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a sensual face。 But it was the eyes that made the face; or ruined it。 My first thought was that his eyes were yellow。 But there was a thick ring of gray green around the pupil; the overall effect was a deep golden yellow…green set in a tanned face。 They weren't human eyes; and don't ask me how I knew; but they weren't wolf eyes either。
 I scrambled out from between them。 My left arm protested the use; but it didn't hurt enough to outweigh my embarrassment。 It wasn't a graceful exit; but at least I was standing at the foot of the bed staring down at the two men instead of sandwiched between them。 Screw graceful; I wanted some clothes。
 〃Don't be afraid; Anita。 We don't mean you any harm;〃 the second man said。
 I was trying to keep an eye on them and still search the dimly lit room for clothes。 I didn't see any。 The only cloth in the room seemed to be the sheet; and they were lying on that。 I had a horrible urge to cover myself; but two hands weren't going to get the job done; and standing there with my hands cupped over my groin seemed somehow more embarrassing than just standing there。 I suddenly didn't know what to do with my hands。 My left arm ached in a line from my shoulder nearly to my wrist; a tracery of pink; flat scars down my flesh。 〃Who are you?〃 My voice came out a little breathy。
 〃I'm Micah Callahan。〃 His voice was calm; ordinary; as he lay on his side pletely naked。 No one does fortable nudity like a shapeshifter。 His shoulders were narrow; everything about him slender; almost feminine。 But muscles showed under his skin even at rest; lean muscle; not bulk。 You knew at a glance he was strong; but if he were wearing clothes; you might not see it。 There were other things you wouldn't see if he had his clothes on。 And although the rest of him was slender; small; graceful in a way that women are graceful; parts of him were definitely not small; not slender。 It seemed incongruous with the rest of him。 As if mother nature had tried to make up for the feminine appearance by overpensating in other areas。 Noticing just how overpensated he was brought heat in a rush up my face; and I glanced away; tried to both keep an eye on them in case they got off the bed and not look at them at the same time。 It's hard to look and not to look; but I managed。
 〃This is Caleb;〃 he said。
 Caleb rolled onto his back and stretched like a big cat; making sure that; if I hadn't noticed already; he was naked; too。 I had noticed。 What looked like a tiny silver dumbbell pierced his belly button。 That I hadn't seen。 〃We already introduced ourselves;〃 Caleb said; that one innocent sentence sounding anything but innocent。 Something in the tone he used; an inflection; while he rolled around on his back and waved himself at me; made the words obscene。 I was willing to bet I wasn't going to like Caleb。
 〃Great; nice to meet you both。〃 I still couldn't figure out what to do with my hands。 〃What are you doing here?〃
 〃Sleeping with you;〃 Caleb said。
 The blush that had been almost gone flamed back to life。 He laughed。 Micah didn't。 Point for him。
 In fact; Micah sat up; bending a knee to cover himself; which earned him even more points。 Caleb stayed on his back; flaunting himself。 〃There's a robe in the corner there;〃 Micah said。
 I glanced back where he was looking; and sure enough there was a robe。 It was my robe; a deep; rich burgundy; with satin edgings; very masculine; like a long Victorian smoking jacket。 When I lifted it up; there was a weight in one deep pocket。 I had to fight the urge to turn my back to slip the robe on。 They'd already seen the whole show。 It wasn't like I could express my modesty now。 When I had the robe belted in place; I slipped my hands into the pockets and my right hand closed around my derringer。 Or at least I assumed it was mine; it was my robe。 The only person I knew who'd think to leave a gun for me was Edward; and he; as far as I knew; was out of state。 But someone had thought of it; and I was very glad。 I had clothes and a weapon; life was good。
 〃Hi; Micah Callahan; nice to meet you。 But the name doesn't tell me who you are。〃
 〃I am Nimir…Raj for the Maneater Clan;〃 Micah said。
 I blinked at him; trying to digest that little tidbit。 I wasn't embarrassed anymore。 Surprised; working on angry; maybe。 〃I am Nimir…Ra of the Blooddrinkers Clan; and I don't remember inviting you into my territory; Mr。 Callahan。〃
 〃You didn't。〃
 〃Then what the hell are you doing here without my permission?〃 The first edge of anger threaded through my voice; and I was happy to hear it。 Being angry made everything else easier to handle; even talking to two naked strangers。
 〃Elizabeth invited me;〃 he said。
 The anger rushed through me like a warm wind; and it touched that edge of beast that I'd thought was Richard's。 I'd learned at the club however many nights ago it was that it was a permanent resident inside me now。 Richard's beast; or mine; it flared through my body and raised above my skin like a sheen of invisible sweat。 The men reacted to the power。 Caleb sat up; his gaze suddenly intent on me; no teasing now。 Micah sniffed at the air; nostril's flaring; his tongue running around the edge of his lips as if he could taste it against his skin。
 Strong emotions always make the power worse; and I was so angry。 I already owed Elizabeth for abandoning Nathaniel at the club。 But now 。。。 she'd finally done something that I could not let slide。
 Part of me was almost relieved; because things would be easier with Elizabeth dead。 A tiny part of me was hoping not to have to kill her; but I just couldn't see how to avoid it anymore。
 It must have shown on my face; because Callahan said; 〃I didn't know that her pard had a Nimir…Ra when I came here。 She was their old alpha's second。 It was within her rights to audition a new alpha for her pard。〃
 〃She just forgot to mention that the pard already had a Nimir…Ra; is that it?〃 I asked。
 〃That's it;〃 he said。
 〃Really;〃 I said; making sure the sarcasm was thick。
 He stood beside the bed。 I managed to keep the eye contact pure; but it was harder than it should have been。 〃I did not know until three nights ago when Cherry knocked on Elizabeth's door and asked her to e help heal you that you even existed。〃
 〃Bullshit;〃 I said。
 〃I swear it;〃 he said。
 My hand closed around the derringer; felt its forting weight。 I had a moment to wonder what ammo it was loaded with; 。38 or 。22。 I hoped it was 。38; it had more stopping power。 My left arm gave a twinge like the muscle was trying to jump apart。 Tension; or had I permanently injured myself? I'd worry about it later; when I wasn't staring at two wereleopards that might; or might not; be my buddies。 〃You say you really didn't know about me before you hit town。 Great; but why are you still here?〃
 〃When I found out that Elizabeth had lied to me; I came here and tried to help; to make up for entering your territory without your permission。 All my leopards took a turn in your bed; helping you heal。〃
 〃Bully for you。〃
 He held his empty hands out towards me; palms up。 A nice traditional gesture to show that you are unarmed and harmless。 Yeah; right。 〃What can I do to make this right between us; Anita? I don't w
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