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y ate meat and drank wine and talked loudly; many disputed; many flattered; most sought something for themselves。 Young as he was; Arren had learned a good deal about the manners and disguises of humanity。 But he had never been among such men as these。 They ate bread and talked little; and their faces were quiet。 If they sought something; it was not for themselves。 Yet they were men of great power: that; too; Arren recognized。
  Sparrowhawk the Archmage sat at the head of the table and seemed to listen to what was said; and yet there was a silence about him; and no one spoke to him。 Arren was let alone also; so that he had time to recover himself。 On his left was the Doorkeeper; and on his right a grey…haired man with a kindly look; who said to him at last; 〃We are countrymen; Prince Arren。 I was born in eastern Enlad; by the Forest of Aol。〃
  〃I have hunted in that forest;〃 Arren replied; and they spoke together a little of the woods and towns of the Isle of the Myths; so that Arren was forted by the memory of his home。
  When the meal was done; they drew together once more before the hearth; some sitting and some standing; and there was a little silence。
  〃Last night;〃 the Archmage said; 〃we met in council。 Long we talked; yet resolved nothing。 I would hear you say now; in the morning light; whether you uphold or gainsay your judgment of the night。〃
  〃That we resolved nothing;〃 said the Master Herbal; a stocky; dark…skinned man with calm eyes; 〃is itself a judgment。 In the Grove are patterns found; but we found nothing there but argument。〃
  〃Only because we could not see the pattern plain;〃 said the grey…haired mage of Enlad; the Master Changer。 〃We do not know enough。 Rumors from Wathort; news from Enlad。 Strange news; and should be looked to。 But to raise a great fear on so little a foundation is unneedful。 Our power is not threatened only because a few sorcerers have forgotten their spells。〃
  〃So say I;〃 said a lean; keen…eyed man; the Master Windkey。 〃Have we not all our powers? Do not the trees of the Grove grow and put forth leaves? Do not the storms of heaven obey our word? Who can fear for the art of wizardry; which is the oldest of the arts of man?〃
  〃No man;〃 said the Master Summoner; deep…voiced and tall; young; with a dark and noble face; 〃no man; no power; can bind the action of wizardry or still the words of power。 For they are the very words of the Making; and one who could silence them could unmake the world。〃
  〃Aye; and one who could do that would not be on Wathort or Narveduen;〃 said the Changer。 〃He would be here at the gates of Roke; and the end of the world would be at hand! We've not e to that pass yet〃
  〃Yet there is something wrong;〃 said another; and they looked at him: deep…chested; solid as an oaken cask; he sat by the fire; and the voice came from him soft and true as the note of a great bell。 He was the Master Chanter。 〃Where is the king that should be in Havnor? Roke is not the heart of the world。 That tower is; on which the sword of Erreth…Akbe is set; and in which stands the throne of Serriadh; of Akambar; of Maharion。 Eight hundred years has the heart of the world been empty! We have the crown; but no king to wear it。 We have the Lost Rune; the King's Rune; the Rune of Peace; restored to us; but have we peace? Let there be a king upon the throne; and we will have peace; and even in the farthest Reaches the sorcerers will practice their arts with untroubled mind; and there will be order and a due season to all things。〃
  〃Aye;〃 said the Master Hand; a slight; quick man; modest of bearing but with clear and seeing eyes。 〃I am with you; Chanter。 What wonder that wizardry goes astray; when all else goes astray? If the whole flock wander; will our black sheep stay by the fold?〃
  At that the Doorkeeper laughed; but he said nothing。
  〃Then to you all;〃 said the Archmage; it seems that there is nothing very wrong; or if; there is; it lies in this; that our lands are ungoverned or ill…governed; so that all the arts and high skills of men suffer from neglect。 With that much I agree。 Indeed it is because the South is all but lost to peaceful merce that we must depend on rumor; and who has any safe word from the West Reach; save this from Narveduen? If ships went forth and came back safely as of old; if our lands of Earthsea were well…knit; we might know how things stand in the remote places; and so could act。 And I think we would act! For; my lords; when the Prince of Enlad tells us that he spoke the words of the Making in a spell and yet did not know their meaning as he spoke them; when the Master Patterner says that there is fear at the roots and will say no more: is this so little a foundation for anxiety? When a storm begins; it is only a little cloud on the horizon。〃
  〃You have a sense for the black things; Sparrowhawk;〃 said the Doorkeeper。 〃You ever did。 Say what you think is wrong。〃
  〃I do not know。 There is a weakening of power。 There is a want of resolution。 There is a dimming of the sun。 I feel; my lords… I feel as if we who sit here talking; were all wounded mortally; and while we talk and talk our blood runs softly from our veins。。。〃
  〃And you would be up and doing。〃
  〃I would;〃 said the Archmage。
  〃Well;〃 said the Doorkeeper; 〃can the owls keep the hawk from flying?〃
  〃But where would you go?〃 the Changer asked; and the Chanter answered him: 〃To seek our king and bring him to his throne!〃
  The Archmage looked keenly at the Chanter; but answered only; 〃I would go where the trouble is。〃
  〃South or west;〃 said the Master Windkey。
  〃And north and east if need be;〃 said the Doorkeeper。
  〃But you are needed here; my lord;〃 said the Changer。 〃Rather than to go seeking blindly among unfriendly peoples on strange seas; would it not be wiser to stay here; where all magic is strong; and find out by your arts what this evil or disorder is?〃
  〃My arts do not avail me;〃 the Archmage said。
  There was that in his voice which made them all look at him; sober and with uneasy eyes。 〃I am the Warder of Roke。 I do not leave Roke lightly。 I wish that your counsel and my own were the same; but that is not to be hoped for now。 The judgment must be mine: and I must go。〃
  〃To that judgment we yield;〃 said the Summoner。
  〃And I go alone。 You are the Council of Roke; and the Council must not be broken。 Yet one I will take with me; if he will e。〃 He looked at Arren。 〃You offered me your service; yesterday。 Last night the Master Patterner said; ‘Not by chance does any man e to the shores of Roke。 Not by chance is a son of Morred the bearer of this news' And no other word had he for us all the night。 Therefore I ask you; Arren; will you e with me?〃
  〃Yes; my lord;〃 said Arren; with a dry throat。
  〃The prince; your father; surely would not let you go into this peril;〃 said the Changer somewhat sharply; and to the Archmage; 〃The lad is young and not trained in wizardry。〃
  〃I have years and spells enough for both of us;〃 Sparrowhawk said in a dry voice。 〃Arren; what of your father?〃
  〃He would let me go。〃
  〃How can you know?〃 asked the Summoner。
  Arren did not know where he was being required to go; nor when; nor why。 He was bewilder
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