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ok。 And if you're willing to pay the price。〃
  〃What price is that?〃 Sparrowhawk's voice floated on the dim air like the shadow of a falling leaf。
  〃Life… what else? What can you buy life with; but life?〃 Hare rocked back and forth on his pallet; a cunning; uncanny brightness in his eyes。 〃You see;〃 he said; 〃they can cut off my hand。 They can cut off my head。 It doesn't matter。 I can find the way back。 I know where to look。 Only men of power can go there。〃
  〃Wizards; you mean?〃
  〃Yes。〃 Hare hesitated; seeming to attempt the word several times; he could not say it。 〃Men of power;〃 he repeated。 〃And they must… and they must give it up。 Pay。〃
  Then he fell sullen; as if the word 〃pay〃 had at last roused associations; and he had realized that he was giving information away instead of selling it。 Nothing more could be got from him; not even the hints and stammers about 〃a way back〃 which Sparrowhawk seemed to find meaningful; and soon enough the mage stood up 〃Well; half…answers beat no answers;〃 he said; 〃and the same with payment;〃 and; deft as a conjuror; he flipped a gold piece onto the pallet in front of Hare。
  Hare picked it up。 He looked at it and Sparrowhawk and Arren; with jerky movements of his head。 〃Wait;〃 he stammered。 As soon as the situation changed he lost his grip of it and now groped miserably after what he wanted to say。 〃Tonight;〃 he said at last。 〃Wait。 Tonight。 I have hazia。〃
  〃I don't need it。〃
  〃To show you… To show you the way。 Tonight。 I'll take you。 I'll show you。 You can get there; because you。。。 you're。。。〃 He groped for the word until Sparrowhawk said; 〃I am a wizard。〃
  〃Yes! So we can… we can get there。 To the way。 When I dream。 In the dream。 See? I'll take you。 You'll go with me; to the。。。 to the way。〃
  Sparrowhawk stood; solid and pondering; in the middle of the dim room。 〃Maybe;〃 he said at last。 〃If we e; we'll be here by dark。〃 Then he turned to Arren; who opened the door at once; eager to be gone。
  The dank; overshadowed street seemed bright as a garden after Hare's room。 They struck out for the upper city by the shortest way; a steep stairway of stone between ivy…grown house walls。 Arren breathed in and out like a sea lion… 〃Ugh!… Are you going back there?〃
  〃Well; I will; if I can't get the same information from a less risky source。 He's likely to set an ambush for us。〃
  〃But aren't you defended against thieves and so on?〃
  〃Defended?〃 said Sparrowhawk。 〃What do you mean? D'you think I go about wrapped up in spells like an old woman afraid of the rheumatism? I haven't the time for it。 I hide my face to hide our quest; that's all。 We can look out for each other。 But the fact is we're not going to be able to keep out of danger on this journey。〃
  〃Of course not;〃 Arren said stiffly; angry; angered in his pride。 〃I did not seek to do so。〃
  〃That's just as well;〃 the mage said; inflexible; and yet with a kind of good humor that appeased Arren's temper。 Indeed he was startled by his own anger; he had never thought to speak thus to the Archmage。 But then; this was and was not the Archmage; this Hawk with the snubbed nose and square; ill…shaven cheeks; whose voice was sometimes one man's voice and sometimes another's: a stranger; unreliable。
  〃Does it make sense; what he told you?〃 Arren asked; for he did not look forward to going back to that dim room above the stinking river。 〃All that fiddle…faddle about being alive and dead and ing back with his head cut off?〃
  〃I don't know if it makes sense。 I wanted to talk with a wizard who had lost his power。 He says that he hasn't lost it but given it traded it。 For what? Life for life; he said。 Power for power。 No; I don't understand him; but he is worth listening to。〃
  Sparrowhawk's steady reasonableness shamed Arren further。 He felt himself petulant and nervous; like a child。 Hare had fascinated him; but now that the fascination was broken he felt a sick disgust; as if he had eaten something vile。 He resolved not to speak again until he had controlled his temper。 Next moment he missed his step on the worn; slick stairs; slipped; recovered himself scraping his hands on the stones。 〃Oh curse this filthy town!〃 he broke out in rage。 And the mage replied dryly; 〃No need to; I think。〃
  There was indeed something wrong about Hort Town; wrong in the very air; so that one might think seriously that it lay under a curse; and yet this was not a presence of any quality; but rather an absence; a weakening of all qualities; like a sickness that soon infected the spirit of any visitor。 Even the warmth of the afternoon sun was sickly; too heavy a heat for March。 The squares and streets bustled with activity and business; but there was neither order nor prosperity。 Goods were poor; prices high; and the markets were unsafe for vendors and buyers alike; being full of thieves and roaming gangs。 Not many women were on the streets; and the few there were appeared mostly in groups。 It was a city without law or governance。 Talking with people; Arren and Sparrowhawk soon learned that there was in fact no council or mayor or lord left in Hort Town。 Some of those who had used to rule the city had died; and some had resigned; and some had been assassinated; various chiefs lorded it over various quarters of the city; the harbor guardsmen ran the port and lined their pockets; and so on。
  There was no center left to the city。 The people; for all their restless activity; seemed purposeless。 Craftsmen seemed to lack the will to work well; even the robbers robbed because it was all they knew how to do。 All the brawl and brightness of a great port…city was there; on the surface; but all about the edges of it sat the hazia…eaters; motionless。 And under the surface; things did not seem entirely real; not even the faces; the sounds; the smells。 They would fade from time to time during that long; warm afternoon while Sparrowhawk and Arren walked the streets and talked with this person and that。 They would fade quite away。 The striped awnings; the dirty cobbles; the colored walls; and all the vividness of being would be gone; leaving the city a dream city; empty and dreary in the hazy sunlight。
  Only at the top of the town where they went to rest a while in late afternoon did this sickly mood of daydream break for a while。 〃This is not a town for luck;〃 Sparrowhawk had said some hours ago; and now after hours of aimless wandering and fruitless conversations with strangers; he looked tired and grim。 His disguise was wearing a little thin; a certain hardness and darkness could be seen through the bluff sea…trader's face。 Arren had not been able to shake off the morning's irritability。 They sat down on the coarse turf of the hilltop under the leaves of a grove of pendick trees; dark…leaved and budded thickly with red buds; some open。 From there they saw nothing of the city but its tile roofs multitudinously scaling downward to the sea。 The bay opened its arms wide; slate blue beneath the spring haze; reaching on to the edge of air。 No lines were drawn; no boundaries。 They sat gazing at that immense blue space。 Arren's mind cleared; opening out to meet and celebrate the world。
  When they went to drink from a little stream nearby; runn
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