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; and we were bound to each other by Jean…Claude's marks; and I carried a piece of his beast inside me。 I had to know。 I had to know if I could have with Richard what I had with Micah。
 My hand moved through the power; and it was like shoving it into an electric socket。 The energy was so strong; it bit along my skin。 I was reaching for his shoulder; a nice neutral place to touch someone; when he rolled off the side of the throne and was suddenly standing beside it。 He'd moved so fast I couldn't follow with my eyes。 I'd seen the beginning of the movement and the end; but the middle  I'd blinked and missed it。
 〃No; Anita;〃 he said; 〃no; if we can't ever touch again; I don't want to feel your beast。 We may not be the same animal; but it will be more than anything we've ever had between us。 I couldn't bear it。〃
 I let my hand fall to my side and stepped back far enough from the throne for him to regain his seat。 I wasn't apologizing again; but I wanted to。 I wanted to cry for both of us; or scream。 I know the universe has a sense of irony; and sometimes you get reminded just how sadistic that can be。
 I would finally have to accept his furry half; because I'd have one of my own。 I could be Richard's nearly perfect lover; at long last; and we could never touch each other again。
 RICHARD WAS SITTING on his throne again; and I was standing back far enough for him to feel safe。 Rafael; Micah; and Reece had all moved up beside me; a half…circle of kings at my back。 It should have made me feel secure。 It didn't。 I was tired; so terribly tired; so terribly sad。 Even with Micah at my back; I couldn't stop looking at Richard; couldn't stop wondering; what if。 Oh; I knew; I'd never have allowed him to make me a werewolf on purpose; but a small part of me wondered。 But I told that small part to shut up; and I got down to business。
 〃I want Gregory back unharmed。 How do I do that; according to lukoi law?〃
 Richard said; 〃Jacob。〃 That one word sounded as tired as I felt。
 Jacob stepped forward; obviously pleased with himself。 〃Your leopard is here on our land; and we've done nothing to hide his scent trail。 If you can track him; you can take him home。〃
 I raised my eyebrows at him。 〃I have to follow a scent trail like a dog?〃
 〃If you were a true shapeshifter; you could do it;〃 Jacob said。
 〃This isn't a fair test;〃 Rafael said。 〃She hasn't had her first change。 Most of our secondary powers don't appear until after our first full moon。〃
 〃It doesn't have to be scenting;〃 Richard said; 〃but it must be something that only a shapeshifter could do。 Something that only a shifter powerful enough to truly be Nimir…Ra; or lupa; could do。〃 He was looking at me when he said it; and there was something in his eyes; something he was trying to tell me。
 〃That doesn't sound very fair either;〃 Micah said。
 Richard kept looking at me; willing me to understand him。 I didn't know why he didn't just drop his shields and let me see his mind。
 Almost as if Richard had read my mind; he said; 〃No werewolf or wererat or wereleopard; no one can aid you in finding your leopard。 If anyone interferes in any way; then the test is invalid; and he'll die。〃
 〃Even if that help is metaphysical?〃 I asked。
 Richard nodded。 〃Even if。〃
 I looked at him; studied his face; and frowned。 I finally shook my head。 I'd had a vision of where Gregory was; and under what circumstances; but it gave me no real clue。 All I really needed to do was ask someone where a hole was with bones at the bottom。 But I couldn't ask anyone there。 Then I had an idea。
 〃Can I use my own metaphysical abilities to aid me?〃
 Richard nodded。
 I looked at Jacob; because I knew the objection would e from him; if anyone。 〃I don't think your necromancy is going to help you locate your leopard。〃
 Actually; it might have。 If the bones Gregory was lying on were the largest burial sight in the area; then I might be able to track the bones and find him。 Or I might spend all night chasing after piles of buried animals or old Indian graves。 I had a faster way; maybe not better; but faster。
 I sat down on the ground; Indian fashion; resting my hands lightly on my knees。
 〃What are you doing?〃 Jacob asked。
 〃I'm going to call the munin;〃 I said。
 He laughed; a loud bray of sound。 〃Oh; this should be good。〃
 I closed my eyes; and I opened that part of me that dealt with the dead。 I've heard Marianne and her friends describe it to be like opening a door; but it's so much a part of me that it's more like unclenching a hand; like opening something in my body that is as natural as reaching across the table for the salt。 That might sound like an awfully mundane description of something mystical; but the mystical stuff truly is a part of everyday life。 It's always there; we just choose to ignore it。
 The munin are the spirits of the dead; put into a sort of racial memory bank that can be accessed by lukoi who have the ability to speak with them。 It's a rare ability; to my knowledge no one in Richard's pack could do it。 But I could。 The munin are just another type of dead; and I'm good with the dead。
 In Tennessee; the munin of Verne and Marianne's pack had e quickly and eagerly  so very close to being real ghosts; crowding around me; eager to speak。 I'd practiced until I could pick and choose who would join with me and be able to municate。 It was close enough to channeling or mediumship that Marianne had suggested I could probably do this with normal ghosts; if I wanted。 I didn't want to。 I didn't like sharing my body with another being; dead or alive。 Creeped me out; yes it did。
 I waited to feel the press of the munin spreading around me; like a ghostly card deck that I could shuffle and pick the very card I wanted。 Nothing happened。 The munin did not e。 Or rather a gathering of munin did not e。 There was always one munin that came when I called; and sometimes when I didn't。
 Raina was the only munin of Richard's pack that traveled with me always。 Even in Tennessee; surrounded by munin from a different clan line; Raina was still there。 Marianne said that Raina and I had a etheric bond; though she wasn't sure why。 I'd managed to call munin hundreds of years old; and Raina; the very recently dead; came with more than ease。 But Marcus; the previous Ulfric; remained elusive。 I'd thought with my newfound control I'd be able to call him; but not only was Marcus not there; no one was there。 The clearing was empty of spirits。 It shouldn't have been。 This was the spot where they consumed their dead; each pack member eating the flesh to take on the memories and courage; or faults; of the recently dead。 They could choose not to feed; but it was like the ultimate exmunication。 Raina had been a bad person; and I wondered sometimes what exactly you had to do to get exmunicated from the lukoi。 Raina had been so bad that I would have let her go; but she was powerful。 Maybe that's why she was still hanging around。
 Though hanging around implied she was like the phantoms of Verne's pack; and she wasn't。 She was internal to me; as if she poured out from inside my body; rather than pouring into me from outside。 Marianne still couldn't explain why it worked that way for Raina 
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