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。 My arms slid around his waist; using the pressure of our bodies to keep the towel in place。 He moved against my body; and his chest was so slick; so smooth rubbing against my breasts。
 He began to walk backwards with his arms locked behind me; moving us back towards the water。 My hands moved over the slick hardness of his back; sliding dangerously lower。 It was as if I wanted to press every inch of myself to him; to roll his body around me like a sheet and drink him in through the pores of my skin。
 I opened that link with Jean…Claude and found him sitting; waiting; patient。 I called for help; and distantly I heard his voice in my head。 〃It is all I can do; ma petite; to control my own appetites; you must control your own。〃
 〃What's happening to me?〃 Even as I asked; Micah moved his body that fraction away that allowed the towel to slide down; and when he quickly moved back; he was pressed against my groin and stomach; and it was déjà vu enough to draw a small sound out of my throat。
 Jean…Claude looked up; and I knew that he saw what was happening with Micah; that with a thought he could feel what was happening; as if it were his hands sliding down the slick; soaped skin。 My hand slid over the thick hardness of Micah。 He half…collapsed against me; as I caressed him; and I knew that it hadn't been my idea to touch him。 Jean…Claude had wanted to know what it felt like。 He drew away enough for me to move my hand; but the damage had been done。 Micah dragged me into the water; surer now than ever that I would say yes。
 Jean…Claude's voice in my head。 〃You can feed off his lust; but the price for that is that you will crave his lust; his sex。 It is the double…edged sword of being incubus。 The sword edge I have walked for centuries。〃
 〃Help me!〃
 〃I cannot。 You must ride this thing yourself。 And you will either conquer it; or be conquered。 You felt what happened when I interfered just now。 Because I have denied myself feeding through my body。 I knew you would not approve; so I denied myself。 And being inside your body while you touch him; while you feed; would be my undoing。 I crave you more than you will ever crave the man in your arms。 I have wanted to take your body in the way that only I could take it。 To feed from your sex; not from a vein。 But I knew that would frighten you more than blood。〃
 Micah turned me towards the wall; putting my hands up against the tile; pressing his body against my back。 Jean…Claude's voice was soft in my head; more intimate than Micah's touch。 〃I did not know you would gain this demon from me; ma petite; and nothing I can say will convince you of that。 I know that。 I await you here; until you have wrestled the demon; whatever the oute。〃 And he shielded from me; hid himself away so he would not feel what was happening; left me alone to make my choice; if I was still capable of choosing。
 I found I did have a voice and said; 〃Micah; stop; please stop。〃
 Micah licked the back of my neck; and I shuddered; pressed against the wet wall。
 〃Please; Micah; I'm not on birth control。〃 A clear thought at last。
 He bit softly at the back of my neck。 〃I had myself fixed two years ago。 You're safe with me; Anita。〃
 〃Please; Micah; please don't。〃
 He bit harder; just this side of drawing blood; and my body went passive; calm。 It was as if he'd hit a switch I didn't know I had。 When he pressed himself inside me; he was slick; and I knew that sometime when I'd been paying attention to Jean…Claude inside my head; he'd spread more soap on himself; allowing that thick hardness to slide more easily inside me。
 He pinned me to the wall and slid inside me; one tight inch at a time。 It wasn't that he was long so much as he was wide  wide enough that it was just this side of pain to have him work himself inside me; even with the soap。
 He pushed until most of him was inside me; and there was a stopping point。 Then he began to draw himself out; slowly; so slowly。 Then in again; slowly; still having to push himself; to work to make room for himself inside me。 I stood pinned against the wall; passive; unmoving。 It wasn't like me。 I moved during sex。 But I didn't want to move; didn't want to stop; and there was no thinking; just the feel of him moving in and out of me。 I wasn't as tight now; and the soap had given way to my own wetness; so that he began to move more smoothly in and out of me。 He was gentle; but he was so big that even gentle was almost overwhelming。 He came to the end of my body before the full shaft of him was inside me。 I could feel him bumping against my cervix at the end of each stroke。 Most women find having their cervix bumped painful; but some women find it pleasurable。 His size was intimidating; but when I realized it didn't hurt; in fact that it felt wonderful; a part of me that was still sane; still keeping track of some safety measures; relaxed and shut down。 My last measure of control went away。 I didn't want sex。 That was just a means to an end。 I wanted to feed。 I wanted to eat his lust; drink his heat; bathe in his energy。 The thought brought a sound low in my throat。
 Micah braced himself against the wall; his body pinning mine pletely; and began to find a rhythm; still gentle; but quicker。 He was being so careful of me; and I didn't want him careful。
 I heard a voice that didn't quite sound like mine。 〃Harder。〃
 His voice came out squeezed tight。 〃It will hurt if I do it harder。〃
 〃Try me。〃
 〃Micah; please; just do it; please。 If it hurts I'll tell you。 Please。〃 He'd been less controlled in the other room; and I realized why。 He truly was afraid of hurting me because he was inside me。 When he was just rubbing himself on my body; he hadn't had to worry about damaging me。 Now he did。 It gave him an edge of control that kept me from feeding。 He was a Nimir…Raj; and he had enough power to keep me out。 Unless he let down his guard。 To do that he had to lose more control than this。
 Even as I thought it; a part of me was swimming to the surface。 I could think again; at least a little。 I didn't want to do this。 I didn't want to feed off of him。 It was wrong; in so many ways it was wrong。 I started to say; 〃Micah; stop; I can't do this。〃 I got as far as; 〃Micah 。。。 〃 and he took me at my word。 He thrust into me so hard and fast it tore a scream from my throat and brought that new part of me that was Jean…Claude's hunger in a raging wave of heat that rode my body and spilled out my mouth。
 He'd stopped。 〃Are you alright?〃
 〃Don't stop。 Don't stop!〃
 He never asked again。 He drove himself inside me so fast and hard that it left me gasping; unable to catch my breath。 Small; helpless noises fell from my lips; spaced with the words; 〃Oh; God; yes; yes; Micah!〃 Every time he thrust as far as he could; smashing himself inside me; it rode that fine line between overwhelming pleasure and pain。 And just as the pleasure began to turn to pain; he'd withdraw; and I'd be able to breathe again。 Then he'd thrust himself inside me again; and it would start all over。
 It felt like he filled me up as if I were a cup; until there was nothing inside me but the feel of his body; the feel of his flesh pounding into mine。 It was tight; thick; like he'd plugged a hole
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