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the South。
  〃For discipline is the channel in which our acts run strong and deep; where there is no direction; the deeds of men run shallow and wander and are wasted。 So that fat woman of the mirrors has lost her art and thinks she never had it。 And so Hare takes his hazia and thinks he has gone farther than the greatest mages go; when he has barely entered the fields of dream and is already lost。。。 But where is it that he thinks he goes? What is it he looks for? What is it that has swallowed up his wizardry? We have had enough of Hort Town; I think; so we go farther south; to Lorbanery; to see what the wizards do there; to find out what it is that we must find out。。。 Does that answer you?〃
  〃Yes; but…〃
  〃Then let the stone be still a while!〃 said the mage。 And he sat by the mast in the yellowish; glowing shade of the awning and looked out to sea; to the west; as the boat sailed softly southward through the afternoon。 He sat erect and still。 The hours passed。 Arren swam a couple of times; slipping quietly into the water from the stern of the boat; for he did not like to cross the line of that dark gaze which; looking west over the sea; seemed to see far beyond the bright horizon…line; beyond the blue of air; beyond the boundaries of light。
  Sparrowhawk came back from his silence at last and spoke; though not more than a word at a time。 Arren's upbringing had made him quick to sense mood disguised by courtesy or by reserve; he knew his panion's heart was heavy。 He asked no more questions and in the evening he said; 〃If I sing; will it disturb your thoughts?〃 Sparrowhawk replied with an effort at joking; 〃That depends upon the singing。〃
  Arren sat with his back against the mast and sang。 His voice was no longer high and sweet as when the music master of the Hall of Berila had trained it years ago; striking the harmonies on his tall harp; nowadays the higher tones of it were husky; and the deep tones had the resonance of a viol; dark and clear。 He sang the Lament for the White Enchanter; that song which Elfarran made when she knew of Morred's death and waited for her own。 Not often is that song sung; nor lightly。 Sparrowhawk listened to the young voice; strong; sure; and sad between the red sky and the sea; and the tears came into his eyes; blinding。
  Arren was silent for a while after that song; then he began to sing lesser; lighter tunes; softly; beguiling the great monotony of windless air and heaving sea and failing light; as night came on。
  When he ceased to sing everything was still; the wind down; the waves small; wood and rope barely creaking。 The sea lay hushed; and over it the stars came out one by one。 Piercing bright to the south a yellow light appeared and sent a shower and splintering of gold across the water。
  〃Look! A beacon!〃 Then after a minute; 〃Can it be a star?〃
  Sparrowhawk gazed at it a while and finally said; 〃I think it must be the star Gobardon。 It can be seen only in the South Reach。 Gobardon means Crown。 Kurremkarmerruk taught us that; sailing still farther south would bring; one by one; eight more stars clear of the horizon under Gobardon; making a great constellation; some say of a running man; others say of the Rune Agnen。 The Rune of Ending。〃
  They watched it clear the restless sea…horizon and shine forth steadily。
  〃You sang Elfarran's song;〃 Sparrowhawk said; 〃as if you knew her grief; and you'd made me know it too。。。 Of all the histories of Earthsea; that one has always held me most。 The great courage of Morred against despair; and Serriadh who was born beyond despair; the gentle king。 And her; Elfarran。 When I did the greatest evil I have ever done; it was to her beauty that I thought I turned; and I saw her for a
 moment I saw Elfarran。〃
  A cold thrill went up Arren's back。 He swallowed and sat silent; looking at the splendid; baleful; topaz…yellow star。
  〃Which of the heroes is yours?〃 the mage asked; and Arren answered with a little hesitancy; 〃Erreth…Akbe。〃
  〃Because he was the greatest?〃
  〃Because he might have ruled all Earthsea; but chose not to; and went on alone and died alone; fighting the dragon Orm on the shore of Selidor。〃
  They sat a while; each following his own thoughts; and then Arren asked; still watching yellow Gobardon; 〃Is it true; then; that the dead can be brought back into life and made to speak to living souls; by magery?〃
  〃By the spells of Summoning。 It is in our power。 But it is seldom done; and I doubt that it is ever wisely done。 In this the Master Summoner agrees with me; he does not use or teach the Lore of Paln; in which such spells are contained。 The greatest of them were made by one called the Grey Mage of Paln; a thousand years ago。 He summoned up the spirits of the heroes and mages; even Erreth…Akbe; to give counsel to the Lords of Paln in their wars and government。 But the counsel of the dead is not profitable to the living。 Paln came on evil times; and the Grey Mage was driven forth; he died nameless。〃
  〃Is it a wicked thing; then?〃
  〃I should call it a misunderstanding; rather。 A misunderstanding of life。 Death and life are the same thing … like the two sides of my hand; the palm and the back。 And still the palm and the back are not the same。。。 They can be neither separated; nor mixed。〃
  〃Then no one uses those spells now?〃
  〃I have known only one man who used them freely; not reckoning their risk。 For they are risky; dangerous; beyond any other magery。 Death and life are like the two sides of my hand; I said; but the truth is we do not know what life is or what death is。 To claim power over what you do not understand is not wise; nor is the end of it likely to be good。〃
  〃Who was the man who used them?〃 Arren asked。 He had not found Sparrowhawk so willing to answer questions before; in this quiet; thoughtful mood; both of them were consoled by their talk; dark though the subject of it was。
  〃He lived in Havnor。 They accounted him a mere sorcerer; but in native power he was a great mage。 He made money from his art; showing any who paid him whatever spirit they asked to see; dead wife or husband or child; filling his house with unquiet shadows of old centuries; the fair women of the days of the Kings。 I saw him summon from the Dry Land my own old master who was Archmage in my youth; Nemmerle; for a mere trick to entertain the idle。 And that great soul came at his call; like a dog to heel。 I was angry and challenged him …I was not Archmage then… saying; 'You pel the dead to e into your house: will you e with me to theirs?' And I made him go with me into the Dry Land; though he fought me with all his will and changed his shape and wept aloud when nothing else would do。〃
  〃So you killed him?〃 Arren whispered; enthralled。
  〃No! I made him follow me into the land of the dead; and return with me from it。 He was afraid。 He who summoned the dead to him so easily was more afraid of death …of his own death… than any man I ever knew。 At the wall of stones。。。 But I tell you more than a novice ought to know。 And you're not even a novice。〃 Through the dusk the keen eyes returned Arren's gaze for a moment; abashing him。 〃No matter;〃 said the Archmage。 〃There is a wall of stones; then; at a certain p
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