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s; was born again dead: abominable it was to him; and he said in a harsh voice; struggling with deadly sickness; 〃Let it be shut!〃
  〃It will be shut;〃 Ged said; ing beside them: and the light blazed up now from his hands and face as if he were a star fallen on earth in that endless night。 Before him the dry spring; the door; yawned open。 It was wide and hollow; but whether deep or shallow there was no telling。 There was nothing in it for the light to fall on; for the eye to see。 It was void。 Through it was neither light nor dark; neither life nor death。 It was nothing。 It was a way that led nowhere。
  Ged raised up his hands and spoke。
  Arren still held Cob's arm; the blind man had laid his free hand against the rocks of the cliff…wall。 Both stood still; caught in the power of the spell。
  With all the skill of his life's training and with all the strength of his fierce heart; Ged strove to shut that door; to make the world whole once more。 And under his voice and the mand of his shaping hands the rocks drew together; painfully; trying to be whole; to meet。 But at the same time the light weakened and weakened; dying out from his hands and from his face; dying out from his yew staff; until only a little glimmer of it clung there。 By that faint light Arren saw that the door was nearly closed。
  Under his hand the blind man felt the rocks move; felt them e together: and felt also the art and power giving itself up; spending itself; spent… And all at once he shouted; 〃No!〃 and broke from Arren's grasp; lunged forward; and caught Ged in his blind; powerful grasp。 Bearing Ged down under his weight; he closed his hands on his throat to strangle him。
  Arren raised up the sword of Serriadh and brought the blade down straight and hard on the bowed neck beneath the matted hair。
  The living spirit has weight in the world of the dead; and the shadow of his sword has an edge。 The blade made a great wound; severing Cob's spine。 Black blood leapt out; lit by the sword's own light。
  But there is no good in killing a dead man; and Cob was dead; years dead。 The wound closed; swallowing its blood。 The blind man stood up very tall; groping out with his long arms at Arren; his face writhing with rage and hatred: as if he had just now perceived who his true enemy and rival was。
  So horrible to see was this recovery from a deathblow; this inability to die; more horrible than any dying; that a rage of loathing swelled up in Arren; a berserk fury; and swinging up the sword he struck again with it; a full; terrible; downward blow。 Cob fell with skull split open and face masked with blood; yet Arren was upon him at once; to strike again; before the wound could close; to strike until he killed。。。
  Beside him Ged; struggling to his knees; spoke one word。
  At the sound of his voice Arren was stopped; as if a hand had grasped his sword…arm。 The blind man; who had begun to rise; also held utterly still。 Ged got to his feet; he swayed a little。 When he could hold himself erect; he faced the cliff。
  〃Be thou made whole!〃 he said in a clear voice; and with his staff he drew in lines of fire across the gate of rocks a figure: the rune Agnen; the Rune of Ending; which closes roads and is drawn on coffin lids。 And there was then no gap or void place among the boulders。 The door was shut。
  The earth of the Dry Land trembled under their feet; and across the unchanging; barren sky a long roll of thunder ran and died away。
  〃By the word that will not be spoken until time's end I summoned thee。 By the word that was spoken at the making of things I now release thee。 Go free!〃 And bending over the blind man; who was crouched on his knees; Ged whispered in his ear; under the white; tangled hair。
  Cob stood up。 He looked about him slowly; with seeing eyes。 He looked at Arren and then at Ged。 He spoke no word; but gazed at them with dark eyes。 There was no anger in his face; no hate; no grief。 Slowly he turned; went off down the course of the Dry River; and soon was gone to sight。
  There was no more light on Ged's yew staff or in his face。 He stood there in the darkness。 When Arren came to him he caught at the young man's arm to hold himself upright。 For a moment a spasm of dry sobbing shook him。 〃It is done;〃 he said。 〃It is all gone。〃
  〃It is done; dear lord。 We must go。〃
  〃Aye。 We must go home。〃
  Ged was like one bewildered or exhausted。 He followed Arren back down the river…course; stumbling along slowly and with difficulty among the rocks and boulders。 Arren stayed with him。 When the banks of the Dry River were low and the ground was less steep; he turned toward the way they had e; the long; formless slope that led up into the dark。 Then he turned away。
  Ged said nothing。 As soon as they halted; he bad sunk down; sitting on a lava…boulder; forspent; his head hanging。
  Arren knew that the way they had e was closed to them。 They could only go on。 They must go all the way。 〃Even too far is not far enough;〃 he thought。 He looked up at the black peaks; cold and silent against the unmoving stars; terrible; and once more that ironic; mocking voice of his will spoke in him; unrelenting: 〃Will you stop halfway; Lebannen?〃
  He went to Ged and said very gently; 〃We must go on; my lord。〃
  Ged said nothing; but he stood up。
  〃We must go by the mountains; I think。〃
  〃Thy way; lad;〃 Ged said in a hoarse whisper。 〃Help me。〃
  So they set out up the slopes of dust and scoria into the mountains; Arren helping his panion along as well as he could。 It was black dark in the bes and gorges; so that he had to feel the way ahead; and it was hard for him to give Ged support at the same time。 Walking was hard; a stumbling matter; but when they had to climb and clamber as the slopes grew steeper; that was harder still。 The rocks were rough; burning their hands like molten iron。 Yet it was cold and got colder as they went higher。 There was a torment in the touch of this earth。 It seared like live coals: a fire burned within the mountains。 But the air was always cold and always dark。 There was no sound。 No wind blew。 The sharp rocks broke under their hands; and gave way under their feet。 Black and sheer; the spurs and chasms went up in front of them and fell away beside them into blackness。 Behind; below; the kingdom of the dead was lost。 Ahead; above; the peaks and rocks stood out against the stars。 And nothing moved in all the length and breadth of those black mountains; except the two mortal souls。
  Ged often stumbled or missed his footing; in weariness。 His breath came harder and harder; and when his hands came hard against the rocks; he gasped in pain。 To hear him cry out wrung Arren's heart。 He tried to keep him from falling。 But often the way was too narrow for them to go abreast; or Arren had to go in front to seek out footing。 And at last; on a high slope that ran up to the stars; Ged slipped and fell forward; and did not get up。
  〃My lord;〃 Arren said; kneeling by him; and then spoke his name: 〃Ged。〃
  He did not move or answer。
  Arren lifted him in his arms and carried him up that high slope。 At the end of it there was level ground for some way ahead。 Arren laid his burden down and dropped down beside him; e
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