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ree quarter million people who occupied Primordium。
  In the end; that was his undoing。
  But we'll e to that。
  First; let me tell you about Zarles Kreiger; who came from the lowest strata of the city。 As a child; it was mon for him to eat at the Vomitorium; where…as in ancient Rome…the rich food disgorged by the wealthy and overfed could be purchased for a small amount of money; and consumed a second time。 It was Kreigcr's good fortune that such a life of poverty did not kill him。 By some physical paradox; experiences that would have reduced most men to shadows of their former selves; served to strengthen Zarles。 By the time he was thirteen he was already larger than all his older brothers。 And along with his physical prowess came something else: a curiosity about how the infinitely corrupt city in which he lived actually worked。 Without understanding the trap in which he was caught; he reassured; he would never be able to escape from it。
  At the age of fourteen he became a runner for a gangster in the East City called Duraf Cascarellian; and quickly elevated himself in the criminal's employ; simply because he was willing to do anything requested of him。 In return; Cascarellian treated Keiger like a son; protecting him from capture by sending men out after Kreiger to clean up after one of his murders。 Kreiger was a messy killer。 Not for him the simple slit across the throat。 He liked to use scythes; first disembowelling his victims then strangling them with their own entrails。
  Now such behaviour does not go unnoticed for long; even in a city as filled with excesses as Primordium。 And Kreigcr's reputation was increased considerably by the fact that the hits Cascarellian was having him make were often political。 Judges; congressmen; journalists who were critical of the Emperor: these were often Kreiger's victims。 Personally; he cared not at all about the affiliation of his victims。 Blood was blood as far as Kreiger was concerned; and he took the same pleasure in it whether it poured from the flesh of a Republican or a Royalist。
  Then he met a woman called Lucidique; and all that changed。
  Lucidique was the daughter of a Senator who had been lately plaining in open forum about the fact that the city was running into a state of decadence。 The Perfetto Dynasty was using the people's taxes to fund its own pleasures; the Senator argued: it had to stop。
  The order quickly came down from the Emperor: rid me of this Senator。 Cascarcllian; not giving a damn about the philosophical issues; but happy to oblige his Emperor; sent Kreiger out to kill the political troublemaker。
  Kreiger went to the Senator's estate; caught him in the garden amongst his roses; gutted him and carried him inside。 He was in the act of arranging the Senator's body on the dinner table; when Lucidique entered。 She was naked; having just e from bathing。 But she was also prepared for the intruder。 She carried two knives。
  She circled Kreiger; an he stood amongst the blood and the innards of her father。
  〃If you move I'll kill you;〃 she said。
  〃With two table knives?〃 Kreiger said; slicing the air with his scythes。 〃Go back to your bath and forget I was here。〃
  〃This was my father you just murdered!〃
  〃Yes。 I see the resemblance。〃
  〃I would have thought a man like you would have thought twice about taking a knife to my father's throat。 He wanted to overthrow the Empire so that you and your like would not be exploited。〃
  〃Me and my like? You don't know anything about me。〃
  〃I can guess;〃 Lucidique said。 〃You were born in filth; and you've lived in filth so long you don't even see what's going on right in front of you。〃
  Kreiger's expression changed。 〃So perhaps you do know a little;〃 he said his voice uneasy。 The woman's confidence unnerved him。 〃I will leave you to mourn your father;〃 he said; retreating from the table。
  〃Wait!〃 the woman said。 〃Not so quickly。〃
  〃What do you mean: wait? I could kill you in a heartbeat if I wanted to。〃
  〃But you don't want to; or you would have done it。〃
  〃What's your name?〃
  〃So then; what do you want from me?〃
  〃I want you to e with me; into the filthiest streets of Primordium。〃
  〃Believe me; I've seen them。〃
  〃Then you show me。〃
  It was the strangest walk a man and a woman ever took together。 Though Kreiger had washed the Senator's blood from his face; hands and arms he still stank of murder。 And here he was; walking beside the daughter of the man he'd just murdered; wrapped in dark linen。
  Together; they saw the worst of Primordium: the disease; the violence; and the grinding; unrelieved poverty。 And every now and then Lucidique would point to the walls and the towers of the Emperor's Winter Palace; any one room of which contained sufficient wealth to clear the slums of the city; and feed every starving child。
  And for the first time in many; many years Kreiger felt some measure of real emotion; remembering circumstances of his own up…bringing; left to sit in the open sewers of Primordium's streets while his mother sold her drug…riddled body to one of the guards of the Emperor's guards。 There was anger in him as he walked。 And it steadily grew。
  〃What do you want me to do?〃 he said; frustrated by what he felt; and his own helplessness。 〃I could never get to the Emperor。〃
  〃Don't be so sure。〃
  〃What do you mean?〃
  〃You're right; the Dynasty is untouchable as long as you're just a man; a scabby little assassin hired to kill overweight Senators。 But suppose you could be more than that? Then you could bring the Dynasty down。〃
  Lucidique gave Kreiger a sideways glance。 〃It's nothing I can show you here。 Besides; I have a father to bury。 If you want to know more; then meet me tomorrow night outside the Western Gates。 e alone。〃
  〃If this is some kind of trap。。。〃 Kreiger said; 〃。。。some way to revenge your father。。。then before they take me I'll cut out your eyes。〃
  Lucidique smiled。 〃You make such pretty love…talk;〃 she said。
  〃I mean it。〃
  〃I know。 And I wouldn't be so stupid as to conspire against you。 Quite the reverse。 I believe we were meant to know one another。 I was meant to walk in on your killing my father; and you were meant to hold your hand off and not kill me。 There's some connection between us。 You feel it; don't you?〃
  Kreiger looked at the dirty street between them。 The night had been filled with feelings he had not anticipated experiencing。 And now here was another; admitting to the strange intimacy he felt for the daughter of the man he'd murdered。
  〃Yes;〃 he said。 〃I feel it。〃 Then; after a long silence: 〃What time tomorrow night?〃
  〃Sometime after one。〃 Lucidique told him。 〃I'll be there。〃
  The following day the streets of Primordium were alive with gossip and speculation: the death of the Senator had started all kinds of rumours。 Was this murder the first indication that the Emperor would put up with no more moves towards democracy in the city? Believing this to be the case many members of the Senate left Primordium hurriedly; in case they were next on the Emperor's hit li
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