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e boat clear up on the last impetus of the waves。 As he put his hands out to push; he stumbled and half…fell; catching himself against the stern。 With a mighty strain he dragged the boat back into the water on the outward wash of the wave; and floundered in over the gunwale as she hung between sea and shore。 〃Row!〃 he gasped out; and crouched on all fours; streaming with water and trying to get his breath。 He was holding a spear … a bronze…headed throwing spear two feet long。 Where had he gotten it? Another spear appeared as Arren hung bewildered on the oars; it struck a thwart edgewise; splintering the wood; and rebounded end over end。 On the low bluffs over the beach; under the trees; figures moved; darting and crouching。 There were little whistling; whirring noises in the air。 Arren suddenly bent his head between his shoulders; bent his back; and rowed with powerful strokes: two to clear the shallows; three to turn the boat; and away。
  Sopli; in the prow of the boat behind Arren's back; began to shout。 Arren's arms were seized suddenly so that the oars shot up out of the water。 The butt of one struck him in the pit of the stomach; so that for a moment he was blind and breathless。 〃Turn back! Turn back!〃 Sopli was shouting。 The boat leapt in the water all at once; and rocked。 Arren turned as soon as he had got his grip on the oars again; furious。 Sopli was not in the boat。
  All around them the deep water of the bay heaved and dazzled in the sunlight。
  Stupidly; Arren looked behind him again; then at Sparrowhawk crouching in the stern。 〃There;〃 Sparrowhawk said; pointing alongside; but there was nothing; only the sea and the dazzle of the sun。 A spear from a throwing…stick fell short of the boat by a few yards; entered the water noiselessly; and vanished。 Arren rowed ten or twelve hard strokes; then backed water and looked once more at Sparrowhawk。
  Sparrowhawk's hands and left arm were bloody; he held a wad of sailcloth to his shoulder。 The bronze…headed spear lay in the bottom of the boat。 He had not been holding it when Arren first saw it; it had been standing out from the hollow of his shoulder where the point had gone in。 He was scanning the water between them and the white beach; where some tiny figures hopped and wavered in the heat…glare。 At last he said; 〃Go on。〃
  〃He never came up。〃
  〃Is he drowned?〃 Arren asked; unbelieving。
  Sparrowhawk nodded。
  Arren rowed on until the beach was only a white line beneath the forests and the great green peaks。 Sparrowhawk sat by the tiller; holding the wad of cloth to his shoulder but paying no heed to it。
  〃Did a spear hit him?〃
  〃He jumped。〃
  〃But he… he couldn't swim。 He was afraid of the water!〃
  Aye。 Mortally afraid。 He wanted。。。 He wanted to e to land。
  〃Why did they attack us? Who are they?〃
  〃They must have thought us enemies。 Will you。。。 give me a hand with this a moment?〃 Arren saw then that the cloth he held pressed against his shoulder was soaked and vivid。
  The spear had struck between the shoulder…joint and collarbone; tearing one of the great veins; so that it bled heavily。 Under Sparrowhawk's direction; Arren tore strips from a linen shirt and made shift to bandage the wound。 Sparrowhawk asked him for the spear; and when Arren laid it on his knees he put his right hand over the blade; long and narrow like a willow leaf; of crudely hammered bronze; he made as if to speak; but after a minute he shook his head。 〃I have no strength for spells;〃 he said。 〃Later。 It will be all right。 Can you get us out of this bay; Arren?〃
  Silently the boy returned to the oars。 He bent his back to the work; and soon; for there was strength in his smooth; lithe frame; he brought Lookfar out of the crescent bay into open water。 The long noon calm of the Reach lay on the sea。 The sail hung slack。 The sun glared through a veil of haze; and the green peaks seemed to shake and throb in the great heat。 Sparrowhawk had stretched out in the bottom of the boat; his head propped against the thwart by the tiller; he lay still; lips and eyelids half…parted。 Arren did not like to look at his face; but stared over the boat's stern。 Heat…haze wavered above the water; as if veils of cobweb were spun out over the sky。 His arms trembled with fatigue; but he rowed on。
  〃Where are you taking us?〃 Sparrowhawk asked hoarsely; sitting up a little。 Turning; Arren saw the crescent bay curving its green arms about the boat once more; the white line of the beach ahead; and the mountains gathered in the air above。 He had turned the boat around without knowing it。
  〃I can't row any more;〃 he said; stowing the oars and going to crouch in the prow。 He kept thinking Sopli was behind him in the boat; by the mast。 They had been many days together; and his death had been too sudden; too reasonless to be understood。 Nothing was to be understood。
  The boat hung swaying on the water; the sail slack on the spar。 The tide; beginning to enter the bay; turned Lookfar slowly broadside to the current and pushed her by little nudges in and in; toward the distant white line of the beach。
  〃Lookfar;〃 the mage said caressingly; and a word or two in the Old Speech; and softly the boat rocked and nosed outward and slipped over the blazing sea away from the arms of the bay。
  But as slowly and softly; in less than an hour; she ceased to make way; and again the sail hung slack。 Arren looked back in the boat and saw his panion lying as before; but his head had dropped back a little; and his eyes were closed。
  All this while Arren had felt a heavy; sickly horror; which grew on him and held him from action as if winding his body and mind in fine threads。 No courage rose up in him to fight against the fear; only a kind of dull resentment against his lot。
  He should not let the boat drift here near the rocky shores of a land whose people attacked strangers; this was clear to his mind; but it did not mean much。 What was he to do instead? Row the boat back to Roke? He was lost; utterly lost beyond hope; in the vastness of the Reach。 He could never bring the boat back through those weeks of voyage to any friendly land。 Only with the mage's guidance could be do it; and Sparrowhawk was hurt and helpless; as suddenly and meaninglessly as Sopli was dead。 His face was changed; lax…featured and yellowish; he might be dying。 Arren thought that he should go move him under the awning to keep the sunlight off him; and give him water; men who had lost blood needed to drink。 But they had been short of water for days; the barrel was almost empty。 What did it matter? There was no good in anything; no use。 The luck had run out。
  Hours went by; the sun beat down; and the greyish heat wrapped Arren round。 He sat unmoving。
  A breath of cool passed across his forehead。 He looked up。 It was evening: the sun was down; the west dull red。 Lookfar moved slowly under a mild breeze from the east; skirting the steep; wooded shores of Obehol。
  Arren went back in the boat and looked after his panion; arranging him a pallet under the awning and giving him water to drink。 He did these things hurriedly; keeping his eyes from the bandage; which was in need of changing; for the wound had not wh
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