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  〃No。 I cannot read your mind。〃
  〃You can。 You're just afraid; Sita。〃
  〃How do you know my name?〃
  〃Because I know you。〃
  〃From when? From where?〃
  〃From before。 From the stars。〃
  A smile cracks my face; involuntarily。 Turning; almost mocking her; I say; 〃Where's your spaceship?〃
  〃It's ing。〃
  That remark makes me take a step back。
  〃Are you here to take me away?〃 I ask; and I hear the hope in my own voice。 For five thousand years; I have lived a glorious life; yet there has been too much pain。 Alanda's love seems to flow to me in waves。 The desert is dry; her eyes are moist。 I cannot help but be mesmerized by them; by all of her。 She is shimmering now with a faint blue light。
  This blue glow; it reminds me of Krishna。
  The stars。 How bright they shine above us。
  Almost as if they have moved closer to Earth。
  But Alanda's face is both blissful and concerned。
  〃No;〃 she says。 〃You cannot leave this world now; not until what has been ruined has been set right。〃
  〃Suzama said as much。 Do you know her?〃
  〃Yes。 She is a sister; like you。〃
  〃Suzama is much more than I am。〃
  〃You are fond of denouncing yourself。〃
  〃I haven't been a saint exactly。 You must know that。〃
  〃Yes。 But that is past。 You are here with me now; and I am with you。〃
  My throat is constricted。 〃I feel you with me; yes。〃
  〃Why are you afraid of love; Sita? Because it has hurt you?〃
  I nod weakly。 〃It hurts all of us。 Sometimes it seems that is all love is good for。〃
  Alanda shakes her head。 〃Love is good for many things。 You have just forgotten。 The veil has to be lifted。〃
  I am curious。 〃What is this veil?〃
  Alanda turns away and walks on the sand; between the weeds。 She is barefoot…I only realize that now。 The way her soles touch the ground; it is almost as if they caress the Earth。 Gesturing at the desert; the stars; and playing with her long blond hair; she enchants me as she speaks。 The munication may even be telepathic; her voice is so soft。 But it is easy to understand her。
  〃This galaxy is ancient; as you know;〃 she says。 〃Your sun is old; but the stars at the center of the galaxy were there first。 The planets circling them gave rise to civilizations。 So life evolved。 First plants; then animals and finally; what you would call people arrived。 Some of these people looked like us; but not all。 They became conscious。 They knew all that the people of this world know; and more。 For there was at that time no veil between the conscious and the unconscious; no loss of the awareness that we are all a part of the creation。 The gods of those suns did not desire this veil to confuse their children; and therefore everyone on those ancient planets lived in light and peace。 Do you understand?〃
  〃I'm not sure;〃 I say。 〃Continue。〃
  〃Suzama has told you about the ing harvest; on this world。 These ancient people also arrived at a point when it was important for them to move on; to move into another realm; a fourth dimension if you like。 But then there was a problem。 All these beings from the central suns of this galaxy were positive… what you would call good…hearted。 But because they had always lived in bliss; they had no incentive to grow。 Therefore; for many billions of years; from the third dimension to the fourth; there were few harvests。 Such people were a rarity。〃 Alanda pauses。 〃Do you understand?〃
  〃Yes。 The source of pain for us…here on this world…is the veil between the conscious and the unconscious。 Yet this pain acts as a catalyst for us to grow。〃
  〃Precisely。 People of your world often speak of good and evil。 But what you call evil goads you onto the greatest good。 This is necessary for you; and all people of your world。 That is why it is there。 That is why the great being within your sun allows the veil to exist。 The story from the Garden of Eden…the knowledge of good and evil that your ancient ancestors received…that was not a curse but a blessing。 It only seems a curse to you at times like this; when you are in doubt。〃
  〃But to some extent we live our whole lives in doubt。〃 I pause。 〃So you're saying the devil wasn't such a bad guy after all?〃
  〃No。 I am saying there is a place for negativity…as much as there is a place for goodness…in the great scheme of things。 There is no hero without a villain; no peak without a valley。 But our path; the path of love; demands that we overe negativity。 But we do not overe it by resisting it。 That is an illusion。 What you resist will persist。〃
  〃Why are you telling me this?〃 I ask; and there is suddenly fear in my voice。 But I know what she will answer。 For I knew; personally; the greatest evil that ever walked the Earth。 Still; Alanda's words chill me to the bone。
  〃Landulf cannot be overe by force;〃 she says。
  My lower lip trembles。 〃Landulf is dead。 He died a long time ago。〃
  〃Perhaps。 Perhaps not。 But certainly his work lives on。 You met a sample of it tonight in the desert。 There are more of them emerging at this time; and they possess a sample of your blood。〃 She steps toward me; looks at me。 〃Do you know what that means?〃
  I snort。 〃Yeah。 It means they're tough sons of…bitches。〃
  Alanda is serious。 〃Yes。 They are tough。 And it was never intended that the negative side of harvest should possess such a powerful army of warriors。 In the ing years they will overwhelm your people; turn virtually everyone toward fear。 This will be the downfall for all who aspire to the light。 This fear will cause the negative harvest to be larger than it would have been。 In other words; your world is out of balance。〃
  〃And I caused this imbalance?〃
  Alanda sighs。 〃This must be difficult for you to hear。〃
  〃The truth is always better than illusions。〃 I pause。 〃Is it true?〃
  〃Yes。 You are the ultimate source of this cancer; and it must be rectified。〃
  〃Are you so sure?〃 I ask; trying to deny what I just heard。 It's too much for me; to be told that I am the scourge of mankind。 I feel as if I must run away。 Only my irrational love for her makes me stay。
  Alanda is gentle。 Her next word is not。 〃Yes。〃
  〃But how can you be sure?〃 I demand。
  〃Because my old and dear friend; I am from your future。〃
  I take a moment to absorb her statement。 〃What is it like?〃
  Now she stutters。 〃In ruins。〃
  I am shocked。 〃This world?〃
  The life leaves her voice。 〃This entire sector of the galaxy。 When so much of Earth fails; much else fails later。〃 Alanda steps close to me; puts her hands on my shoulders; her eyes in my soul。 〃We have e back for you; Sita; to ask you to help us。 To ask you to go back to the days of Landulf。 To relive those days; and keep him from doing to you what he desired。〃
  The prospect fills me with horror。 〃But I can't remember what he did to me!〃
  〃You will; I promise; when you travel back to that time。〃
  〃No。〃 I shake my head; feeling my guts turn to ice。 〃That is one thing I cannot do。 Ask anything of me but that。〃
  Alanda strokes the side of my face。 〃You are afraid。〃
  Again I brush her off and turn aside。 〃Yes;〃 I say in a shaky voice。 〃And I don't understand why。 I can't understand why the simple thought of seeing him 
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