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y; if that is possible。
  Then it occurs to me that I must invert the brace。 This is tricky; because if the copper cross slips past my toes; it will land on the floor and be out of reach。 What I do to add a safety margin to my plan is to raise the brace up with just one foot; catching it between my big toe and the toe next to it。 Then I plug the end of the brace with the bottom of my other foot。 Shaking the brace upside down in the air; at a ninety…degree angle to my calf; I feel the cross touch the sole of my free foot。 In a moment my toes have a grip on the crucifix and I let go of the brace。
  〃My lady?〃 Dante cries。
  〃Everything is all right。〃
  〃My brace is not broken?〃
  〃It is fine。 Be silent and conserve your strength。 We will soon be free。〃
  〃Yes; my lady。〃
  Both my feet grip the copper cross。 I will keep plenty of toes wrapped around it at all times; I tell myself。 There is no way it is going to spring beyond my reach。 As I work to mold the copper; I pray Landulf s soon did not mean in the next few minutes。 I have prayed many times since entering the castle。
  The crucifix is relatively thin; little more than a stamped plate; and this is fortunate。 It does not take me long to squeeze the lower portion of the cross into a stiff wire。 True; it is a rather plump wire but the key holes in the locks that bind me are far from tiny。 Clasping the wire in my right foot; and holding still the key hole with my left foot; I slowly glide the cooper toward the inner mechanism。
  〃My lady?〃
  〃Shh; Dante。 Patience。〃
  〃My hand pains me。〃
  〃We will make it better soon。 Please do not speak for the next few minutes。〃
  The wire enters the lock and I feel around to get a sense of its design。 My mind is very alert now。 The traumas I have suffered…I put them all behind so I can focus on the inside of the lock。 It does not take long before I have a plete mental picture of how it was built; and when I do; I know precisely how to move my wire。
  There is a click and the lock springs open。
  I kick off the chains。 My feet are free。
  〃My lady!〃 Dante cheers。
  〃Quiet。 Let me finish。〃
  He gasps。 〃Oh; yes; hurry。 I cannot breathe like this。〃
  Now es the hardest part。 I cannot pull either hand chain down close enough to my face so that I might work the locks with the wire between my teeth; assuming I could get the copper in my mouth。 No; I have to reach up with my right foot; stretching my leg to a next…to…impossible length; and attack the left lock that way。 My muscles are stiff so the task is doubly hard。 Yet I can taste freedom now; and it gives me fresh strength。
  Clenching the wire in my toes; I kick up。
  My hamstring muscles scream。
  I fail to reach the lock。 I have to kick up a dozen times before I even approach it。 But steadily my joints limber; and finally I am steering the wire into the lock that grips my left wrist。 Since I already know the internal design of the mechanism; I take only a second to trip it。 My left hand is now free; and I immediately transfer the wire from my toes into my fingers。 Two seconds after that; I have sprung the right lock and am able to stand and stretch。 But Dante has gone downhill。 He doesn't even realize that I am free。 I step to his side and caress the top of his head。 He looks up without seeing me in the pitch black and smiles。
  〃Are we safe?〃 he asks softly。
  〃Almost;〃 I say; and I use the wire to open his locks。 But his arms don't e down when they are free; his limbs are so damaged。 I have to draw them down; and this makes him cry out。 He buries his face in my chest and I fort him。 〃Dante;〃 I say。 〃This dungeon will not hold us。〃
  He lets go of me; but he is lost in the dark and he cannot stand without support。 〃Where is my brace?〃 he asks。 〃Will it still work?〃
  〃Your brace is here and it is undamaged; as I promised。〃 I slide his stump back into it but cringe at the smell of his burnt flesh。 Taking his wounded left hand; I study the sores。 Landulf took his cauterization too far; he burned into the healthy tissue beneath Dante's wounds。 Later; I swear to myself; when we have time; I must sprinkle a few drops of my blood on the sores to ease his agony。
  〃It is best you don't touch me; my lady〃 Dante says in shame。
  I squeeze his arm。 〃You are my hero。 Of course I will touch you。〃
  He is happy; for the moment; but he is also close to death。
  〃My lady;〃 he gasps as he continues to struggle for air; despite his release from the bonds。 〃I know a secret the duke might not even know。〃 He taps the wall behind his head。 〃There is a passageway back here; if we can get to it。 The way leads under the farthest wall and out into the woods。〃
  〃Can we reach this passageway from the tunnel beyond this cell door?〃
  〃Yes; my lady。 But how are we going to get through the door?〃
  Good question。 After studying the door; I see that it is made of the same alloy as the locks and chains。 I cannot break through it。 But I have e to this dilemma before。 My awareness of the future is still present; but still somewhat cloudy。 For several seconds I cannot remember precisely what I did next。 Then the water dripping from the wall against which we were imprisoned catches my attention。 The mortar between the stones must be weak; I reason; to allow so much moisture to seep through it and into the cell。
  〃Dante;〃 I say。 〃Is this secret passageway of yours flooded?〃
  〃Sometimes; my lady。 At certain times of the year。〃
  〃Is this a certain time of the year?〃
  He hesitates。 〃There should be some water in the passage; yes。 But I do not think it will be flooded。 I hope it is not。〃
  〃Does the water run out into the forest?〃
  〃The passageway leads in two directions。 The water runs out to the cliff; in the direction of the sea。〃
  〃Stand away from this wall; by the door。 I am going to work on these stones。〃
  〃Yes; my lady。 Where is the door?〃
  I have to lead him to it。 He slides down; weakly; with his back to the exit。 He cannot stop moving his left hand; and I can only imagine the pain it must be causing him。
  Landulf has removed my shoes; but this does not stop me from leaping in the air and kicking at one of the stones with my right heel。 It cracks with a single hard blow; and a series of kicks crush it。 I pull out the chunks of stone and mortar with my hands; and soon I have a small river running through my fingers and over my lap。 Yet I see the passageway is slightly above us; and that there is not more than a foot of water passing through it。 Dante shivers and cries out as the cold water touches him and I have to talk to reassure him。 My hands are frantically busy; pulling out pieces of stone。 My strength level has gone up another notch。 We were both so close to death; everything was hopeless; and now we stand on freedom's door。
  Soon there is a hole large enough for us to crawl through。 I help Dante into the passageway; and then I follow him。 Soon I am standing beside him; steadying him with my hand。 The water current is feeble; even Dante is able to stand against it。 He grabs my arm and points upstream。
  〃This way is the woods; my lady;〃 he says。 〃Soon we will be free of this unh
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