's a matter of extreme urgency。〃
     〃I have no reason to doubt you;〃 said Cash astutely; 〃even though I received no instructions from a higher authority。〃
     Unable to talk their way into joining the special force assault team that was being formed to raid the Wolf pound and halt the ing cataclysm; they had been told in no uncertain terms by Admiral Sandecker to remain in Buenos Aires out of harm's way。 Pitt's reasoning had been that he and Giordino were essential to the raid; because it was they who had discovered the horrifying truth behind the man…induced cataclysm and knew more about the Wolfs and their security tactics than anyone else。 And; since they were already in Buenos Aires and five thousand miles closer to the scene of conflict; they could get there before the assault team and scout the facility。
     His plea had fallen on deaf ears。 The argument by the high…ranking military had been that they were not professional fighting men who were trained and conditioned for such a strenuous and difficult operation。 In Sandecker's case; he was not about to allow his best men to m
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