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ead and looked away。 〃It wasn't sex I wanted。 I wanted to feed。〃
 〃No。〃 Elizabeth came crowding close。 〃No; you can't be Nimir…Ra for real; not for real。〃 There was something close to panic on her face。 I could smell her fear。 She moved close enough that our bodies almost touched; and I could hear her heart thundering。
 〃Be afraid; Elizabeth; be very afraid;〃 I said。
 She half…turned away from me; and Micah said something at the same time which is my only excuse for not seeing her fist ing。 She rocked me back against the side of the Jeep; filling my mouth with blood and making my knees go weak。 Only Cherry catching me around the waist kept me standing。 The world swam in black and white streamers for a second。 When my vision cleared Elizabeth was being held by Micah and Noah; the bodyguard。
 I pushed myself upright and stepped away from Cherry。 She kept hold of my arm; and I let her for a second while I let the last of the vertigo slip away。 I put a hand to my mouth and came away with blood。
 Merle moved up to take Elizabeth's arm; and Micah came to stand in front of me。 〃Are you alright?〃
 〃I'll be okay。〃
 He touched my bare arms。 It was the lightest brush of fingertips; but it made me shiver。 My nipples grew hard; and there was nothing I could do to hide the sudden reaction。
 I looked at him; and I didn't have to look up for it; not even an inch。 〃I don't know you; why 。。。 〃
 His arms slid behind my back; pressed our bodies together; and I suddenly couldn't get enough air。 〃I am your Nimir…Raj; Anita。 There is no shame in that。〃
 〃You say Nimir…Raj like other people say husband。〃
 He ran one hand through my hair; until his fingers were tight to my scalp; the other hand at the small of my back。 〃Our souls resonate like the sound of two perfect bells;〃 he whispered; as his mouth hovered over mine。 The ment was so romantic it was stupid; and I should have laughed at it; but I didn't。
 He kissed me; a push of his lips; then his tongue slipped into my mouth。 I knew when he tasted my blood; because his hands tightened on my body and his body reacted against me。 He was too large for me not to feel him grow hard between our bodies。
 I ran my hands over his arms; his shirt; and it wasn't enough。 I wanted to touch his bare skin to mine; to drink in every inch of him; into every inch of me。
 He kissed me as if he would drink me in; and I knew that part of the excitement was the fresh blood。 I pulled his shirt out of his pants and ran my hands up his back。 But it wasn't enough。
 He drew back from the kiss; and I pulled his shirt over his head。 Just pressing our bare chests against each other was better。 It was as if my skin craved his skin。 I'd never felt anything like it。
 We held each other; both breathing too hard; our arms locked around each other; faces pressed to each other's shoulders; his breath hot on my neck。
 〃We don't have time for more;〃 he whispered。
 I nodded; my head still against his neck。 It wasn't like I'd been planning on more; but 。。。 〃I had to touch my skin to yours; why?〃
 〃I told you; you are my Nimir…Ra; and I am your Nimir…Raj。〃
 I pulled back enough to see his face。 〃That doesn't explain it to me。〃
 He held my face in his hands; making very serious eye contact。 〃We are a mated pair; Anita。 It's legend among the leopards that you can find your perfect mate; and from the first moment you have sex you're bound; more than marriage; more than law。 We will always crave each other。 Our souls will always call to each other。 Our beasts will always hunt together。〃
 It should have scared me; but it didn't。 It should have made me angry; but it didn't。 I should have felt a lot of things; but all I really felt was that he was right; and I didn't even want to try and talk him out of it。
 〃Richard's going to love this;〃 Elizabeth said。
 Merle and Noah took her down to her knees; in an abrupt gesture that had to hurt a little。 I looked at her。 〃Thanks for reminding me what I was about to do; Elizabeth。 I got distracted。〃 I drew away from Micah; my fingers trailing down his arm; as if I couldn't quite bear to let go of him。
 〃Let her go; boys。 She's my problem; not yours。〃
 They looked to Micah; who nodded。 Elizabeth stayed on her knees; as if uncertain what to do。 She tried to get one of them to help her to her feet; but they ignored her and left her to stand on her own。
 I took time to put my bra on as I walked back to my Jeep; the shoulder holster still flapping around my waist。 I slipped it over my naked skin; and it was not fortable; but I didn't want to take the time to put my shirt on。 I knew what I was going to do now。
 I walked to my Jeep; and everyone waited in the dark while I unlocked the door; scooted into the passenger seat; opened my glove partment; and got out a spare clip of lead bullets。 I'd started carrying an extra clip of lead bullets in the Jeep since I ran afoul of a few rogue fairies。 You can shoot the fey with silver all day and it won't do much。 But lead; they didn't like lead。 Lead also had other uses; because it wouldn't kill a wereanimal。 Only silver would do that。 I walked back towards them; popping out the clip that was in the gun as I moved。 I put the clip in my pocket; though it didn't fit well; and shoved the new clip home until it clicked。
 Elizabeth finally started looking worried when I was about two cars away。 Anyone else would probably have been running; but mon sense wasn't one of Elizabeth's strong suits。 I had actually pointed the gun at her while I very calmly walked closer; before she said; 〃You wouldn't dare。〃
 I stared down the barrel of the gun at her; and I felt nothing。 It was a big; cold empty place inside me  utterly calm; peaceful。 But at the center of that empty peacefulness was a tiny kernel of satisfaction。 I'd been wanting to do this for a long time。
 I shot her twice in the chest; while she was still telling me I wouldn't shoot her。 She went over backwards; spine bowing; hands scrabbling at the road; legs kicking while she tried to breathe。
 Everyone had cleared a big space around her。 I stood over her and stared down while she tried to breathe; and her heart struggled to beat around the hole I'd put in it。 〃You keep saying I can't kill you like a real Nimir…Ra by tearing your throat out; or gutting you。 Maybe that's going to change soon but until then I can shoot you; and you'll be just as dead。〃
 Her eyes rolled desperately; while her body tried to cope with the damage。 Blood welled out of her mouth。
 〃This time it wasn't silver。 But fail me again; Elizabeth; in anything large or small; fail any member of this pard; and I will kill you。〃
 She'd finally gotten enough air to talk。 She spat out blood and the words; 〃Bitch; you don't even 。。。 〃 more blood; 〃have the guts 。。。 〃 dark blood from her mouth; 〃to shoot me for real。〃
 Staring down at her; I realized something I hadn't before。 Elizabeth wanted me to kill her。 She wanted me to send her to wherever Gabriel was。 She probably didn't realize that's what she wanted; but if it wasn't a death wish; it was close enough。
 She lay there and healed; and cursed me; and told me how weak I was。 I shot her in the chest again。 She writhed and jerked; and the pool 
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