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nter of some filled cake; as if once I gnawed away the flesh I would have something unutterably sweet。 I drew blood; and with the first touch of sweet metallic flavor in my mouth; all pretense; all prettiness was wiped away; drowned in the scent of fresh blood; the taste of torn flesh; the feel of meat and blood in my mouth。 The feel of his hands pressing my body against his; my legs wrapped around his waist; riding him。 I was aware like some distant call that he wasn't inside me; that he was still pressed between our bodies; so hard; so ready that he quivered against my stomach。 His breath came fast and faster。 Someone was making small animal noises; and it was me。
 Micah's fingernails dug into my body; an instant before he poured over me in a scalding wave; noises too primitive for words; and not loud enough for screams ing from his mouth。
 I felt Jean…Claude down that long metaphysical cord that bonded us together。 I felt him grow quiet and well fed; sated。 I drew my mouth away from Micah's torn throat; putting my cheek against his bare shoulder; my legs and arms still wrapped around him。 His arms still holding me tight。 I was covered in fluid; my breasts thick with it。 It ran down my body in heavy liquid lines; curling over my stomach; tracing down to my thighs。
 He knelt there supporting both our weights; while our breathing quieted; and the massive pulse of our bodies subsided into silence。 And in that silence there was nothing but the feel of his flesh; the raw scent of sex; and in the distance; the satisfaction of the vampire。
 THE SHOWER WAS one of those group ones; like you'd find in a health club。 But I was the only one in it。 I'd cleaned off; scrubbed myself thoroughly; but I felt like Lady MacBeth screaming 〃out; out; damned spot!〃 Like I'd never really be clean again。 I sat on the tiles under the hot; beating water; hugging my knees。 I hadn't planned on crying; but I was。 Slow tears that felt cool pared to the water pounding my body。 I wasn't sure why I was crying。 My mind was blank。 Usually when I try to be blank; I can't; but just then; there was nothing but the water; the heat; the smooth tiles; and the little voice in my head that kept running round and round like a hamster on a wheel。 I couldn't hear what the voice was saying  I think I didn't want to。 All I knew was that it was screaming。
 A noise behind me made me turn。 It was Cherry; still naked。 None of the leopards ever dressed unless I made them。 I turned my head away from her。 I didn't want her to see me cry。 I was her Nimir…Ra; her rock。 Rocks did not cry。
 I knew she was standing over me; could feel it; even before the water's rhythm changed。 She knelt over me; the water sluicing around her; leaving me shivering in the sudden touch of the cool; waterless air。 I kept my face turned away from her。 She touched my water…soaked hair。 When I didn't protest she hugged me; arms going slowly around me; as if she expected me to plain。
 I stayed stiff in her arms; with her body wrapped around me。 She just held me; head pressed to the top of mine; her body sheltering me from the water; leaving me colder; even as her body stretched like heat against my wet skin。 I leaned into her by painful inches until finally I let her hold me。 I cried; and Cherry held me。
 The crying never grew; or got loud。 It remained slow tears while Cherry held me; and I let her。 Finally; there were no more tears; just the sound of the water; the heat; the feel of Cherry's body around mine。 There was fort in the touch of flesh that went beyond sex。 I pulled away; and she drew back。 I stood and turned the water off。 The silence was sudden and plete。 I could feel the press of the night outside。 Even without a window; I knew it was the wee hours of morning  maybe two; or even three。 It would be dawn in a few short hours。 I needed to know why Jean…Claude was in jail。 Everything else could wait。 We had enemies in town; and I needed to know who they were; what they wanted。 After that I'd think about what had just happened; but not yet; not yet。 Avoidance is one of my best things。
 Cherry handed me a towel and kept one for herself。 I wound the towel around my hair and retrieved a second towel for my body。 We dried off in silence; no eye contact。 It wasn't shower protocol; girls aren't as hung up about that as guys。 I just didn't want to talk about what had happened。 Not yet。
 I wrapped the oversized towel securely around my body; and asked; 〃Why is Jean…Claude in jail?〃
 〃For murdering you;〃 she said。
 I stared at her for a few seconds; and when I could talk; I said; 〃Pass that by me again。 Slowly。〃
 〃Someone got pictures of Jean…Claude carrying you out of the club。 You were covered in blood; Anita。 He was covered in your blood。〃 She shrugged; drying off a spot she'd missed on one long leg。
 〃But I'm alive;〃 I said。 It sounded almost silly saying it。
 〃And how would you explain that in less than a week you were healed of wounds that should have killed you?〃 She straightened; slinging the towel over one shoulder; not bothering to cover even an inch of her body。
 〃I don't want him in jail for something he didn't do;〃 I said。
 〃If you go tonight; the police will want to know how you healed yourself。 What are you going to tell them?〃 Her eyes were very direct。 So direct it made me want to squirm。
 〃You're treating me like a lycanthrope who hasn't e out of the closet yet。 I'm not a shapeshifter; Cherry。〃
 She dropped her gaze then; wouldn't meet my eyes。 It reminded me of the looks they'd all given each other in the room where I woke up。 I touched her chin; having to reach up to do it。 〃What aren't you guys telling me?〃
 A man's voice came from outside the showers。 〃Can I please e in and clean off?〃 It was Micah。 I'd planned on running for the hills the next time I saw him; but there was something in Cherry's eyes that kept me frozen。 She was scared。 And there was something else; something I couldn't quite read。
 I yelled back; 〃Just a minute!〃 Then I continued; 〃Cherry; tell me。 Whatever it is; just tell me。〃
 She shook her head。 She was afraid; but of what? 〃Are you afraid of me?〃 I couldn't keep the surprise out of my voice。
 She nodded; looking down again; avoiding my gaze。
 〃I would never hurt you; any of you。〃
 〃For this you might;〃 she whispered。
 I grabbed her arm。 〃Cherry; damn it; talk to me。〃
 She opened her mouth; closed it; and turned towards the door a second before Micah Callahan walked through; as if she'd heard him before I had。 He was still naked。 I expected to be embarrassed; but I wasn't。 I was beginning to have the proverbial bad feeling about whatever it was that Cherry didn't want to tell me。
 Micah had bed his hair。 It was definitely curls; not waves。 The curls were tight; but not small。 The color was that shade of dark; dark brown  almost black  that es to people who start out white blond as children; then darken。 The curls fell to just below his shoulders; and; following the line of hair; my eyes found his chest。 I quickly moved them up so I could concentrate on his face。 Eye contact。 That was the ticket。 I was getting back to the embarrassment。
 〃I told you we'd be out in a minute。〃 My voice sounded grumpy;
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