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tp.wyrd sisters-第10章

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 'I have other things to see to;' she said。 'Please excuse me。'
 'What's his name?' said Vitoller。
 'Tom;' said Granny; hardly hesitating。
 'John;' said Nanny。 The two witches exchanged glances。 Granny won。
 'Tom John;' she said firmly; and swept out。
 She met a breathless Magrat outside the door。
 'I found a box;' she said。 'It had all the crowns and things in。 So I put it in; like you said; right underneath everything。'
 'Good;' said Granny。
 'Our crown looked really tatty pared to the others!'
 'It just goes to show; doesn't it;' said Granny。 'Did anyone see you?'
 'No; everyone was too busy; but…' Magrat hesitated; and blushed。
 'Out with it; girl。'
 'Just after that a man came up and pinched my bottom。' Magrat went a deep crimson and slapped her hand over her mouth。
 'Did he?' said Granny。 'And then what?'
 'And then; and then…'
 'He said; he said…'
 'What did he say?'
 'He said; 〃Hallo; my lovely; what are you doing tonight?〃 '
 Granny ruminated on this for a while and then she said; 'Old Goodie Whemper; she didn't get out and about much; did she?'
 'It was her leg; you know;' said Magrat。
 'But she taught you all the midwifery and everything?'
 'Oh; yes; that;' said Magrat。 'I done lots。'
 'But…' Granny hesitated; groping her way across unfamiliar territory … 'she never talked about what you might call the previous。'
 'You know;' said Granny; with an edge of desperation in her voice。 'Men and such。'
 Magrat looked as if she was about to panic。 'What about them?'
 Granny Weatherwax had done many unusual things in her time; and it took a lot to make her refuse a challenge。 But this time she gave in。
 'I think;' she said helplessly; 'that it might be a good idea if you have a quiet word with Nanny Ogg one of these days。 Fairly soon。'
 There was a cackle of laughter from the window behind them; a chink of glasses; and a thin voice raised in song: …with a giraffe; If you stand on a stool。 But the hedgehog…' Granny stopped listening。 'Only not just now;' she added。
 The troupe got under way a few hours before sunset; their four carts lurching off down the road that led towards the Sto plains and the big cities。 Lancre had a town rule that all mummers; mountebanks and other potential criminals were outside the gates by sundown; it didn't offend anyone really because the town had no walls to speak of; and no…one much minded if people nipped back in again after dark。 It was the look of the thing that counted。
 The witches watched from Magrat's cottage; using Nanny Ogg's ancient green crystal ball。
 'It's about time you learned how to get sound on this thing;' Granny muttered。 She gave it a nudge; filling the image with ripples。
 'It was very strange;' said Magrat。 'In those carts。 The things they had! Paper trees; and all kinds of costumes; and…' she waved her hands … 'there was this great big picture of forn parts; with all temples and things all rolled up。 It was beautiful。'
 Granny grunted。
 'I thought it was amazing the way all those people became kings and things; didn't you? It was like magic。'
 'Magrat Garlick; what are you saying? It was just paint and paper。 Anyone could see that。'
 Magrat opened her mouth to speak; ran the ensuing argument through her head; and shut it again。
 'Where's Nanny?' she said。
 'She's lying out on the lawn;' said Granny。 'She felt a bit poorly。' And from outside came the sound of Nanny Ogg being poorly at the top of her voice。
 Magrat sighed。
 'You know;' she said; 'if we are his godmothers; we ought to have given him three gifts。 It's traditional。'
 'What are you talking about; girl?'
 'Three good witches are supposed to give the baby three gifts。 You know; like good looks; wisdom and happiness。' Magrat pressed on defiantly。 'That's how it used to be done in the old days。'
 'Oh; you mean gingerbread cottages and all that;' said Granny dismissively。 'Spinning wheels and pumpkins and pricking your finger on rose thorns and similar。 I could never be having with all that。'
 She polished the ball reflectively。
 'Yes; but…' Magrat said。 Granny glanced up at her。 That was Magrat for you。 Head full of pumpkins。 Everyone's fairy godmother; for two pins。 But a good soul; underneath it all。 Kind to small furry animals。 The sort of person who worried about baby birds falling out of nests。
 'Look; if it makes you any happier;' she muttered; surprised at herself。 She waved her hands vaguely over the image of the departing carts。 'What's it to be … wealth; beauty?'
 'Well; money isn't everything; and if he takes after his father he'll be handsome enough;' Magrat said; suddenly serious。 'Wisdom; do you think?'
 'That's something he'll have to learn for himself;' said Granny。
 'Perfect eyesight? A good singing voice?' From the lawn outside came Nanny Ogg's cracked but enthusiastic voice telling the night sky that A Wizard's Staff Has A Knob On The End。
 'Not important;' said Granny loudly。 'You've got to think headology; see? Not muck about with all this beauty and。 wealth business。 That's not important。'
 She turned back to the ball and gestured half…heartedly。 'You'd better go and get Nanny; then; seeing as there should be three of us。'
 Nanny was helped in; eventually; and had to have things explained to her。
 'Three gifts; eh?' she said。 'Haven't done one of them things since I was a gel; it takes me back … what're you doing?'
 Magrat was bustling around the room; lighting candles。
 'Oh; we've got to create the right magical ambience;' she explained。 Granny shrugged; but said nothing; even in the face of the extreme provocation。 All witches did their magic in their own way; and this was Magrat's house。
 'What're we going to give him; then?' said Nanny。
 'We was just discussing it;' said Granny。
 'I know what he'll want;' said Nanny。 She made a suggestion; which was received in frozen silence。
 'I don't see what use that would be;' said Magrat; eventually。 'Wouldn't it be rather unfortable?'
 'He'll thank us when he grows up; you mark my words;' said Nanny。 'My first husband; he always said…'
 'Something a bit less physical is generally the style of things;' interrupted Granny; glaring at Nanny Ogg。 'There's no need to go and spoil everything; Gytha。 Why do you always have to…'
 'Well; at least I can say that I…' Nanny began。
 Both voices faded to a mutter。 There was a long edgy silence。
 'I think;' said Magrat; with brittle brightness; 'that perhaps it would be a good idea if we all go back to our little cottages and do it in our own way。 You know。 Separately。 It's been a long day and we're all rather tired。'
 'Good idea;' said Granny firmly; and stood up。 'e; Nanny Ogg;' she snapped。 'It's been a long day and we're all rather tired。'
 Magrat heard them bickering as they wandered down the path。
 She sat rather sadly amidst the coloured candles; holding a small bottle of extremely thaumaturgical incense that she had ordered from a magical supplies emporium in faraway Ankh…Morpork。 She had been rather looking forward to trying it。 Sometimes; she thought; it would be nice if people could be a bit kinder 。 。 。
 She stared at the ball。
 Well; she could 
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