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t and a pair of faded black jeans。 Her dark hair was caught back in a tight ponytail; leaving her face clean and startling with not a touch of makeup on it。
 〃This is Claudia。 She's going to be one of your enforcers for the night;〃 Rafael said。
 I opened my mouth to protest; but he stared me into silence。 His face so serious。 〃You have wereleopards; but only Micah has bodyguards。 We can't afford to lose you Anita; not for something stupid like this。〃
 〃If I can't take care of myself; then what good is my threat?〃
 〃Richard will have his Sk?ll and Hati。 I will have my guards。 Micah has his。 Only you are without escort。 Raina kept the wereleopards as an adjunct to the werewolves。 They never really grew into a full pard; not really。 Even Micah's people added to yours don't have the right personnel for a working pard。 You have too many submissives and not enough dominants。 So tonight you will have Claudia and Igor。〃
 Zane said; 〃We can take care of Anita。〃
 〃No we can't;〃 Nathaniel said。
 I stared at him。 He touched my arm。 〃Take the help; Anita; please。〃
 〃We can protect her;〃 Micah said。
 Merle echoed him。
 〃And if you have to choose between saving Micah; or saving Anita; which one will you choose?〃 Rafael asked。
 Merle looked away; but Noah said; 〃Micah。〃
 〃Won't your rats feel just as torn between you and Anita as my leopards would?〃 Micah asked。
 〃No; because I'll have bodyguards。 My rodere; my gang; runs high to enforcers and professional soldiers。 Why do you think that Raina and Marcus agreed to the treaty when Richard brought it to them? They'd never have allied with us if we weren't stronger than just our numbers。〃
 〃I don't 。。。 〃
 He actually touched my mouth with his finger。 〃No; Anita。 When this is over; and you are truly Nimir…Ra; then you will need to advertise for enforcers of your own。 Until then; I'll share。〃
 I moved his hand away from my mouth。 〃I don't think this is necessary。〃
 〃I do;〃 he said。
 〃I agree;〃 Cherry said。
 Finally; Micah said; 〃Agreed。〃 Merle and Noah both gave him a funny look; then exchanged glances with each other。
 〃I haven't agreed to this;〃 I said 。。。
 Nathaniel leaned into me; and said; 〃If you don't give in on this we'll still be standing here an hour from now。〃
 I frowned at him。
 He smiled and shrugged。
 I turned to the bodyguard in question。 She just looked at me; face impassive; as if it didn't matter to her one way or another。 A man moved up beside her。 He was about two inches shorter than she was; broader through the shoulders; and had so many tattoos that for a second I thought he was wearing a colorful long…sleeved shirt。 His tank top was small and strained over the swell of his chest。 Jeans and work boots pleted his outfit。 He was bald; with a tattoo of a dragon curling around his ears and the back of his skull。 Even by starlight you could see the design of the tat was oriental and well done。
 〃How do you guys feel about putting your life on the line for someone you just met?〃
 〃You saved our king's life;〃 the man said。 〃We owe you a life。〃
 〃Even if it's your own;〃 I said。
 〃Them's the breaks;〃 he said。
 I stared up at the woman。 〃You agree with that?〃
 〃Like Igor says; we owe you one。〃
 It always made me unfortable when people were willing to put my safety ahead of their own。 I just wasn't really fy with the concept of bodyguards; but; what the hell? I put my hand out。 They exchanged glances between them; then shook my hand。 Igor touched me like he was afraid I'd break; and Claudia tried to squeeze hard enough to make me cry uncle。 I didn't。 I smiled pleasantly at her; because I knew she wouldn't really hurt me。 She just wanted to see if I'd squirm。 My pleasant smile made her frown; but she let go of my hand。 My hand actually ached just a little; and if my healing powers weren't up to it; I'd be bruised in the morning。 Damn。
 Rafael turned to some of his rats; giving instructions; leaving me alone with the two bodyguards。 〃Is Igor your real name?〃 I asked。
 〃Nickname;〃 he said。
 〃What's your real name?〃
 He smiled and shook his head。
 〃What could be worse than Igor?〃 I asked。
 His smile widened to a grin。 〃Wouldn't you like to know?〃
 It made me smile; and some tightness in my chest eased。 You'd almost think I was relieved to have bodyguards of my own。 Naw; not me。 I didn't need no stinking bodyguards。 I probably wouldn't need them; but extra muscle is like extra ammunition。 If you need it; it's good to have it; if you don't need it; then it can always go back in the box。
 Truth was; I felt more protective of my leopards than protected by them。 Sad; but true。 And I didn't entirely trust Merle; or Noah; or even Micah。 He was keeping things from me; and I didn't like that。 Some women are just never satisfied。
 Rafael moved off through his people; giving them soft…voiced instructions。 Micah moved up closer to me; with Merle and Noah at a very attentive distance。 I looked at Micah and suddenly couldn't be this close and not touch him。 I reached my hand out to him; his eyes widened; but he took my hand。 His hand slid over mine in a play of pulsing warmth that almost took my breath away。 I watched a similar reaction play on his face。 What was going on? I drew my hand out of his; and it was like pulling it through melted taffy; so thick。
 I looked up to find that; except for Claudia and Igor; we were surrounded by wereleopards; his and mine。 The moment I met Nathaniel's eyes the power jolted through me。 I turned from him to Cherry; and her pale eyes widened The power was so thick it was like trying to breath something liquid; as if it hurt for the air to go down。 The power leaped between me and Zane; Vivian and Caleb; who was next in the circle。 Caleb; who I didn't particularly like。 But as soon as I searched his face; the power leaped between us; just as it had with the others。
 He gasped; hand going to his chest; as if he'd felt it like a blow there。 His voice came out strangled。 〃What are you doing?〃
 〃She is being Nimir…Ra;〃 Micah said。
 I turned back to him; but in the turning crossed Noah's gaze first。 The power stretched between me and this stranger; and the fear showed on his face。 I was strangely calm; it felt right; good。 Gina moved closer to Merle; and that drew my gaze。 The power swung through her; from her。 We were all like some great circuit of energy; sharing; flowing; growing。 Tears trailed down Gina's face; she cried softly; clinging to Merle's arm。 I met his eyes last; as if I was supposed to; and he tried to turn away; but it wasn't a matter of locking gazes; it was a matter of my attention going to him。 The power; my power; my beast; noticing him。
 The power lashed through him; because he fought it。 He tried to shield; but he couldn't shield from this。 It wasn't that I was strong enough to force him。 I didn't try to push。 It was more that the power recognized him; and something; maybe his beast; resonated with the power。 He turned slowly to stare at me; and the look on his face was pained。 It didn't hurt; it felt warm and good and frightening。
 The power grew; wound tight and tighter; until it filled the air around us。
 Claudia said; 〃What the hell are you doing?
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