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  I ready myself for his attack。 I shift to the right side。
  My foot touches fire。
  I whip my foot back。 There are no visible flames。
  〃You are now in hell;〃 Landulf says。 〃You are required to stay inside the lines of the pentagram。 But I am free to roam where I wish; all over the circle。〃
  He lunges at me with the spear。 He is fast。
  I leap over to the adjacent star point。
  He barely misses me。 He flashes me a smile。
  〃Isn't this fun?〃 he asks。
  〃Delightful;〃 I say。
  〃There is one other rule you should know。 Don't jump or walk through the center of the pentagram。 There is an invisible being waiting there that might consume you alive。〃
  〃You expect me to believe you?〃 I ask。
  〃You don't have to。 But then; I will lose you forever; and you will be trapped in a dark place forever。〃 He raises the spear once more。 〃But do what you want。 You may even try to escape from the circle; but you won't be able to。 Once you are in here with me; you will stay in here。〃
  He makes another stab at me。 I leap to the next point on the star。 He misses; but I realize that I cannot keep on like this forever。 His freedom of movement gives him a devastating advantage。 His speed and strength are a mystery to me。 But perhaps they e from the sum total of all the demons he carries in his heart。 He is not necessarily as strong as I am; but his strength is close。 I can tell by the power in his physical bursts。 And he has the mystical spear; and I have to wonder if Christ's dried blood is an advantage or disadvantage in this cursed place。
  〃The spear is neither negative or positive;〃 he says; maybe reading my mind; maybe guessing。 〃The tip is simply a point around which destiny turns。 In the hands of a saint; it could be used for great healing。 In my hands; it is merely a tool for my immortality。〃
  〃You are not immortal;〃 I snap。
  〃But I will be; Sita。 In a few moments。 As soon as I pierce your side with this spear and channel your blood into my body。〃
  〃You could have done that when I was unconscious。〃
  〃No。 To get the full benefit of your blood it is necessary that I drain you in my place of power。 And you had to enter here of your own free will; after executing an innocent。 Everything that has happened to you has been planned to bring you to this precise point。〃 He pauses。 〃You see; Sita; I know you are from the future。〃
  He continues to shock me。
  〃How do you know?〃 I gasp。
  〃Because I am from the same future。〃
  〃Did I know you?〃
  〃Linda's boyfriend。 I was the one who sent you into the desert。〃
  〃That fat slob?〃
  He is not offended。 〃I was in disguise。〃
  I nod in admiration。 〃You are clever。 More clever than any foe I have ever encountered。〃
  My remark pleases him。 He lowers the spear。
  〃Thank you。 You have also been a worthy adversary。 Why don't you let this end with dignity? I will give you that if you stop resisting me。〃
  I sigh。 〃What do you want me to do?〃
  〃Stand still for a moment。 I do not need a lot of time。〃
  〃What will you do to me?〃 I ask。
  〃I will take your blood。 I need your blood。 But you will not have to suffer。 You have my promise on that。〃
  I consider。 〃All right。 I will surrender on two conditions。〃
  〃What are they?〃
  〃I want to open my own veins。 And I want to use the nail that was on the cross; the one now tied to the tip of your spear。〃
  〃Why the nail?〃 he asks。
  〃Because you say it was pounded into the hand or foot of Jesus。 If I am to die; I want that nail to pierce my own flesh。〃 I add; 〃It will make me feel closer to him as I die。〃
  Landulf is thoughtful。 〃That will not save you from what is to follow。 You are already in my circle。 No works of Christ function here。 I am not lying to you。〃
  〃Perhaps。 But those are my conditions。〃 I shrug。 〃I don't ask much。〃
  He is wary。 〃You could try to use the nail as a weapon。 You could throw it at me。〃
  〃Would you be able to block such a throw?〃
  〃Then what do you have to fear by tossing me the nail?〃
  〃Nothing。 I fear nothing in my place。〃
  〃Then toss me the nail; O Fearless One。〃
  〃You mock me?〃 he demands。
  〃Well; in the future it might be called flirting。〃
  He hesitates。 〃I don't have to do this。 I will get you eventually。〃
  〃Probably。 But you never know。〃
  〃You believe the talisman will protect you? Despite what I say?〃
  〃No。 You are wrong there。〃
  〃Then you lie to me。 You will not keep your side of the bargain。〃
  I laugh。 〃You call me a fool? You have nothing to lose by trusting me。〃 This time I catch his eye; and put all my will behind the gaze。 〃You will never be successful as an immortal if you live in such fear; Lord Landulf。〃
  I have pushed the right button。
  Perhaps his only button。
  He hates to be called a coward。
  He begin to undo the wire holding the nail in place。
  〃When you have the nail; you open your veins immediately;〃 he says。 〃I will tolerate no delay。〃
  〃I will not waste your time;〃 I promise。
  The nail is free。 He tosses it to me。
  〃Christian paraphernalia;〃 he says bitterly。
  I place the nail in my right palm; the tip pointed toward Landulf; and stare at it。 Neither Yaksha's nor the child's nor my daughter's blood is in this present form of mine。 I am strong but still only a shadow of what I will be in the future。 Since returning to Sicily I have felt no power of psychokinesis; the ability to move objects with my mind。 It was Kalika's blood alone that gave me that ability; and my daughter hasn't even been born yet。 Still; my daughter gave her life to save the child; paid for his life with her own。 And the child's blood; in an earlier reincarnation; was once on this nail。 There is a connection that can reasonably be made here; or else mystically contrived。 No doubt a particle of Christ's blood still remains on the metal; deep in the folds of the atoms that bind it together。
  It is on this invisible blood I focus。 I still believe in the miracle of this blood。 My belief is born of experience。 I have seen it bring a friend back to life。 My belief is stronger than evil incantations spoken to cruel spirits; and bloody pentagrams drawn on forsaken cliffs。 I made a serious mistake by stealing the girl's heart; but now I will give my own heart in exchange for hers。 And in exchange for my life; for just a second of time; I ask for the power that my daughter already gave to me。 I ask it out of favor to Kalika; whom I am sure would not want her mother to go down without a final chance of victory。 Yes; I have the nerve to remind God that he owes me for my daughter's sacrifice。 But I also have the faith to believe he hears me。
  And my faith is stronger than stone。
  Landulf lifts the spear。 〃You had better hurry。〃
  I feel my mind touch the nail。
  〃Yes;〃 I whisper。 〃Hurry。〃
  I feel my heart touch it。 Caress it。
  And I know beyond all doubt it once touched Christ。
  Landulf shoulders the spear。 〃You die now; Sita。〃
  The nail trembles。 My hand remains firm。 My gaze。
  Power sweeps over me from way beyond the circle。
  〃No;〃 I say。 〃Evil one; you die。〃
  Landulf starts to le
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