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 〃I'm flattered;〃 I said。 〃I've heard you lecture。〃
 〃You came up and spoke to me afterwards;〃 he said。
 〃I'm flattered again。 You must meet thousands of people a year。〃
 He smiled and touched my left arm; ever so lightly。 〃But not many with scars to rival mine。 And none half so pretty in this line of business。〃
 〃Thanks。〃 He was at least two generations removed from me; so I figured his plimenting me wasn't so much flirting as habit。
 Zerbrowski was grinning at me; and his grin said he didn't think King was simply being polite。 I shrugged and ignored it。 I've found that if you pretend not to notice that a man is flirting with you; most of them will eventually grow tired and stop。
 〃It's good to meet you again; Ms。 Blake。 Especially alive。 But I know that you must be in a hurry if you're going to rescue your vampire boyfriend before dawn。〃 There was the faintest hesitation before the word boyfriend。 I studied his face and found it neutral。 There was no condemnation; nothing but a smile and goodwill。 After Dolph's little fit; it was kind of nice。
 〃Thank you for understanding。〃
 〃I'd love a chance to talk to you before I leave town;〃 he said。
 Again; I wondered if he was flirting; and I said the only thing I could think of。 〃pare notes; you mean?〃
 〃Exactly;〃 he said。
 I just did not understand my effect on men。 I wasn't that attractive  or maybe I just couldn't see it。 We shook hands; and he didn't hold my hand any longer than necessary; didn't squeeze it; or any of those funky things men do when they're interested。 Maybe I was just getting paranoid where men were concerned。
 Zerbrowski led me through the sea of desks to fetch Nathaniel。 The police woman; Detective Jessica Arnet; one of the newest members of the squad; was still entertaining Nathaniel at her desk。 She was gazing into his lilac eyes as if there was some hypnotic power in them。 There wasn't; but Nathaniel was a good listener。 That's rare enough in men for it to be a bigger selling point than an attractive body。
 〃e on; Nathaniel; we've got to go。〃
 He stood instantly but tossed a smile towards Detective Arnet that made her eyes sparkle。 Nathaniel's real…life job was as a stripper; so he flirted instinctively。 He seemed both aware and unaware of his effect on women。 When he concentrated; he understood what he was doing。 But when he simply walked into a room and heads turned; he was oblivious。
 I touched his arm。 〃Say good…bye to the nice detectives。 We've got to hurry。〃
 He said; 〃Good…bye; nice detectives。〃 I gave him a small push towards the doors。
 Zerbrowski followed us out。 I think if Nathaniel hadn't been with us he'd have asked more questions。 But he'd never met Nathaniel and wasn't sure of him。 So we moved in silence to the Prisoner Processing Area; where Jean…Claude was sitting on one of the three chairs。 Normally the processing area was full of people ing in; going out; and since it's the size of a walk…in closet; that makes it seem crowded。 The two vending machines took up room; but except for the prisoner processing clerk  the new name since turnkey fell out of fashion  behind his little barred bankteller window; the place was deserted。 But it was 3:30 in the morning。
 Jean…Claude rose when he saw me; his white shirt was stained; torn on one sleeve。 He didn't look like he'd been beaten; or hurt。 But he was usually a fanatic about his clothes。 Only something drastic would have changed that。 A struggle perhaps?
 I did not run to him; but I did wrap my arms around him; press my ear to his chest; hold on to him as if he were the last solid thing in the world。 He stroked my hair and murmured to me in French。 I understood enough to know he was glad to see me and that he thought I looked beautiful。 But beyond that it was just pretty noise。
 It wasn't until I felt Zerbrowski behind me that I pulled away; but when Jean…Claude's hand found mine; I weled it。
 Zerbrowski was looking at me as if he'd never seen me before。 〃What?〃 It came out hostile。
 〃I've never seen you be that 。。。 soft with anyone before。〃
 It startled me。 〃You've seen me kiss Richard before。〃
 He nodded。 〃That was lust。 This is 。。。 〃 He shook his head; glancing up at Jean…Claude; then back to me。 〃He makes you feel safe。〃
 I realized with a jolt that he was right。 〃You're smarter than you look; Zerbrowski。〃
 〃Katie reads self…help books to me。 I just look at the pictures。〃 He touched my right hand。 〃I'll talk to Dolph。〃
 〃I don't think it's going to help;〃 I said。
 He shrugged。 〃If Orlando King can have a conversion experience where the monsters are concerned; anybody can。〃
 〃What do you mean?〃 I asked。
 〃Have you ever read; or seen; any of his interviews before his accident?〃 Zerbrowski made little quote marks with his fingers when he said accident。
 〃No。 That was before I was interested in the topic; I think。〃
 He frowned at me。 〃I keep forgetting; you were still in diapers then。〃
 I just shook my head。 〃So tell me。〃
 〃King was one of the shining lights behind trying to get lycanthropes declared nonhuman; so they could be executed just for existing; without a trial。 Then he got cut up; and; lo and behold; he mellowed。〃
 〃Nearly dying will do that to you; Zerbrowski。〃
 He grinned at me。 〃It didn't make me a better man。〃 I'd held my hands over his stomach; kept his insides from spilling out; while we waited for an ambulance。 It had happened just before Christmas about two years ago。 Zerbrowski live and well had been all I put on my list to Santa that year。
 〃If Katie couldn't make you a better man; then nothing could;〃 I said。
 He grinned wider; then his face sobered。 〃I'll talk to the boss for you; see if I can get him to mellow without a near…death experience。〃
 I looked up into his serious face。 〃Just because you saw me hug Jean…Claude?〃
 I gave Zerbrowski a quick hug。 〃Thank you。〃
 He pushed me back towards Jean…Claude。 〃Better get him under wraps before dawn。〃 He looked past me to the vampire。 〃Take care of her。〃
 Jean…Claude gave a small bow from his neck。 〃I will take care of her as much as she allows it。〃
 Zerbrowski laughed。 〃Oh; he does know you。〃
 We left with Zerbrowski laughing; the clerk staring; and the night growing soft around us。 Dawn was ing; and I had so many questions。 Nathaniel drove。 Jean…Claude and I rode in back。
 I BUCKLED MY seat belt out of habit; but Jean…Claude stayed pressed to my side; arm around my shoulders。 I'd started to shake and couldn't seem to stop。 It was as if I'd been waiting for him so I could finally fall apart。 I didn't cry; just let him hold me while I shook。
 〃It is alright; ma petite。 We are both safe now。〃
 I shook my head against the stained front of his shirt。 〃It's not that。〃
 He touched my face; raised it to look at him in the soft…lighted darkness of the car。 〃Then what is it?〃
 〃I had sex with Micah。〃 I watched his face; waited for the anger; jealousy; something to flash through his eyes。 What I saw was sympathy; and I didn't understand it。
 〃You are like a vampire newly risen。 Even those of us who will be masters cannot fight our hunger the first night; or the first few nights。 It is overwhelming。 It is why many vampi
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