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 magic。 There they bee proficient in the various kinds of sorcery; learning names; and runes; and skills; and spells; and what should and what should not be done; and why。 And there; after long practice; and if hand and mind and spirit all keep pace together; they may be named wizard; and receive the staff of power。 True wizards are made only on Roke。
  Since there are sorcerers and witches on all the isles; and the uses of magic are as needful to their people as bread and as delightful as music; so the School of Wizardry is a place held in reverence。 The nine mages who are the Masters of the School are considered the equals of the great princes of the Archipelago。 Their master; the warden of Roke; the Archmage; is held to be accountable to no man at all; except the King of All the Isles; and that only by an act of fealty; by heart's gift; for not even a king could constrain so great a mage to serve the mon law; if his will were otherwise。 Yet even in the kingless centuries; the Archmages of Roke kept fealty and served that mon law。 All was done on Roke as it had been done for many hundreds of years; a place safe from all trouble it seemed; and the laughter of boys rang in the echoing courts and down the broad; cold corridors of the Great House。
  Arren's guide about the School was a stocky lad whose cloak was clasped at the neck with silver; a token that he had passed his novicehood and was a proven sorcerer; studying to gain his staff。 He was called Gamble; 〃because;〃 said he; 〃my parents had six girls; and the seventh child; my father said; was a gamble against Fate。〃 He was an agreeable panion; quick of mind and tongue。 At another time Arren would have enjoyed his humor; but today his mind was too full。 He did not pay him very much attention; in fact。 And Gamble; with a natural wish to be given credit for existence; began to take advantage of the guest's absentmindedness。 He told him strange facts about the School; and then told him strange lies about the School; and to all of them Arren said; 〃Oh; yes〃 or 〃I see;〃 until Gamble thought him a royal idiot。
  〃Of course they don't cook in here;〃 he said; showing Arren past the huge stone kitchens all alive with the glitter of copper cauldrons and the clatter of chopping…knives and the eye…prickling smell of onions。 〃It's just for show。 We e to the refectory; and everybody charms up whatever he wants to eat。 Saves dishwashing too。〃
  〃Yes; I see;〃 said Arren politely。
  〃Of course novices who haven't learnt the spells yet often lose a good deal of weight; their first months here; but they learn。 There's one boy from Havnor who always tries for roast chicken; but all he ever gets is millet mush。 He can't seem to get his spells past millet mush。 He did get a dried haddock along with it; yesterday。〃 Gamble was getting hoarse with the effort to push his guest into incredulity。 He gave up and stopped talking。
  〃Where。。。 what land does the Archmage e from?〃 said that guest; not even looking at the mighty gallery through which they were walking; all carven on wall and arched ceiling with the Thousand…Leaved Tree。
  〃Gont;〃 said Gamble。 〃He was a village goatherd there。〃 ;
  Now; at this plain and well…known fact; the boy from Enlad turned and looked with disapproving unbelief at Gamble。 〃A goatherd?〃
  〃That's what most Gontishmen are; unless they're pirates or sorcerers。 I didn't say he was a goatherd now; you know!〃
  〃But how would a goatherd bee Archmage?〃
  〃The same way a prince would! By ing to Roke and outdoing all the Masters; by stealing the Ring in Atuan; by sailing the Dragons' Run; by being the greatest wizard since Erreth…Akbe … how else?〃
  They came out of the gallery by the north door。 Late afternoon lay warm and bright on the furrowed hills and the roofs of Thwil Town and the bay beyond。 There they stood to talk。 Gamble said; 〃Of course that's all long ago; now。 He hasn't done much since he was named Archmage。 They never do。 They just sit on Roke and watch the Equilibrium; I suppose。 And he's quite old now。〃
  〃Old? How old?〃
  〃Oh; forty or fifty。〃
  〃Have you seen him?〃
  〃Of course I've seen him;〃 Gamble said sharply。 The royal idiot seemed also to be a royal snob。
  〃No。 He keeps to himself。 But when I first came to Roke I saw him; in the Fountain Court。〃
  〃I spoke with him there today;〃 Arren said。
  His tone made Gamble look at him and then answer him fully: 〃It was three years ago。 And I was so frightened I never really looked at him。 I was pretty young; of course。 But its hard to see things clearly in there。 I remember his voice; mostly; and the fountain running。〃 After a moment he added; 〃He does have a Gontish accent。〃
  〃If I could speak to dragons in their own language;〃 Arren said; 〃I wouldn't care about my accent。〃
  At that Gamble looked at him with a degree of approval; and asked; 〃Did you e here to join the school; prince?〃
  〃No。 I carried a message from my father to the Archmage。〃
  〃Enlad is one of the Principalities of the Kingship; isn't it?〃
  〃Enlad; Ilien; and Way。 Havnor and Ea; once; but the line of descent from the kings has died out in those lands。 Ilien traces the descent from Gemal Seaborn through Maharion; who was King of all the Isles。 Way; from Akambar and the House of Shelieth。 Enlad; the oldest; from Morred through his son Serriadh and the House of Enlad〃
  Arren recited these genealogies with a dreamy air; like a well…trained scholar whose mind is on another subject。
  〃Do you think we'll see a king in Havnor again in our lifetime?〃
  〃I never thought about it much。〃
  〃In Ark; where I e from; people think about it。 We're part of the Principality of Ilien now; you know; since peace was made。 How long has it been; seventeen years or eighteen; since the Ring of the King's Rune was returned to the Tower of the Kings in Havnor? Things were better for a while then; but now they're worse than ever。 It's time there was a king again on the throne of Earthsea; to wield the Sign of Peace。 People are tired of wars and raids and merchants who overprice and princes who overtax and all the confusion of unruly powers。 Roke guides; but it can't rule。 The Balance lies here; but the Power should lie in the king's hands。〃
  Gamble spoke with real interest; all foolery set aside; and Arren's attention was finally caught。 〃Enlad is a rich and peaceful land;〃 he said slowly。 〃It has never entered into these rivalries。 We hear of the troubles in other lands。 But there's been no king on the throne in Havnor since Maharion died: eight hundred years。 Would the lands indeed accept a king?〃
  〃If he came in peace and in strength; if Roke and Havnor recognized his claim。〃
  〃And there is a prophecy that must be fulfilled; isn't there? Maharion said that the next king must be a mage。〃
  〃The Master Chanter's a Havnorian and interested in the matter; and he's been dinning the words into us for three years now。 Maharion said; He shall inherit my throne who has crossed the dark land living and e to the far shores of the day。〃
  〃Therefore a mage。〃
  〃Yes; since only a wizard or mage can go among the dead in the dark land and return。 Though they do not cross it。 At least; they always s
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