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  Arren turned; hearing a scuffle of feet behind them on the road。 A man was running after them; a good way off but catching up fast。 The dust of the road and his long; wiry hair made aureoles of red about him in the westering light; and his long shadow hopped fantastically along the trunks and aisles of the orchards by the road。 〃Listen!〃 he shouted。 〃Stop! I found it! I found it!〃
  He caught up with them in a rush。 Arren's hand went first to the air where his sword hilt might have been; then to the air where his lost knife had been; and then made itself into a fist; all in half a second。 He scowled and moved forward。 The man was a full head taller than Sparrowhawk; and broadshouldered: a panting; raving; wild…eyed madman。 〃I found it!〃 he kept saying; while Arren; trying to dominate him by a stern; threatening voice and attitude; said; 〃What do you want?〃 The man tried to get around him; to Sparrowhawk; Arren stepped in front of him again。
  〃You are the Dyer of Lorbanery;〃 Sparrowhawk said。
  Then Arren felt he had been a fool; trying to protect his panion; and he stepped aside; out of the way。 For at six words from the mage; the madman stopped his panting and the clutching gesture of his big; stained hands; his eyes grew quieter; he nodded his head。
  〃I was the dyer;〃 he said; 〃but now I can't dye。〃 Then he looked askance at Sparrowhawk and grinned; he shook his head with its reddish; dusty bush of hair。 〃You took away my mother's name;〃 he said。 〃Now I don't know her; and she doesn't know me。 She loves me well enough still; but she's left me。 She's dead。〃
  Arren's heart contracted; but he saw that Sparrowhawk merely shook his head a little。 〃No; no;〃 he said; 〃she's not dead。〃
  〃But she will be。 She'll die。〃
  〃Aye。 That's a consequence of being alive;〃 the mage said。 The Dyer seemed to puzzle this over for a minute; and then came right up to Sparrowhawk; seized his shoulders; and bent over him。 He moved so fast that Arren could not prevent him; but Arren did e up very close; and so heard his whisper; 〃I found the hole in the darkness。 The King was standing there。 He watches it; he rules it。 He had a little flame; a little candle in his hand。 He blew on it and it went out。 Then he blew on it again and it burned! It burned!〃
  Sparrowhawk made no protest at being held and whispered at。 He simply asked; 〃Where were you when you saw that?〃
  〃In bed。〃
  〃Across the wall?〃
  〃No;〃 the Dyer said; in a suddenly sober tone; and as if unfortable。 He let the mage go; and took a step back from him。 〃No; I… I don't know where it is。 I found it。 But I don't know where。〃
  〃That's what I'd like to know;〃 said Sparrowhawk。
  〃I can help you。〃
  〃You have a boat。 You came here in it and you're going on。 Are you going on west? That's the way。 The way to the place where he es out。 There has to be a place; a place here; because he's alive… not just the spirits; the ghosts; that e over the wall; not like that; …you can't bring anything but souls over the wall; but this is the body; this is the flesh immortal。 I saw the flame rise in the darkness at his breath; the flame that was out。 I saw that。〃 The man's face was transfigured; a wild beauty in it in the long; red…gold light。 〃I know that he has overe death。 I know it。 I gave my wizardry to know it。 I was a wizard once! And you know it; and you are going there。 Take me with you。〃
  The same light shone on Sparrowhawk's face; but left it unmoved and harsh。 〃I am trying to go there;〃 he said。
  〃Let me go with you!〃
  Sparrowhawk nodded briefly。 〃If you're ready when we sail;〃 he said; as coldly as before。
  The Dyer backed away from him another step and stood watching him; the exaltation in his face clouding slowly over until it was replaced by a strange; heavy look; it was as if reasoning thought were laboring to break through the storm of words and feelings and visions that confused him。 Finally he turned around without a word and began to run back down the road; into the haze of dust that had not yet settled on his tracks。 Arren drew a long breath of relief。
  Sparrowhawk also sighed; though not as if his heart were any easier。 〃Well;〃 he said。 〃Strange roads have strange guides。 Let's go on。〃
  Arren fell into step beside him。 〃You won't take him with us?〃 he asked。
  〃That's up to him。〃
  With a flash of anger Arren thought: It's up to me; also。 But he did not say anything; and they went on together in silence。
  They were not well…received on their return to Sosara。 Everything on a little island like Lorbanery is known as soon as it is done; and no doubt they had been seen turning aside to the Dyers' House and talking to the madman on the road。 The innkeeper served them uncivilly; and his wife acted scared to death of them。 In the evening when the men of the village came to sit under the eaves of the inn; they made much display of not speaking to the foreigners and being very witty and merry among themselves。 But they had not much wit to pass around and soon ran short of jollity。 They all sat in silence for a long time; and at last the mayor said to Sparrowhawk; 〃Did you find your blue rocks?〃
  〃I found some blue rocks;〃 Sparrowhawk replied politely。
  〃Sopli showed you where to find 'em; no doubt。〃
  Ha; ha ha; went the other men; at this masterstroke of irony。
  〃Sopli would be the red…haired man?〃
  〃The madman。 You called on his mother in the morning。〃
  〃I was looking for a wizard;〃 said the wizard。
  The skinny man; who sat nearest him; spat into the darkness。 〃What for?〃
  〃I thought I might find out about what I'm looking for。〃
  〃People e to Lorbanery for silk;〃 the mayor said。 〃They don't e for stones。 They don't e for charms。 Or arm…wavings and jibber…jabber and sorcerers' tricks。 Honest folk live here and do honest work。〃
  〃That's right。 He's right;〃 said others。
  〃And we don't want any other sort here; people from foreign parts snooping about and prying into our business。〃
  〃That's right。 He's right;〃 came the chorus。
  〃If there was any sorcerer around that wasn't crazy; we'd give him an honest job in the sheds; but they don't know how to do honest work。〃
  〃They might; if there were any to do;〃 said Sparrowhawk。 〃Your sheds are empty; the orchards are untended; the silk in your warehouses was all woven years ago。 What do you do; here in Lorbanery?〃
  〃We look after our own business;〃 the mayor snapped; but the skinny man broke in excitedly; 〃Why don't the ships e; tell us that! What are they doing in Hort Town? Is it because our work's been shoddy?…〃 He was interrupted by angry denials。 They shouted at one another; jumped to their feet; the mayor shook his fist in Sparrowhawk's face; another drew a knife。 Their mood had gone wild。 Arren was on his feet at once。 He looked at Sparrowhawk; expecting to see him stand up in the sudden radiance of the magelight and strike them dumb with his revealed power。 But he did not。 He sat there and looked from one to another and listened to their menaces。 And gradually they fell quiet; as if they could not keep up anger any more than they could keep up merriment。 The knife was sheathed; the threats turned to sneers。 The
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