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er。 She would have happily murdered a saint if he'd looked at her in some fashion that irritated her。
  And one night; just for the hell of it; she killed the three Generals; Montefalco; Bogoto and Urbano; who were by now fat and old and put up little protest at her arrival。
  Another night; she went to find Kreiger's killer; The Blind One。
  She found him in the cemetery; weeping from his slit eyes; the weary tears of a man who weeps every night; but knows no cure for them。 She watched him for a while; while he wept and ate the dead。 Then she left him to his suffering。
  It was cruel; of course; to let him live; when she could have put him out of his misery with a well placed blow。 But why should she dispense mercy; when no one had ever been merciful to her? Besides; it pleased her to know that there were three monsters in Primordium。 The Mongroid (whom she'd also gone to view in his excremental kingdom) in the sewers; Venal Anatomica in the charnel houses; she in her father's mansion。 I had a certain neatness。
  Sometimes; when she became lonely; she thought about going out into the desert; and lying down beside Kreiger's mummified corpse; letting the sand smother her。 But something stopped her from doing it。 Perhaps she'd have to watch the city of Primordium burn down first; or feel insanity creeping up her spine。
  Until then; she would live out her destiny; in blood and tears and loneliness; in the knowledge that she was named in the prayers of tens of thousands of God…fearing citizens every night; who begged the Lord to keep them and their faces safe from her。 
  It was a land of immortality。


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