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 He held his empty hands out towards me; palms up。 A nice traditional gesture to show that you are unarmed and harmless。 Yeah; right。 〃What can I do to make this right between us; Anita? I don't want war between our pards; and I have learned that you are interviewing alphas to take your place with your leopards。 I'm a Nimir…Raj。 Do you know how rare that is among the wereleopards? The best you're probably going to find elsewhere is a leopard lionné; a protector but not a true king。〃
 〃You applying for the job?〃
 He started walking towards me; and the room wasn't that big。 〃I'd be honored if you'd consider me for the job。〃
 I tried to hold up my left hand; but the arm spasmed too badly to plete the gesture。 But Micah got the idea; he stopped moving。 〃Let's start by you staying over there。 I've had about as much up close and personal with the two of you as I can handle。〃
 He Just stood there; hands still in that open see…I…mean…no…harm position。 〃We caught you off guard; I understand。〃
 I doubted he understood; but it was polite for him to pretend。 I'd never met a shapeshifter that had a problem sleeping in a big naked pile; like puppies。 Of course; I'd never met a brand…new one; yet。 Surely; there was a learning curve for this sort of fort level。
 My left arm was twitching badly enough that I took my right hand off the gun; out of my pocket; and tried to calm the involuntary movements。
 〃You're hurt;〃 he said。
 Every jump of muscle sent sharp little pains through my arm。 〃Getting clawed up will do that to you。〃
 〃I can make it feel better。〃
 I rolled eyes at him。 〃I bet you say that to all the girls。〃
 He didn't even look embarrassed。 〃I told you; I am a Nimir…Raj。 I can call flesh。〃
 I must have looked as blank as I felt; because he explained。 〃I can heal wounds with my touch。〃
 I just looked at him。
 〃What would it take to convince you that I'm telling the truth?〃 he asked。
 〃How about someone I know to vouch for you?〃
 〃Easily done;〃 he said; and a second later the door opened。
 It was another stranger。 The man was around six feet; broad shouldered; muscled; well built; and since he was nude; I knew for a fact that every inch of him was well proportioned。 At least he wasn't erect。 That was refreshing。 He was pale; the first of the new ones without a tan。 White hair with generous streaks of gray fell around his shoulders。 He had a gray mustache and one of those tiny Vandyke beards。 The hair was a clue that he was over fifty; probably。 But what I could see of him didn't look old; or weak。 He looked more like a lifer mercenary that would cut your heart out and take it back to someone in a box; for the right amount of money。 A ragged scar nearly bisected his chest and stomach; curving in a vicious half…moon around his belly button and sinking towards his groin。 The scar was white and looked old。 Either he'd gotten the injury before he became a shapeshifter or  or I didn't know。 Shapeshifters could scar; but it was rare; you almost had to do something wrong to the wound to get a scar that bad。
 〃I don't know him;〃 I said。
 〃Anita Blake; this is Merle。〃
 It was only after the introductions that Merle's eyes flicked to me。 His eyes looked human; some pale gray color。 His gaze went back to his Nimir…Raj's face almost immediately; like an obedient dog that wants to watch its master's face。
 〃Hi; Merle。〃
 He nodded his head。
 〃Let her people in the room。〃
 Merle shifted; and I knew instantly that he didn't want to do it。 〃Some; but not all?〃 he made it a question。
 Micah looked at me。
 〃Why not all?〃 I asked。
 Merle turned those pale eyes to me; and the look in them made me want to squirm。 He stared at me as if he could see through to the other side and read everything in between。 I knew it wasn't true; but it was a good stare。 I managed not to flinch。
 〃Tell her;〃 Micah said。
 〃Too many people in too small a room。 I can't guarantee Micah's safety in a crowd of strangers。〃
 〃You must be his Sk?ll;〃 I said。
 His lips curled back in disgust  I think。 〃We are not wolves。 We do not use their words。〃
 〃Fine; to my knowledge there's no equivalent word among the leopards; but you're still Micah's chief bodyguard; right?〃
 He stared at me; then gave a small nod。
 〃Okay。 Do you really see my people as a threat to Micah?〃
 〃It is my job to see them as a threat。〃
 He had a point。 〃Fine。 How many are you fortable letting into the room?〃
 He blinked; that harsh gaze; shielded for a moment; his eyes uncertain。 〃You're not going to argue about it?〃 Again he made the statement into a question with the lilt of his voice。
 〃Why should I?〃
 〃Most alphas will argue so they don't appear weak;〃 he said。
 I had to smile。 〃I'm not that insecure。〃
 That made him smile。 〃Yes; those that hoard their power are often insecure。〃
 〃That's been my experience;〃 I said。
 He nodded again; face thoughtful。 〃Two。〃
 〃Do you have a preference who the two shall be?〃
 I shrugged。 〃Cherry and whoever else。〃 I put Cherry in because she seemed to give the best after…action reports。 Clearheaded was our Cherry; if not necessarily who you'd want at your back in a fight。 But I needed information; not battle skills。
 Merle gave me a slight bow; then his gaze flicked back to Micah; still standing by the bed。 Micah waved him off。 The big man opened the door and spoke quietly。 Cherry was the first one through the door。 She was tall and slender with well…formed breasts that led the eye to a very long waist; a swell of hips; and proof that she was indeed a natural blond。 Wasn't anybody wearing clothes today?
 Frankly; it was just nice to see another woman。 Normally; I don't mind being the only girl; I do that a lot with the police; but nudity always makes me relieved to see another person without a penis。
 She smiled when she saw me; relief so large in her eyes; her face; that it was almost embarrassing。 She hugged me; and I let her; but I pulled away first。 She touched my face as if she couldn't really believe her eyes。
 〃How do you feel?〃
 I shrugged; and the small movement tightened the muscles in my left arm until I had to press it against my body to keep it from jumping around。 I spoke through the pain; teeth gritted a little。 〃Arm's giving me trouble; but other than that; I'm okay。〃
 Cherry touched the arm; running her hand lightly over the sleeve of the robe。 〃The muscles are tightening up from the rapid healing。 It will be alright in a few days。〃
 〃Am I not going to have the use of my left arm for a few days?〃
 〃The spasms will e and go。 Massage helps。 Hot presses may help。 There must have been some severe muscle damage for this much spasming。〃 Did I mention that Cherry was a nurse when she wasn't turning furry?
 〃I can give you the use of your arm today;〃 Micah said。
 We both turned and looked at him。 〃How?〃 Cherry asked。
 〃I can call flesh;〃 he said again。
 The look on her face said she knew what that meant; and she was impressed。 And a second later; she looked doubtful; suspicious。 That was my girl。 Though truthfully; Cherry had had a hard enough life before I met her that she'd e with an overly active suspicion。 I really couldn't take credit for it。
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