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 I understood; the ardeur called to them too。 The were afraid to touch us。
 〃Feed;〃 I said。
 〃Non; ma petite。〃
 〃I can't fight her and the hunger。 Feed; and let me feed。〃
 〃You cannot break free of her; ma petite!''
 〃Help me!〃
 He looked across the bed at Asher; and I watched something pass between them; something built of sorrow and old regrets。 〃She is right; mon ami; she cannot fight Belle and the ardeur。〃
 〃She doesn't understand what she's asking;〃 Jean…Claude said。
 〃No; but she asks; and if we do not do it; we will always wonder。 I would rather try and fail; than regret having never tried at all。〃
 They stared at each other for a second or two; then Asher crawled onto the bed and Jean…Claude followed him。 Asher stretched out beside Nathaniel; and Jean…Claude mirrored him with Jason。 Belle Morte's joy flared through me; filled my eyes with honey…colored flames; and I lost my grip on Jason's wrist。 His hand slid back over me; but when I turned to look; I could see Jean…Claude through the dark glass of her eyes and Asher on the other side。 I knew that once they touched either pomme de sang they would be caught in the desire; and they would not break free。 It was a trap。 I opened my mouth to say; don't; but three things happened all at once。 They each struck into the neck of the man on their side; as if they'd known exactly what the other would do; and Jason forced me over that shining edge of orgasm。 I screamed; body bucking against the bed; and only their weight kept me from sitting up; from clawing the air; because it wasn't just my own pleasure I was feeling。 I felt Asher's fangs in Nathaniel's neck; felt Nathaniel's body build; build; and finally release in a rush of pleasure that made him bite down on my breast; made me score not his back; but Asher's with my nails。 Jason drew his mouth back from me and screamed。 The vampires rode their bodies; and I knew with Belle Morte's awareness that the only reason they didn't orgasm with us was the blood pressure wasn't there yet。 But the pleasure was。 The five of us were locked into wave after wave of pleasure。 Like the heat the ardeur was named for; it passed over and through us again and again。 It was like floating; skinless; formless; just above the bed; and I could feel their heartbeats inside my body。 Finally I could feel Jean…Claude and Asher; feel their hearts give a massive beat and feel the life flood through their bodies and spill in a long; hot; line of pleasure that seemed to be pulled from the soles of their feet to the tops of their heads; as if every piece of their bodies; every atom; exploded in pleasure at once。 Nathaniel; Jason; and I screamed for them; because their mouths were still locked on the blood; still drinking; still feeding。 Then it was over; and the five of us lay motionless; except for the frantic rise and fall of our chests; trying to breath; trying to remember what it was like to be inside our own skins; with just one heart inside us; instead of five。 We melted back into our own skins; only the faint dew of sweat and the panicked thunder of our pulses beating against each other's bodies。
 Jean…Claude and Asher pulled back from Nathaniel and Jason just as they'd bitten them  together; in a synchronization as perfect now as it had been two centuries ago。 Belle Morte filled my mind with images  images of the two of them making love to her before Asher was scarred; when they were her perfectly matched pair。 I had a confused image of them making love to her at the same time。 The feel of them pushing inside her; as perfectly aware then as now of where each other's bodies were; and of exactly what they would do。 She missed them; and it was partially my love of Asher; my seeing him as beautiful; that made her regret。 The sharing wasn't only one way; she was getting my feelings; too。 But I was myself again。 The desire had been well fed; sated; so now I could do what I did best。
 I called my magic; pulled it around me like a breath of cool wind against my sweat…soaked skin。 Nathaniel and Jason pulled back from me; eyes still unfocused。
 Jean…Claude and Asher raised up above each of the smaller men; their eyes as out of focus as the lycanthropes'; but Jean…Claude said; 〃Ma petite; what 。。。 〃
 I reached for him。 〃Take my hand。〃
 〃Ma petite 。。。 〃
 Belle's power cut through me like a whip in a practiced hand。 She'd been using it to tickle my skin; now she meant it to hurt。 I writhed on the bed; only Jason's and Nathaniel's weight keeping me from flailing。 My vision was being consumed by brown flames。
 A hand in mine; cool flesh; and the moment Jean…Claude touched me I could see again。 I was his human servant; he was my master; we were part of a triumvirate of power。 If Richard had been here we could have chased her back to the hell she crawled out of。 I sent the call in my head; screaming psychically for Richard; but the answer came against my skin。 Jason stared at me; confused。 He said; 〃Anita 。。。 〃 I felt Richard's power in Jason; the link of their pack。 The power of the triumvirate leaped between Jean…Claude's hand; my hand; and Jason's body。 It would work; it had to work; because I could feel Belle Morte rising inside me again; and I wasn't sure I had it in me to chase her back。
 I drew my necromancy like a great dark cloud; a storm ready to break; filling the room with the tingling brush of magic。 Nathaniel drew back; whispered; 〃Nimir…Ra。〃
 The power pressed like lightning in a bottle; but the bottle was my body; and there was no release without one more thing 。。。 blood。 The last time we'd done overt triumvirate magic I'd asked the boys to give me blood; watched as Jean…Claude had sunk fangs into Richard for the first time; but not today。 Today I needed the blood; I wanted the blood。 I would not share。
 I used my free hand to lower Jason's face towards me; but I didn't kiss him。 My mouth moved down the side of his cheek; and I whispered; 〃I need blood; Jason。 Say yes。〃
 He'd been holding himself off of me with his arms; but he whispered; 〃Yes;〃 and collapsed his upper body across my breasts; his hand sliding along my stomach as if he meant to do other things。 I could smell the blood just below the surface of his neck; could taste his pulse like candy on my tongue; and I bit him。 I wasn't a vampire。 There were no mind tricks to make it pleasant。 We weren't having sex anymore; there was no distraction; only my teeth tearing his flesh; his blood pouring into my mouth; and the moment the blood poured over me the necromancy flared and I pushed it into that honeyed touch。 She laughed at me; at us; then the laughter stopped; because she felt the push of my power。 I was a necromancer; and she was just another kind of vampire。 My magic didn't differentiate between her and any other corpse。 I shoved her out; cast her back; locked her outside us。 I'd been training in witchcraft this year; so I bound her from us; bound her from harming us in any way; bound her from contacting us through her power。 My last thought to her was; If you want to find out what the fuck is going on; pick up a phone。 Then she was gone。
 I WAS NAKED again。 It seemed to be a theme that night。 The five of us lay in a heap; breathi
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