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ooking away。 I took a deep breath; and I pulled it out。 His eyes closed; his head thrust backwards; breath ing out in a hissing rush。 The flesh clung to the blade。 It wasn't like taking a knife out of a roast。 The flesh hugged the blade as if it had grown around it。
 The bloody knife fell from my hand; making a sharp sound on the cement floor。 Nathaniel screamed。 Jamil was behind him; and one of the swords was missing from Nathaniel's upper chest。 The other sword sucked back through his body as I watched。 Nathaniel screamed again。 Blood welled from the wound and I turned away。 I looked back at Coronus still crouched on the floor; two of his people crowded around him。 Something in the look on my face must have frightened him; because his eyes widened; and I saw something like human fear cross his reptilian face。
 〃We would have taken the blades out; but the hyenas ordered us not to touch either of them again until you arrived。〃
 I looked across the room at the guard that was closest to Nathaniel。 The one that had looked unhappy to be there。 He flinched under my gaze。 〃I was following orders。〃
 〃Is that an excuse or a defense?〃
 〃We don't owe you an excuse;〃 the other guard said; the tall brown…haired one that had let us into the room。 He was standing by the closed door。 He was arrogant; defiant; and I could taste his fear like candy on my tongue。 He was afraid of what I'd do。
 Gregory came to stand near me in half…leopard; half…man form。 I'd never seen him like this; all spotted fur; taller than his human form; more muscled。 His genitalia hung large and healed between his legs。
 One of the snake men was on the floor; dragging its legs behind it。 Its spine was broken; but it would heal。 Another scream tore from behind me; from Nathaniel's throat。 Another snake man was huddled against the far wall beside the chained brunette。 Its arm was almost torn from its socket。 Sylvie's dress was in shreds; baring her breasts to the world。 She didn't seem to care; her hands still curled into claws; pale wolf eyes staring back at me。
 〃Take your leopards;〃 Coronus said; 〃and go in peace。〃
 Another scream came on the end of his words。 〃Peace;〃 I said。 I felt strangely numb; like part of me was folding away。 I couldn't stand in this room and listen to Nathaniel's screams; and feel。 Not and stay sane。 A quietness that I sunk into when I killed spilled over me; and it felt so much better。 There are worse things than emptiness。
 〃Who are the women?〃
 〃Swanmanes;〃 he said。 〃No concern of yours; Nimir…Ra。〃
 I looked at him and felt a smile curl my lips。 I knew it was an unpleasant smile。 〃What happens to them when we leave?〃
 〃They'll heal;〃 he said。 〃We don't want them dead。〃
 My smile widened; I couldn't help it。 I laughed; but it was a bad sound; even to me。 〃You expect me to leave them to your mercy?〃
 〃They are swans not leopards。 Why should you care?〃
 Nathaniel's voice came thick; and when I turned I saw tears sliding down his face。 〃Don't leave them。 Please; don't leave them here。〃
 Jamil pulled another blade out。 Only three to go。 Nathaniel didn't scream this time; just closed his eyes and shivered。 〃Please; Anita; they would never have e here if I hadn't asked them。〃
 I looked at the three women; chained naked to the walls; gagged; surrounded by dozens of clean; unused blades。 They watched me with wide eyes; their breath ing in quick shallow pants。 Their fear slid down my throat as if it were wine and I could drink it down; deep and cool。 Fear; like wine; goes good with food。 And I knew just by looking that they were food。 They were swans; not predators。 They were not us。 I was channeling Richard now。 I was being a smorgasbord of the boys tonight; of their thoughts and feelings。 But there was one thing that was my own。 Rage。 Not the hot rage that the wolves used when they killed。 This was something colder and more sure of itself。 It was a rage that had nothing to do with blood and everything to do with 。。。 death。 I wanted them all dead for what they'd done to Nathaniel and Gregory。 I wanted them dead。 By the rules; I couldn't have them dead; but I'd do what I could。 I'd cheat them of their other victims。 I would not; could not; leave the three women here like this。 I could not do it。 Simple as that。
 〃Don't worry; Nathaniel; we won't leave them behind。〃
 〃You have no right to them;〃 Coronus said。
 Gregory growled at him。 I touched Gregory's furred arm。 〃It's alright。〃 I looked at Coronus surrounded by his snakes。 〃If I were you I wouldn't tell me what I have a right to。 If I were you; I'd shut the fuck up and let us walk out of here with everyone we came for。〃
 〃No; they are ours until their swan king rescues them。〃
 〃Hey; he's not here; but I am; and I say to you; Coronus of the Black Water Clan; that I will take the swanmanes with me。 I will not leave them behind。〃
 〃Why? Why do you care?〃
 〃Why? Partly because I just don't like you。 Partly because I want you dead and I can't do that tonight according to lycanthrope law。 So I'll cheat you of your prize。 That will have to suffice。 But don't ever; ever get in my way again; because I will kill you; Coronus。 I will kill you。 In fact; I'd enjoy killing you。〃 I realized that was true。 I often killed cold; but there was something in me tonight that wanted him dead。 Revenge maybe。 I didn't question it; I just let it show in my eyes。 I let the shapeshifter see it; because I knew he'd understand it。 He wasn't human; he knew death when it looked at him。
 He did know。 I saw the knowledge in his eyes; tasted that fresh spurt of fear like a chemical rush。 He looked suddenly tired。 〃I would give them up if I could; but I cannot。 I must have something to show for this night's activities。 I was hoping it would be the swans and the leopards; but if I cannot have one; I must have the other。〃
 〃Why do you care about either the swans or the leopards?〃 I asked。 〃They are nothing to you; you cannot make them part of your tribe。〃
 His eyes shut down; unreadable。 But that flash of fear grew; swelling in a rich odor of sweat and bitterness。 He was very afraid。 And it wasn't of me; not exactly; but of something that would happen if he didn't keep the swans。 But what?
 〃I must keep them; Anita Blake。〃
 〃Tell me why?〃
 〃I cannot。〃 The fear was leaving him。 Until that moment I never knew that resignation had a scent; but I could smell the quiet bitterness of defeat on him。 It flared through me in a fierce wave; and I knew we'd won。
 He shook his head。 〃I cannot give the swans up。〃
 〃You've already lost them。 I can smell the defeat on you。〃
 He bowed his head。 〃I would give them up if I could; but please; believe me; I cannot give them to you。 I cannot。〃
 〃Cannot; or will not?〃 I asked。
 He smiled; and it was bitter like the odor from his skin。 〃Cannot。〃 Even his voice held reluctance; as if he wanted to just say yes; but couldn't。
 〃Do what's best for your people; Coronus; walk away from this。〃 I knew in some indefinable way that we would win。 My will to win was greater than his。 We would carry this night in victory。 Some of the snakes would die; because their leader had lost his nerve。 Without his strength of will to buoy them; they could not win。
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