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 my feet; weeping to see me in such a desperate condition。 I would weep for my friend if there were any tears left in my body。 But all I can do is sigh and shake my head。
  〃Dante;〃 I say。 〃I told you to go back to Messina。 Why are you here?〃
  He clasps my foot。 〃I could not leave you; my lady。 I will never leave you。〃
  Landulf is grim。 〃We caught him outside the castle walls; groveling like an animal。〃 He grabs him by the neck and picks him all the way up off the floor with one hand。 The demonstration of strength disturbs me。 Perhaps he did take my blood; and put it into his veins; while I was unconscious。 Yet Landulf does not show the signs of being a true vampire。 He dangles Dante in front of me。 〃Will you not beg; Sita?〃 Landulf asks me。
  I am fearful。 〃For what?〃
  〃You know; my proud ruby。〃
  I sneer。 〃Why beg for that which does not exist?〃
  In response Landulf throws Dante down in a heap and takes a torch from one of his men。 Knocking out the flame on the damp wall; he steps toward Dante with the embers of the torch top still glowing。 Seeing what Landulf has in mind; Dante tries to scamper to me but is kicked aside by Landulf。 The evil lord kneels by my friend and points out to me Dante's sores。
  〃These wounds are infected;〃 Landulf says。 〃They must be cauterized and sealed。 Don't you agree; Sita?〃
  I stare in horror。 〃He served you loyally for many years。〃
  Landulf eyes Dante; who trembles in anticipation。
  〃But he betrayed me in the end;〃 he says。 〃And it is only the end that matters; not the manner of the path。〃
  〃Landulf!〃 I cry。
  But he ignores me; and then Dante is crying; screaming for me to save him as if I were his mother。 But even though I have returned in time with the wisdom of the ages; I can do nothing…cannot keep Landulf from pressing the embers into Dante's oozing sores。 Landulf first does my friend's deformed hand; and then he moves toward Dante's leg; where the damage is even more extensive。 Dante howls so loud and hard it seems as if his skull will explode。 Certainly the sound threatens to rupture my own heart。 As Landulf moves forward with the torch again; I hear myself cry out。
  〃Please?〃 I yell。 〃Please stop!〃
  Landulf pauses and smiles up at me。 〃You beg me?〃
  I nod weakly。 〃I beg you; my lord。〃
  Landulf stands。 〃Good。 You have passed the first step of initiation。 The second step will e later; and then the final and third step。〃 He gestures to Dante; on the floor; who appears to have gone into shock。 He speaks to his knights。 〃Chain this bag of garbage up beside her。 Let them keep each other pany; and let them talk together about the redeeming and saving power of love and mercy。〃 Landulf winks at me as he leaves the dungeon。 〃I will see you soon; Sita。〃
  More time goes by and with each passing minute I die a little more inside。 Crucified alone in the dark; I could imagine no crueler torture; yet I had not known the half of it。 Dante is largely unconscious; but still he moans miserably。 For a time I pray that he does not wake again; that he simply dies; and so ends his suffering。 But then the curse of all who suffer es to me。
  I glimpse a faint ray of hope。
  I have to wake Dante; bring him back to the nightmare。
  Calling his name softly; he finally stirs and raises his head and looks around。 It is so dark; it is obvious he cannot see a thing。 But I can see his ruined expression and it pierces my heart。 He is hung up on the wall right beside me。 〃Sita?〃 he whispers。
  〃I am here;〃 I say gently。 〃Don't be afraid。〃 He is having trouble breathing。 Landulf s knights have tied him up like me; his arms pinned by unbreakable chains。 Yet his feet are not bound; they manage to touch the floor。 But I know soon he will begin to smother。 He coughs as he tries to speak。 〃I'm sorry; my lady;〃 he says。 〃I disobeyed you。〃 
  〃No。 You have nothing to be ashamed of。 You are a true hero。 Even when the situation appears hopeless; you plunge forward。 Perseus himself; I would guess; would be envious of your stout heart。〃 
  He tries to smile。 〃Could it be true?〃 
  〃Oh yes。 And you might yet save us both。〃 
  He is interested。 〃How; my lady?〃 
  〃I need you to shake free of your leg brace and push it over here。〃 
  〃My lady?〃
  〃Your tiny copper crucifix; the one you pray to before sleeping each night。 I need it。〃 
  He is worried。 〃What are you going to do to it?〃 
  〃I am sorry; Dante; I am going to have to ruin it。 But I think I can form the cross into a narrow instrument that I can use to pick these locks。〃 
  〃But; my lady; your hands are bound!〃 
  〃I am going to use my toes to mold it into a proper shape。 Don't worry about the details; Dante; just push your brace over here。 Is it easy to slip out of?〃
  〃No problem; my lady。〃 I see him struggle in the dark。 〃Are you on my right or on my left?〃 
  I have to smile。 〃I am on your left; two feet away。〃 
  〃I feel you near;〃 he says with affection as he slips out of the brace and pushes it toward me with his stump。 〃Do you have it?〃
  〃No。 My feet are pinned together。 You will have to give it a shove; but not too hard。 The brace must e to rest against the side of my legs。〃 
  〃But I can't see your legs。〃 
  〃They are pinned to the wall。 Lay the brace against the wall and just give it a slight nudge forward。〃 
  〃Are you sure this is a good plan?〃 
  〃I am not sure。〃 
  He suddenly hyperventilates。 〃I am afraid; my lady! Without my brace I will be a cripple!〃
  I speak soothingly。 〃I will not damage your brace; Dante。 Only the cross you keep hidden in it。 When I am free; you will have your brace back and we will escape from here。〃
  He begins to calm。 〃We will go back to Messina?〃 
  〃Yes。 Together we will travel to Messina; and there we will stay in the finest inn; and order the best food and wine。 You will be my panion and I will tell everyone how you rescued me from the evil duke。〃 
  Dante beams。 〃I will be like Perseus! I will slay the Gorgon!〃
  〃Exactly。 But let's get out of here first。 Push the brace closer to me。〃 
  〃What if I push it too far?〃 
  〃You won't; Dante。 You are a hero。 Heroes don't make mistakes。〃
  Dante pushes feebly at the brace with his leper stump。 〃Is that all right; my lady?〃 
  〃I am trying; my lady。〃 He strikes the brace with his stump and the wooden leg bumps up against my calf。 〃You have it?〃
  〃I have it;〃 I quickly reassure him。 〃You relax and catch your breath。 You don't even have to speak to me。 I will concentrate on getting us out of here。〃
  He groans。 〃Hurry; my lady。 I am in some pain。〃
  〃I know; my friend。〃
  Even for a vampire; what I plan to do next is not easy。 First I have to let the top of the brace slide down to where I can reach it with my toes。 This I do without much effort; but Dante's cross is not stored at the top of the brace。 It is fastened somewhat deeper inside the wooden stump。 After fishing for it with my toes for ten minutes; I am no closer to reaching it; and even more weary; if that is possible。
  Then it occurs to me that I must invert the brace。 This is tricky; beca
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