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getting back to the embarrassment。
 〃I told you we'd be out in a minute。〃 My voice sounded grumpy; and I was glad。 The fact that I was sort of clutching the towel to my body was purely coincidental。
 〃I heard you;〃 he said。 His face; voice; were neutral。 Not as neutral as a vampire's can bee。 They are the champs of blank expression。 But Micah was trying。
 〃Then wait outside until we're finished;〃 I said。
 〃Cherry is afraid of you;〃 he said。
 I frowned at him; then at her。 〃Why; for God's sake?〃
 Cherry looked at him; and he gave a small nod。 She moved away from me towards the door。 She didn't leave the room; but she got as far away from me as she could。
 〃What in hell is going on?〃 I asked。
 Micah was standing about four feet away; close; but not too close。 I could see his eyes better now; and they were so not human。 I knew at a glance that they didn't belong in his face。 〃She's afraid you'll kill the messenger;〃 he said; voice soft。
 〃Look; all this tap dancing is getting old。 Just tell me。〃
 He nodded; winced as if it hurt。 〃The doctors seem to think that you've been infected with lycanthropy。〃
 I shook my head。 〃Serpentine lycanthropy isn't really lycanthropy。 It's not a disease that I can catch。 You either are cursed by a witch into snake form; or it's inherited like a swanmane。〃 That made me think of the three women I'd last seen chained to a wall in the room of swords。 〃By the way; what happened to the swanmanes in the club?〃
 Micah frowned。 〃I don't know what you're talking about。〃
 Without warning; Nathaniel entered the shower。 I was beginning to feel positively overdressed in my towel。 〃We rescued them。〃
 〃The snake leader changed his mind after I got hurt?〃
 〃He changed it after Sylvie and Jamil nearly killed him。〃
 Ah。 〃So they're okay;〃 I said。
 He nodded; but his face stayed serious; his eyes gentle; like someone who's about to tell you really bad news。
 〃Don't you start; too。 I cannot catch serpentine shit。 It doesn't work that way。〃
 〃Gregory isn't into serpentine shit;〃 he said; the voice as gentle as his eyes。
 I blinked at him。 〃What are you talking about?〃
 Nathaniel started to e farther into the room; but Cherry caught his arm; kept him near the door for a quick getaway  I think。 Zane appeared in the doorway behind them。 He was still the six…feet; pale; overly thin; but muscular guy I'd met when he was trashing a hospital emergency room。 But he'd dyed his hair to an iridescent pale green; cut short; spiked。 The fact that he was fully dressed actually looked odd to me。 Of course; it was Zane's version of street clothes that ran to leather; no shirt; and vests。
 I looked at the three of them in the doorway。 They were so solemn。 I remembered Gregory falling into me during the fight。 His claws piercing me。 〃I've been cut up a lot worse by a wereleopard; and I didn't catch it;〃 I said。
 〃Dr。 Lillian thinks it may be because the wound was a deep piercing wound; instead of a surface cut;〃 Cherry said; in a voice that was almost shaky。 She was scared; scared of how I'd take the news; or scared of something else; but what?
 〃I am not going to be Nimir…Ra for real; guys。 I can't catch lycanthropy。 If I could 。。。 I've already been cut up enough 。。。 I'd have turned furry already。〃
 The three of them just looked at me with wide eyes。 I turned from them to Micah。 His face was still neutral; careful; but there was a shadow in his eyes of 。。。 pity。 Pity? I did not do pity; not as the object of it; anyway。
 〃You're serious;〃 I said。
 〃You're exhibiting all the secondary symptoms;〃 he said。 〃Rapid healing to the point that your muscles cramp。 A temperature hot enough to boil the brain of a human。 Yet when they lowered your temperature you nearly died。 You needed to bake in the warmth; the heat of your pard to heal。 That's how we healed you。 It wouldn't have worked if you weren't one of us。〃
 I shook my head。 〃I don't believe you。〃
 〃That's okay;〃 he said; 〃you've got two weeks until the full moon。 You won't change for the first time until then。 You've got time。〃
 〃Time for what?〃 I asked。
 〃Time to mourn;〃 he said。
 I turned away from the passion in his eyes; the pity。 Shit。 I still didn't believe it。 〃How about a blood test? That should prove it one way or the other。〃
 Cherry answered; 〃Wolf lycanthropy shows up in the bloodstream anywhere from twenty…four to forty…eight hours; sometimes seventy…two。 Leopard lycanthropy; most of the big cat lycanthropies; take anywhere from seventy…two hours to over eight days to show up in the bloodstream。 A blood test won't prove anything yet。〃
 I stared at them; trying to wrap my mind around it; and it just wouldn't wrap。 I shook my head。 〃I can't deal with this right now。〃
 〃You're going to have to deal with it;〃 Micah said。
 I shook my head。 〃Tonight; I have to get Jean…Claude out of jail。 I have to show the police he didn't murder me。〃
 〃Your pard told me that you wouldn't want to be outted。 That you wouldn't want your police friends to know。〃
 〃I am not a wereleopard;〃 I said。 It sounded stubborn even to me。
 Micah smiled; gently; and that pissed me off。 〃Don't look at me like that。〃
 〃Like what?〃 he asked。
 〃Like a poor little deluded girl。 There are things you don't understand about me; about where my power es from。〃
 〃You mean the vampire marks;〃 he said。
 I looked past him to the three wereleopards in the doorway。 Something on my face made them all flinch。 〃So nice to know that we're just one big happy family with no secrets。〃
 〃I was in on the discussions with the doctors on whether your rapid healing could be merely a side effect of the vampire marks;〃 he said。
 〃Of course it is;〃 I said。 But the first thread of doubt was worming its way through my stomach。
 〃If it will make you feel better;〃 he said。
 I stared into that passionate face and felt anger wash over me in a line of heat; and with the anger came that trembling energy。 Richard's beast 。。。 or mine? I let myself think the thought all the way through for the first time。 Was it my beast that I'd felt with Micah? Was that why I hadn't gotten a sense of where Richard was; and what he was doing? I'd thought of him several times during all the hoopla; but had never felt the mark between us open pletely。 I'd assumed it was Richard's energy; because it was lycanthrope energy。 But what if it hadn't been? What if it had been mine?
 Someone touched my arm; and I jumped。 It was Micah; his fingers barely touching my arm。 〃You look pale。 Do you need to sit down?〃
 I took a step back and nearly stumbled。 He had to grab my arm to keep me from falling on the slick; wet tile。 I wanted to jerk away from him; but I was dizzy as if the world wasn't quite solid。 He eased me to the floor。
 〃Put your head between your knees。〃
 I sat Indian fashion on the floor; the wall to my back; my head bent over my folded legs while I waited for the light…headedness to pass。 I never fainted。 Not just from shock  occasionally from blood loss  but never from shock。
 When I could think again; I raised up slowly。 Micah was kneeling beside me; all attentive and passionate; and I hated him。 I laid my towel…wrapped head back against the wall; closed my eyes。
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