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ter of how powerful your aura was and how you could reinforce it。 She said the only reason I'd been able to get by with that for as long as I had was that I was simply that powerful。 But the shielding goes outside the aura like a wall around a castle; an extra defense。 The innermost defense is a healthy aura。 Hopefully by the end of the night I'd have one of those。
 I turned the corner and found a line of people that stretched down the block。 Great; just what I needed。 I didn't stop at the end of the line; I kept walking towards the door; hoping I'd think of something to tell the doorperson when I got there。 I didn't have time to wait through all this。 I was about halfway up the line when a figure pushed out of the crowd and called my name。
 It took me a second to recognize Jason。 First; he'd cut his baby…fine blond hair short; businessman short。 Second; he was wearing a sheer silver mesh shirt and a pair of pants that seemed mostly made of the same stuff。 Only a thin line of solid silver ran over his groin。 The outfit was so eye…catching that it took me a moment to realize just how sheer the cloth was。 What I was really seeing wasn't the silver; but Jason's skin through a veil of glitter。 The outfit; which left precious little to the imagination; ended in calf…high gray boots。
 I had to make myself look at his face; because I was still shaking my head over the outfit。 The outfit didn't look fortable; but of course; Jason rarely plained about his clothes。 He was like Jean…Claude's little dress…up werewolf; as well as morning snack。 Sometimes bodyguard and sometimes a fetch…and…carry boy。 Who else could Jean…Claude get to stand out in the cold; nearly naked?
 Jason's eyes looked bigger; bluer somehow; without all the hair to distract your eye。 His face looked older with the shorter hair; the bone structure cleaner; and I realized that Jason was perilously close to that line between cute and handsome。 He'd been nineteen when we met。 Twenty…two looked better on him。 But the outfit  there was nothing to do but grin at the outfit。
 He was grinning at me; too。 I think we were both happy to see each other。 In leaving Richard and Jean…Claude I'd left their people behind; too。 Jason was Richard's pack member; and Jean…Claude's lap wolf。
 〃You look like a pornographic space man。 If you were wearing street clothes; you might have gotten a hug;〃 I said。
 His smile flashed even wider。 〃I guess I'm dressed for punishment。 Jean…Claude told me to wait for you and take you in。 My hand's already got a stamp on it so we can just go straight inside。〃
 〃A little cold for the clothes; isn't it?〃
 〃Why do you think I was standing deep in the crowd?〃 He offered me his arm。 〃May I escort you inside; my lady?〃
 I took his arm with my left hand。 Jason put his free hand on top of mine; doing a double hold。 If that was the worst teasing he did tonight; then he'd grown up some。 The silver cloth was rougher than it looked; scratchy where it rubbed against my arm。
 As Jason led me up the steps; I had to look behind him。 The cloth that covered his groin was only a thin thong at the back; leaving nothing but a fine glitter over his butt。 The shirt was not attached to the pants; so as he moved I got glimpses of his stomach。 In fact the shirt was loose enough through the shoulders that when he took my arm the shirt pulled to one side; revealing his smooth; pale shoulder。
 The music hit me at the door like a giant's slap。 It was almost a wall we had to move through。 I hadn't expected Narcissus in Chains to be a dance club。 But except for the patrons' clothing being more exotic and running high to leather; it looked like a lot of other clubs。 The place was large; dimly lit; dark in the corners; with too many people pushed into too small a space; moving their bodies frantically to music that was way too loud。
 My hand tightened just a touch on Jason's arm; because truthfully I always feel a little overwhelmed by places like this。 At least for the first few minutes。 It's like I need a depth chamber between the outside world and the inside world; a moment to breath deep and adjust。 But these clubs are not designed to give you time。 They just bombard you with sensory overload and figure you'll survive。
 Speaking of sensory overload; Jean…Claude was standing near the wall just to one side of the dance floor。 His long black hair fell in soft curls around his shoulders; nearly to his waist。 I didn't remember his hair being that long。 He had his head turned away from me; watching the dancers; so I couldn't really see his face; but it gave me time to look at the rest of him。 He was dressed in a black vinyl shirt that looked poured on。 It left his arms bare; and I realized I'd never seen him in anything that bared his arms before。 His skin looked unbelievably white against the shiny black vinyl; almost as if it glowed with some inner light。 I knew it didn't; though it could。 Jean…Claude would never be so déclassé as to show such power in a public place。 His pants were made of the same shiny vinyl; making the long lines of his body look like they had been dipped into liquid patent leather。 Vinyl boots came up just over his knees; gleaming as if they'd been spit polished。 Everything about him gleamed; the dark glow of his clothes; the shining whiteness of his skin。 Then abruptly he turned as if he felt me gazing at him。
 Staring full into his face; even from across a room; made me catch my breath。 He was beautiful。 That heartrending beauty that was masculine but treaded the line between what was male and what was female。 Not exactly androgynous; but close to it。
 But as he moved towards me; the movement was utterly male; graceful as if he heard music in his head that he quietly danced to。 But the walk; the movement of his shoulders  women did not move like that。
 Jason patted my hand。
 I jumped; staring at him。
 He put his mouth close enough to my ear to whisper…shout above the music; 〃Breathe; Anita; remember to breathe。〃
 I blushed; because that was how Jean…Claude affected me  like I was fourteen and was having the crush of my life。 Jason tightened his grip on me; as if he thought I might make a run for it。 Not a bad idea。 I looked back; and saw that Jean…Claude was very near。 The first time I saw the blue…green roil of the Caribbean; I cried; because it was so beautiful。 Jean…Claude made me feel like that; like I should weep at his beauty。 It was like being offered an original da Vinci; not just to hang on your wall and admire; but to roll around on top of。 It seemed wrong。 Yet I stood there; clutching Jason's arm; my heart hammering so hard I almost couldn't hear the music。 I was scared; but it wasn't knife…in…the…dark scared; it was rabbit…in…the…headlights scared。 I was caught; as I usually was with Jean…Claude; between two disparate instincts。 Part of me wanted to run to him; to close the distance and climb his body and pull it around me。 The other part wanted to run screaming into the night and pray he didn't follow。
 He stood in front of me; but made no move to touch me; to close that last small space。 He seemed as unwilling to touch me as I was to touch him。 Was he afraid of me? Or did he sense my own fear and fear he might s
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