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  I am a very powerful vampire。 In the recent past several encounters have served to increase my abilities。 My creator; Yaksha; allowed me to drink his blood before he perished。 Yaksha; who originally made me a vampire five thousand years ago; was much stronger than I was。 His final transfusion of blood heightened my strength as well as my senses; both my physical senses and supernatural ones。 After that my blood was mingled; through the secret of ancient alchemy; with that of the divine child。 I am not exactly sure what this child's blood did for me because I am still not sure what this child can do。 Yet it did make me feel stronger; definitely more invincible。 Finally; before she died; my own daughter Kalika gave me her blood in order to save me。 And this last infusion has done amazing things for me。 Really; I feel I have bee my daughter; the irreproachable Kali avatar; and am capable of anything。 The feeling is both reassuring and disturbing。 With all this increase in power; I have to wonder if I have grown any wiser。
  I am still up to my old tricks。
  Killing for kicks; and for love。
  In a sense; since vampires are considered dead by living beings; I killed my friend; Seymour Dorsten; by making him a vampire。 But I only did this to prevent his certain death。 I have to wonder if Lord Krishna will forgive me this…the third exception to my vow to him。 I question if I am still protected by his divine grace。 Actually; I wonder if Krishna has allowed me to bee so powerful because he no longer intends to look after me。 It would be just like him; to bestow a boon and a curse in the same act。 God has a wicked sense of humor。 I once met Krishna and still think about him。
  At present I sit in a bar in Santa Monica with Seymour on the stool beside me。 We are drinking Cokes and chatting with a young lady; but Seymour is thinking of blood and sex。 I know his thoughts because; since drinking my daughter's blood; my mental radar has bee incredibly sensitive。 Before I could only sense emotions; now I get all the particulars。 And I know that while Seymour flirts with the young lady; the guy at the end of the bar; with the swan tattoo on his left wrist and the shine on his black wing tips; is thinking of murder。
  I have been watching this guy since I sat down; quietly reading his mind。 He has killed twice in the last month and tonight he wants to make it number three。 He prefers helpless young females; who silently scream as he slowly strangles them。 But even though I try to catch his eye…smiling; winking…I am not successful and that puzzles me。 I mean; I am cute and helpless looking; with my long blond hair and clear blue eyes; my tight blue jeans and my expensive black leather coat。 But I intend to kill this guy; oh yes; before the night is through。 He will die as slowly as his victims; and I will not feel a twinge of guilt。
  〃So what do you do when you're not partying?〃 the girl asks Seymour。 She is pretty in a lazy sort of way; with short red hair that has been cut to mimic that of a popular magazine model; and nervous glossy lips that need to be moving; either talking or drinking。 She is currently drunk but I do not judge her。 Her name is Heidi and I know to Seymour she is the second cutest thing in the world。 Since being a vampire; he has conquered his virginity and then some。 But I haven't slept with him; and I suppose that is why I'm still a goddess in his eyes。 Seymour leans close to Heidi and smiles sweetly。
  〃I'm a vampire;〃 he says。 〃Every night is a party to me。〃
  Heidi clasps her hands together and laughs heartily。 〃I love vampires;〃 she says。 〃Is your sister one as well?〃
  〃No;〃 I interrupt。 〃I have a day job。〃
  〃She works undercover for the LAPD;〃 Seymour continues。 〃She's really good; too。 Last week she caught this thief in the act and blew off the back of his head。〃
  Heidi frowns; her lower lips twitching。 〃Do you carry a gun?〃 she asks me。
  I sip my Coke。 〃No。 My hands are lethal weapons。〃 I know Seymour intends to sleep with this girl; and I don't mind。 But I don't want him to use his eyes to manipulate her into bed。 This is a warning I have repeatedly given him; that his vampiric will cannot be used to dominate human will in order to gain sex。 To me; that is just another form of rape; and so far Seymour has obeyed my rule。 Also; I have forbidden him to drink from his conquests。 He lacks the skill and control to stop feeding before he kills a person。 For that reason; when he has to drink blood; he does so with me beside him。 But unlike Ray; Seymour is not squeamish about blood。 He loves being a vampire so much so that he should have been born one。
  〃Do you know karate?〃 Heidi asks me。
  〃She is a walking Kung Fu machine;〃 Seymour gushes。
  I stand and cast Seymour a hard look。 〃I am going to go talk to this guy at the end of the bar。 I'll meet up with you later。 OK?〃
  Seymour understands that I intend to kill this guy。 He is not squeamish about blood; but death still disturbs him。 We have never actually killed any of his meals。 He pales slightly and lifts his glass。
  〃Let me know what you're up to;〃 he says。
  〃Good luck;〃 Heidi exclaims as I step past。
  〃Thank you;〃 I say。
  The guy at the bar notices my approach and makes room for me。 Sliding onto the chair beside him; I bat my long lashes and smile innocently。 I am sweet; the type I hope he enjoys。
  〃Hello;〃 I say。
  〃Good evening;〃 he replies。 He is terribly good looking; and young; twenty…two at most; with a Rolex on his wrist to cover his tattoo and a seductive smirk on his adorable face。 His hair is longish; brown and curly。 〃What's your name?〃 he asks。
  〃Alisa;〃 I say; not being too secretive because I know he won't live long enough to repeat it。 〃You?〃
  〃Dan。 What're you drinking?〃
  〃Coke。 I'm on a diet。〃
  He snorts。 〃What kind of diet is that?〃
  I laugh softly。 〃An all…sugar diet。 Do you e here often?〃
  He sips his scotch。 〃No。 To tell you the truth; this place bugs me。〃
  I'm already tired of making conversation。 I just want to kill him and be done with it。 Since inheriting Kalika's psychic abilities; I have gone out of my way to kill a few bad apples。 Of course; I have no intention of making it my life's work。
  〃Do you want to leave?〃 I ask。
  He acts surprised。 〃Who are you?〃 he asks; with an edge to his voice。
  I catch his eyes。 I have a very strong stare。 Just by looking at metal; I can make it turn to liquid。 I pitch my voice so there is no way he can refuse my invitation。
  〃Just a girl。 You're looking for a girl; aren't you?〃
  He finishes his drink and stands。 〃Let's go;〃 he barks。
  Out on the street; he walks fast toward a car he never seems to find。 I have to adopt a brisk pace to keep up with him。 People move past us in the dark; the nameless faces of a humanity I have known forever。 The summer air is warm。
  〃I have a car if you can't find yours;〃 I finally offer。
  He shrugs。 〃I just thought we'd take a walk first; get to know each other。〃
  〃Fine。 What do you do for a living?〃
  〃I'm a plumber。 What do you do?〃
  〃I'm an artist。〃
  He is amused。 〃Oh; yeah? Do you paint?〃
  〃I sculpt。 Statues。〃
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