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 〃For tonight; it's sufficient that Anita is my lupa; and that's not going to change。 We'll discuss everything else later。〃
 〃I say we put it to a vote whether the pack wants to go back to being a dictatorship;〃 Jacob said。
 〃If you don't have someone set that nose; it may heal crooked;〃 I said。
 He glared at me。 〃You stay out of this。〃
 Richard called up a man with short brown hair and a neat mustache。 He shrugged a backpack off his shoulders and began taking out medical supplies。 〃Fix his nose;〃 Richard said and then turned to Sylvie。 〃When he's bandaged up; pick some people and escort Jacob to the oubliette。〃
 There were murmurings in the crowd。 One clear voice that I hadn't heard before said; 〃You can't do that。〃
 Richard looked up; searching the crowd; and they fell silent under his gaze。 His power rolled out from him like a burning invisible fog; something that clung to your skin and made it hard to breath。 They avoided his eyes; some even dropped down into submissive postures; their bodies low to the ground; eyes rolled up; arms and legs held close; making themselves seem small and defenseless; clearly asking not to be hurt。
 〃I am Ulfric here。 If there is any among you that disagree with that; then you are free to challenge the next in line; and the next after that; until you are Freki; then declare yourself Fenrir; and you can challenge me。 If you kill me then you can be Ulfric; and you can set any damn policy you want。 Until that time; shut the fuck up and follow my orders。〃
 I don't think I'd ever heard Richard cuss。 The silence was thick enough to cut。 It was Jacob who cut it; like I knew he would。 He pushed the mustached doctor away impatiently; while the shorter man tried to pack his nose with what looked like gauze。 〃Anita shows back up; and so does your backbone。 Does she kill and torture for you like Raina did for Marcus?〃
 Richard's fist struck out in a blur that I couldn't follow。 It was almost magical。 One moment Jacob was standing; the next moment he was on the ground with his eyes rolled back inside his head。
 Richard turned to the rest of them; the dried blood decorating his nude upper body; his hair turned to spun bronze in the torchlight。 His eyes had gone wolf amber; and looked more gold than normal against his darker than usual summer tan。 〃I thought we were people; not animals。 I thought we could change the old ways and make something better。 But we all felt it tonight when Anita and her leopards melded。 Something safe and good。 I've tried to be temperate and kind; and look where it's gotten us。 Jacob said Anita is my backbone。 No; but she's doing something right; something that I've missed。 If you won't take kindness; then we'll have to try something else。〃 He looked at me with those alien eyes; and said; 〃Let's go get your leopard。 We need to get him out of the oubliette before Jacob es to。〃 And he stalked off through the trees and left the rest of us to trail after。 There was no question about what to do next。 We followed Richard into the trees。 We followed the Ulfric; because you're supposed to follow your king; if he's worthy of the name。 For the first time ever I thought maybe; just maybe; Richard was going to be Ulfric after all。
 THE OUBLIETTE WAS a rounded metal lid set in the ground。 The metal lid sat in the middle of a clearing scattered with tall; thin trees。 Honeysuckle bushes ringed the lid on one side; leaves were so thick on the ground that the area looked untouched。 I would never have found it if I hadn't known it was there。
 Oubliette is French for a little place of forgetting; but that's not a direct translation。 Oubliette simply means little forgetting; but what it is; is a place where you put people when you don't plan on ever letting them out。 Traditionally it's a hole where once you push someone in they can't get out。 You don't feed them; or water them; or talk to them; or anything to them。 You just walk away。 There's a Scottish castle where they found an oubliette that had literally been walled up and forgotten; discovered only during modern remodeling。 The floor was littered with bones and had an eighteenth…century pocket watch in among the debris。 It had an opening where you could see the main dining hall; could have smelled the food; while you starved to death。 I remembered wondering if you could hear the person screaming from the dining hall while you ate。 Most oubliettes are more isolated; so that once you put him away; you never have to worry about the prisoner again。
 Two of the werewolves in nice human form knelt by the metal and began unscrewing two huge bolts in the lid。 There was no key。 You screwed the lid in place and just walked away。 Fuck。
 The lid lifted off; and it took both of them to carry it away。 Heavy; just in case the drugs didn't keep the adrenaline from pumping enough and cause the change。 Even in animal form you'd still have a hard time getting through the lid。
 I walked to the edge of the hole; and the smell drove me back。 It smelled like an outhouse。 I don't know why it surprised me。 Gregory had been down there for what; three days; four? In the movies they talk about you starving to death; the romantic stuff  if such horror is really romantic  but no one ever talks about your bowels moving; or the fact that when you have to go; you have to go。 It's not romantic; it's just humiliating。
 Jamil brought a rope ladder and attached it with large metal clips to the side of the hole。 The ladder fell away into the darkness with a dry; slithery sound。 I forced myself to crawl back to the edge of the oubliette。 I was prepared now for the smell; and underneath the ripe smell of life in too small a space was a dry smell; a dry; dusty smell。 The smell of old bones; old death。
 Gregory wasn't the strongest person I knew; not even one of the top hundred。 What had it done to him to lie there in the dark with the stench of old bones; old death; pressed against his body? Had they explained to him how they'd leave him there to die? Had they told him every time they screwed the lid back in place that they weren't ing back; except to drug him?
 The hole was like a perfect blackness; darker than the star…filled night sky; darker than anything I'd seen in a long time。 It was wide enough for Richard's broad shoulders to have scooted down into the dark; but barely。 The longer I stared at it; the narrower it seemed to bee; as if it were some great black mouth waiting to swallow me down。 Have I mentioned that I'm claustrophobic?
 Richard came to stand beside me; peering down into the hole。 He had an unlit flashlight in his hand。 Something must have shown on my face; because he said; 〃Even we need some light to see by。〃
 I held my hand out for the flashlight。
 He shook his head。 〃I let this happen。 I'll get him out。〃
 I shook my head。 〃No。 He's mine。〃
 He knelt beside me and spoke softly; 〃I can smell your fear。 I know you don't like close places。〃
 I stared back into the hole and let myself acknowledge just how afraid I was。 So afraid that I could taste something flat and metallic on my tongue。 So afraid that my pulse was hammering in my throat; like a trapped thing。 My voice came out calm; normal。 I was glad。 〃It do
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