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th one large copper gold eye。 A heavy black stripe stretched back from the corner of his eye to his temple。 His movements were vaguely birdlike。 Other black…cloaked figures stepped away from the walls; dropping hoods to show themselves scaled; with the same stripes near metallic eyes and hands with curling claws。
 My people fanned out around me; two going to either side。 〃Who are you?〃
 〃I am Coronus of the Black Water Clan; though I doubt that will mean anything to you。〃
 〃Marco mentioned you were new in town。 I'm Anita Blake; Nimir…Ra of the Blooddrinkers Clan。 By what right do you harm my people?〃 What I wanted to do was start screaming; but there are rules。 I couldn't be furry; or scaly; but I could follow the rules。
 Coronus walked to the wall and stood next to the brunette chained to it。 She made small panicked sounds as he reached for her。 Sylvie moved a little closer to him; to the girl; as if she was waiting for an excuse。 Coronus traced a finger down the girl's cheek; the barest of touches; yet she closed her eyes and shivered。
 〃I came here seeking swanmanes; and I found three of them。 They had already tied up the male。 We thought it was their leader; their swanking; or we would not have harmed him。 By the time we found we had the wrong animal; it was late in the game。〃
 I glanced at the cloaks still held firmly in place; the impassive faces of the men as impossible to read as if they'd already bee snakes。 I noticed that one of the figures had breasts。 It was nearly naked where they showed above a scoop neck T…shirt。 I could see the chains reaching for the ceiling and down to the floor。 There was more blood; a lot more blood; on that side。
 〃Let me see Nathaniel。〃
 〃Would you not like to see your blond leopard up close and personal first?〃
 I started to ask why。 I didn't like the fact that he seemed reluctant for me to see Nathaniel。 〃You want me to see Gregory first?〃
 The man seemed to think about it; head to one side。 The movement looked animal…like; yet not exactly snakelike。 〃Up close and personal; yes; yes; I do。〃
 I didn't like the way he kept saying personal; but I let it go。 〃Then you've made a request of me; Coronus。 If I do it; I can make one of you。〃 Sometimes the rules are helpful。 Rarely; but sometimes。
 〃What would you have of me?〃
 〃I want him unchained。〃
 〃He was easily taken once by my people。 I see no reason why not。 Go; gaze upon him; touch him; then we will unchain him。〃
 Jamil stayed at my side as I walked towards Gregory。 My gut was tight。 What had they done to him? I could still remember the scream over the phone。 A glance from Jamil cleared the snake people away。 They stood as far away as the room would allow them to; on either side。 I had to step over the chains on the floor and under the ones that held Gregory's wrists up。 I came around to look in his blue eyes。 A black ball gag was stuffed in his mouth; the string tucked under his hair so it hadn't been visible from the back。 His eyes were wide; panicked。 His face was untouched; and my gaze followed down the line of his body almost against my will; as if I knew what I'd find。 His groin was a red ruin; healing; covered in dried blood。 They'd ripped him up。 If he'd been human he'd have been ruined。 I wasn't a hundred percent sure that he wasn't anyway。 I had to close my eyes for a second。 The room felt hot。
 Jamil had let out a hissing breath when he saw what they'd done to Gregory; and his energy burned over my skin; fed by anger and horror。 Strong emotions make shapeshifters leak all over you。 My voice came out in a squeezed whisper; 〃Will he heal?〃
 Jamil had to e closer to inspect the wound。 He touched it reluctantly; and Gregory writhed in pain at the gentlest of touches。 〃I think so; if they allow him to change form soon。〃
 I tried to pull the gag out of Gregory's mouth and couldn't。 It was too tight。 I broke the leather string that held it in place and threw it on the floor。
 Gregory took a sobbing breath and said; 〃Anita; I thought you weren't ing。〃 His blue eyes glistened with unshed tears。
 We were almost the same size; so I could touch my forehead to his; hands on either side of his face。 I couldn't stand to see the tears in his eyes; and I couldn't afford to cry in front of the bad guys。 〃I'll always e for you Gregory; always。〃 Seeing him like this; I meant it。 I needed to find a real wereleopard to protect them。 But how was I going to give them away like stray puppies to some stranger? But that was a problem for another night。
 〃Unchain him;〃 I said。
 Jamil moved to the manacles and seemed to know just how they worked。 No key was needed。 Great。 Gregory sagged as soon as the first chain went; and I caught him; holding him under the arms。 But when the second wrist restraint opened; his body fell against my leg and he screamed。 Jamil undid the last ankle chain; and I lowered Gregory to the ground as gently as I could。 I was stroking his hair; his upper body cradled in my arms; across my lap; when I had a sense of movement to either side。
 Jamil couldn't guard both sides at the same time。 The knives in my boots were trapped under Gregory's body。 It was beautifully timed。 I rolled over Gregory's body; and felt the cloak rush over me; as talons slashed where I'd been。 I went for the boot knife; but never had a chance。 I saw the clawed hand ing for me。 Everything slowed down; like images caught in crystal so that you see every detail。 I seemed to have all the time in the world to draw the knife; or to try and dodge the slashing talons; yet a part of my brain was screaming that there was no time。 I threw myself back onto the floor; felt the air rush over me as the snake man stumbled; so sure of its target that it hadn't been prepared for me to move。 The rest was instinct。 I foot…swept the snake; and it was suddenly on its back。 I got a knife in my right hand; but the snake was on its feet; kicking upward like it had springs in its spine。
 I felt more than saw something large and dark leap through the air over me; landing behind me。 My attention was diverted for a fraction of a second; but that was enough。 The one in front darted in; a movement so fast my eyes couldn't follow it。 I put my left arm out; taking the blow; as my right tried to stab forward。 My left arm went numb like it had been hit with a baseball bat。 I could have stabbed into the stomach; but I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and threw myself on my side on the floor as the second claw swept over me。 I slashed at the legs and opened a gash even through the boots。 The snake screamed and limped away。
 The second snake came for me; claws outstretched。 I didn't have time to get off the floor or anything else。 I held the knife ready; my left arm only partially useable; and watched the thing fall on me like an iridescent nightmare。 A smaller black blur hit it from the side; and they both crashed into the wall。 It was Meng Die。 The claws ripped into her pale flesh as I watched。
 I didn't have time to see more; because Coronus loomed up over me; blood dripping from his neck and shoulder; his shirt shredded。 Sylvie was behind him; struggling with Marco; trying to get past him to follow Coronus。 Her lovely hands had turned
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