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 〃That is a very long story。〃
 Merle leaned over us。 He spoke so low that I almost couldn't hear him。 〃Be very careful for all our sakes。〃
 They had some very serious eye contact。 I said; 〃What is going on?〃
 Micah raised my hand and laid a brief kiss on the knuckles。 〃Let's save your Gregory。 That has to be priority tonight; right?〃
 He smiled and tried to charm his way out of the stare I was giving him。 I stared at him until the smile faded from his face and he dropped my hand。 〃Yeah; saving Gregory is priority for tonight; but I want to know what's going on。〃
 〃One problem at a time;〃 Micah said。
 I was getting the very distinct feeling that if they all could have lied to me forever; they would have。 It wasn't lying; as much as hiding things from me。 Things that had to do with blood and pain; and no matter how powerful they all were; Micah's pard wasn't a family; wasn't whole。 Strangely; as messed up as me and my leopards were; we were a family。 More so than Richard and his wolves; even。 Richard was so busy fighting his moral battles and his power structure problems that there wasn't time for mending other things。
 〃Give me the Reader's Digest condensed version; Micah;〃 I said。
 〃Gregory is waiting for you to rescue him。〃
 〃So give me a couple of sentences; but make it the truth; Micah。〃
 〃Micah;〃 Merle said softly; but with force to his voice。 It was a warning。
 I looked at the big man。 〃What are you guys hiding; Merle?〃
 Micah touched my arm; brought my attention back to his face。 〃I told you that once we were taken over by a very bad man; who still wants us。 I'm searching for someplace strong enough to keep us safe。〃
 〃Are you saying this guy will e looking for you here in St。 Louis?〃
 〃Yes;〃 he said。
 〃Most alphas can take a hint;〃 I said。
 Micah shook his head。 〃This one won't。 He will never give us up。〃 He gripped my arm。 〃If you take us on; you'll have to deal with him eventually。〃
 〃Is he bulletproof?〃 I asked。
 The question seemed to confuse him; because he frowned。 〃No; I mean; no; I guess not。〃
 I shrugged。 〃Not a problem then。〃
 He looked at me。 〃What do you mean? That you'll just kill him?〃
 It was my turn to look at him。 〃Is there any reason I shouldn't?〃
 He almost smiled; stopped; then frowned again。 〃Just kill him; just like that。〃 It was almost as if he were thinking it over; as if it had never occurred to him。
 Merle said; 〃He's a hard man to kill。〃
 〃Unless he's faster than a silver bullet; Merle; nobody's that hard to kill。〃
 Rafael came slowly through the leopards; Claudia and Igor trailing him。 〃We've all been thinking of your leopards as lesser than us。 What I just saw makes me envious。〃
 〃I know how the wolves work;〃 I said。 〃And I know that they don't have a sense of home。 First Raina and Marcus made them afraid of each other; now Richard's morals have him struggling to be safe。 But you and yours seem pretty secure。 How different is what I've done with my leopards from what everyone else is doing?〃
 〃I've benefited from your loyalty; your sheer stubbornness。 What I didn't realize until tonight is that you didn't save me just because I was your friend; or just because it was the right thing to do。 You didn't risk yourself and your people to save me from torture because of the kind of moral rightness that Richard is fond of。 You saved me because you could not bear the thought leaving me behind。〃 He touched my face; very gently。 〃Not from a sense of right and wrong; but because you are just that tenderhearted。〃
 I looked at him。 〃I've been called a lot of things; but never that。〃
 He chucked me under the chin like you would a child。 〃Don't make light of one of your better qualities。 You love your people like a mother is supposed to love her children。 You want what's best for them; even if that makes you unfortable; even if you don't like their choices。〃
 I had to look away from the wonderment on his face; like he was looking at somebody else that couldn't be me。 〃You have never been their leopard queen in body; but you shamed us all tonight。 It's not seeing your closeness to Micah that will torment Richard; though that will burn。 It's that you gave us a glimpse of what we are all striving for; for our clans。 Richard believes his moral rightness will get him where your leopards already are。〃
 I looked up at him。 〃My pard is not a democracy; and I have a hell of a lot more than just presidential veto when it es to decisions。〃
 〃Richard knows that; better probably than anyone; and that will gall him; Anita。 It will make him doubt himself。〃
 I shook my head。 〃Richard always doubts himself when it es to the lukoi。 He'll never have surety about them until he has surety about who and what he is。〃
 〃First I have to accept the fact that you're kindhearted; now I have to accept the fact that you're insightful as well。 I knew you were powerful; ruthless; and pretty; but that you have a mind and a heart besides is going to take some getting used to。〃
 〃Does everyone pretty much think I'm just a sociopath who happens to have magical abilities?〃
 〃It's all you let people see;〃 he said; 〃until now。〃 He gazed out towards the circle of faces still turned to us。 I saw a kind of hunger in their faces; and I knew that they had felt what I'd felt; a sense of true belonging; of being home within the circle  not of bricks or mortar  but of flesh; of hands to grasp; arms to hold; smiles to share。 So simple; so rare。
 All these months I'd been worried I'd fail the wereleopards。 I thought failure meant them dying; or getting hurt。 What I realized suddenly was that the true failure would have been if I hadn't given a damn。 You can bandage a wound; set a broken bone; but not caring 。。。 you can't cure that; and you can't recover from it。
 THE LUPANAR WAS a large clearing 100 yards by 150 yards。 The clearing appeared to be flat; but actually it sat in a large smooth valley between hills。 You couldn't notice it at night; but I knew that just beyond the trees that ringed the far side of the lupanar were steep hills。 It had taken me more than one visit to find what lay beyond the trees。
 Now all vision stopped at the far edge of the clearing。 Torches that rose man…high were stuck into the ground on either side of the stone throne。 The throne was a huge chair carved of rock; so old that there were places on the arms where countless generations of Ulfrics had touched it and worn away the stone。 Probably the back and seat of the chair were worn as well; but they were covered by a spill of purple silk; suitably royal。 There was something very primitive about the huge stone chair and its spill of cloth caught between the wavering golden light of the torches。 It looked like a throne for some ancient barbaric king; someone who should wear animal skins and a crown of iron。
 Werewolves; most  but not all  in human form; stood or crouched in a huge circle。 There was one opening in the circle; which we walked through。 The werewolves flowed behind us; like a door of flesh closing。 The wererats spread around behind us and to either side; but we all knew if it came to a fight; we were outmatched; and outflanked。
 Rafael and two very large wererats stood to
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