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tp.wyrd sisters-第39章

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 'Leave me a bit;' shouted Magrat。 'I've got to get down!'
 'Shouldn't be difficult;' screamed Granny; above the noise of the wind。
 'I mean get down safely!'
 'You're a witch; ain't you? By the way; did you bring the cocoa? I'm freezing up here!'
 Magrat nodded desperately; and with her spare hand passed up a straw bag。
 'Right;' said Granny。 'Well done。 See you at Lancre Bridge。'
 She uncurled her fingers。
 Magrat whirled away in the buffeting wind; clinging tightly to a broomstick which now; she feared; had about as much buoyancy as a bit of firewood。 It certainly wasn't capable of sustaining a full…grown woman against the beckoning fingers of gravity。
 As she plunged down towards the forest roof in a long shallow dive she reflected that there was possibly something plimentary in the way Granny Weatherwax resolutely refused to consider other people's problems。 It implied that; in her considerable opinion; they were quite capable of sorting them out by themselves。
 Some kind of Change spell was probably in order。
 Magrat concentrated。
 Well; that seemed to work。
 Nothing in the sight of mortal man had in fact changed。 What Magrat had achieved was a mere adjustment of the mental processes; from a bewildered and slightly frightened woman gliding inexorably towards the inhospitable ground to a clearheaded; optimistic and positive thinking woman who had really got it together; was taking full responsibility for her own life and in general knew where she was ing from although; unfortunately; where she was heading had not changed in any way。 But she felt a lot better about it。
 She dug her heels in and forced the broomstick to yield the last dregs of its power in a brief burst; sending it skimming erratically a few feet from the trees。 As it sagged again and started to plough a furrow among the midnight leaves she tensed herself; prayed to whatever gods of the forest might be listening that she would land on something soft; and let go。
 There are three thousand known major gods on the Disc; and research theologians discover more every week。 Apart from the minor gods of rock; tree and water; there are two that haunt the Ramtops … Hoki; half a man; half a goat; and entirely a bad practical joker; who was banished from Dunmanifestin for pulling the old exploding mistletoe joke on Blind Io; chief of all the gods; and also Herne the Hunted; the terrified and apprehensive deity of all small furry creatures whose destiny it is to end their lives as a brief; crunchy squeak 。 。 。
 Either could have been candidates for the small miracle which then occurred; for … in a forest full of cold rocks; jagged stumps and thorn bushes … Magrat landed on something soft。
 Granny; meanwhile; was accelerating towards the mountains on the second leg of the journey。 She consumed the regrettably tepid cocoa and; with proper environmental consideration; dropped the bottle as she passed over an upland lake。
 It turned out that Magrat's idea of sustaining food was two rounds of egg and cress sandwiches with the crusts cut off and; Granny noticed before the wind whipped it away; a small piece of parsley placed with consideration and care on top of each one。 Granny regarded them for some time。 Then she ate them。
 A chasm loomed; still choked with winter snow。 Like a tiny spark in the darkness; a dot of light against the hugeness of the Ramtops; Granny tackled the maze of the mountains。
 Back in the forest; Magrat sat up and absent…mindedly pulled a twig from her hair。 A few yards away the broomstick dropped through the trees; showering leaves。
 A groan and a small; half…hearted tinkle caused her to peer into the gloom。 An indistinct figure was on its hands and knees; searching for something。
 'Did I land on you?' said Magrat。
 'Someone did;' said the Fool。
 They crawled nearer to one another。
 'What are you doing here?'
 'Marry; I was walking along the ground;' said the Fool。 'A lot of people do; you know。 I mean; I know it's been done before。 It's not original。 It probably lacks imagination but; well; it's always been good enough for me。'
 'Did I hurt you?'
 'I think I've got one or two bells that won't be the same again。'
 The Fool scrabbled through the leafmould; and finally located his hated hat。 It clonked。
 'Totally crushed; i'faith;' he said; putting it on anyway。 He seemed to feel better for that; and went on; 'Rain; yes; hail; yes; even lumps of rock。 Fish and small frogs; okay。 Women no; up till now。 Is it going to happen again?'
 'You've got a bloody hard head;' said Magrat; pulling herself to her feet。
 'Modesty forbids me to ment;' said the Fool; and then remembered himself and added; quickly; 'Prithee。'
 They stared at one another again; their minds racing。
 Magrat thought: Nanny said look at him properly。 I'm looking at him。 He just looks the same。 A sad thin little man in a ridiculous jester's outfit; he's practically a hunchback。
 Then; in the same way that a few random bulges in a cloud can suddenly bee a galleon or a whale in the eye of the beholder; Magrat realised that the Fool was not a little man。 He was at least of average height; but he made himself small; by hunching his shoulders; bandying his legs and walking in a half…crouch that made him appear as though he was capering on the spot。
 I wonder what else Gytha Ogg noticed? she thought; intrigued。
 He rubbed his arm and gave her a lopsided grin。
 'I suppose you haven't got any idea where we are?' he said。
 'Witches never get lost;' said Magrat firmly。 'Although they can bee temporarily mislaid。 Lancre's over that way; I think。 I've got to find a hill; if you'll excuse me。'
 'To see where you are?'
 'To see when; I think。 There's a lot of magic going on tonight。'
 'Is there? Then I think I'll acpany you;' the Fool added chivalrously; after peering cautiously into the tree…haunted gloom that apparently lay between him and his flagstones。 'I wouldn't want anything to happen to you。'
 Granny lay low over the broomstick as it plunged through the trackless chasms of the mountains; leaning from side to side in the nope that this might have some effect on the steering which seemed; strangely; to be getting worse。 Falling snow behind her was whipped and spiralled into odd shapes by the wind of her passage。 Rearing waves of crusted snow; poised all winter over the glacial valleys; trembled and then began the long; silent fall。 Her flight was punctuated by the occasional boom of an avalanche。
 She looked down at a landscape of sudden death and jagged beauty; and knew it was looking back at her; as a dozing man may watch a mosquito。 She wondered if it realised what she was doing。 She wondered if it'd make her fall any softer; and mentally scolded herself for such softness。 No; the land wasn't like that。 It didn't bargain。 The land gave hard; and took hard。 A dog always bit deepest on the veterinary hand。
 And then she was through; vaulting so low over the last peak that one of her boots filled with snow; and barrelling down towards the lowlands。
 The mist; never far away in the mountains; was back again; but this time it was making a fight of it and had bee a thick; silver sea in front of her
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