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 at Asher's naked back; with Narcissus gazing up at him with a look somewhere between adoration and terror; I just wasn't in the mood anymore。
 THE UPPER HALLWAY stretched white and empty。 There was a silver wallpaper border high up on the wall; more silver ran in thin lines down the walls; an opulent yet tasteful display。 It looked like the hallway of some upscale hotel。 I didn't know if it was camouflage or if Narcissus just liked it that way。 After downstairs' black techno…punk and Narcissus's own Marquis de Sade bedroom; it was almost startling; as if we'd stepped from some dark nightmare into a quieter; more peaceful dream。
 We were the ones who looked out of place。 All of us in black; too much skin showing。 Jamil paced up the stairs on point; his muscular upper body showing in tantalizing glimpses through a series of black leather straps。 The pants fit his narrow hips like a second skin; and I'd learned long ago from watching Jean…Claude undress that you didn't get that smooth line if there was underwear between the skin and the pants。 He turned; his waist…length corn…rows flaring out around him。 He was a contrast in darkness; the black of the leather; the dark; dark brown of his skin。 He moved like a shadow in that white hallway。
 Faust went next。 He was the new male vampire I'd met downstairs。 In the better light; his hair was obviously tinted burgundy; like a shade of red gone wrong; but somehow it suited him。 His leather pants were covered in more zippers than seemed necessary to get them on and off; and his black shirt had a zipper up the front。 It reminded me of Asher's shirt; except for the color。 I tried not to think too much about what Asher might be doing right this moment。 I still didn't know if Asher was pimping himself out for us or whether he truly wanted to be with Narcissus。 I was more fortable with the idea of self…sacrifice。
 I brought up the middle with the two women behind me。 Sylvie still didn't look like herself to me。 The black skirt was so short that whoever was in back of her couldn't help but get a flash of whatever was under the skirt。 The hose climbed her legs all the way up; making them look long and shapely; though she was only three inches taller than me。 She was also wearing three…inch black spikes; which may have added to the illusion of long legs。 Her leather top showed a very discreet line of flesh from neck to waist where a belt cinched in her tiny waist。 Her breasts seemed to stay magically on either side of the line of skin; as if they were held in place by something more than a bra。
 She smiled up at me; but her eyes had already bled to that pale wolfish color。 They didn't match the careful makeup and the short; curly brown hair。
 Meng Die brought up the rear。 Where her pale flesh showed around the vinyl cat suit; colorless body glitter sparkled。 There was a touch of glitter at the corner of each up…tilted eye; plementing pale eyeshadow and dramatic eyeliner。 She was smaller than me; more delicate of bone; smaller of breast; more slender of waist; like a dainty bird。 But the look she gave me was more vulture than canary。 She didn't like me; and I didn't know why。 But Jean…Claude had assured me she'd do the job。 Jean…Claude had a lot of faults; but if he trusted Meng Die to keep me safe; then she'd do it。 He was never careless with me; not in that way。
 Faust just seemed to be amused as hell about it all。 Everything made him smile; pleasantly。 Most vampires went for arrogance to mask how they felt。 He seemed to use mild amusement。 Of course; maybe Faust was just a happy guy; and I was being too cynical。
 Why weren't Jean…Claude and Richard with me? Because the wereleopards were mine。 If I took other dominants with me; it would be seen as weakness。 I was planning to interview other alphas to take over the wereleopards; but until I found someone to do that; I was all they had。 If people began thinking I was weak; the leopards would be marked as anyone's meat。 It wouldn't just be out…of…town shapeshifters that were trying to take them away from me; it would be every shapeshifter in town。 It was funny how many shifters could be assholes unless you were strong enough to stop them。
 I had to save the leopards; not Richard; not Jean…Claude; me。 But I had to stay alive to do that; so I did take backup。 I'm stubborn; not stupid。 Though I know a few people who might argue that。
 Each white door had a silver number on its surface。 Again like a very discreet hotel。 We were looking for room nine。 There was absolutely no sound from behind the doors。 The only noises I heard were the distant thud of the music downstairs and the faint whisper of leather and vinyl  our body movements。 I'd never been so aware of how loud small noises could be。 Maybe it was the eerie silence of the hallway; or maybe I'd gained something new from the marriage of the marks。 Better hearing wouldn't be a bad thing; would it? So many of the 〃gifts〃 from the vampire marks tended to be double…edged swords; at best。
 I shook off the gloomy thoughts and walked with my foursome of bodyguards down the carpeted hallway。 I was trusting them to give their lives for mine。 That's what a bodyguard does。 Jamil had taken two shotgun blasts for me last summer。 It hadn't been silver shot; so he'd healed; but he hadn't known that when he put himself between the gun barrel and me。 Sylvie owed me one; and a woman her size doesn't get to be second in the pack hierarchy without being one tough werewolf。 I didn't really trust the vampires to give up their undead lives for me。 It's been my experience that the longer something semi…immortal lives; the more tightly it hugs its existence。 So I counted on the wolves; and knew I could work around the vampires。 It didn't matter that Jean…Claude trusted them。 It mattered that I didn't。 I'd have preferred to just bring along more werewolves; except if I showed up with nothing but wolves at my back; it would be like saying that I couldn't do this without Richard's pack。 Not true。 Or not pletely true。 We'd see how deep the shit was once we opened the door。
 Room nine was nearly at the end of the long hallway。 The building had been a warehouse; and the upstairs had simply been divided into long hallways with huge rooms scattered along them。 Jamil was standing to one side of the door。 Faust was standing in front of it。 Not smart。
 I stood to the other side of the door and said; 〃Faust; the werehyenas had to take guns off these guys。〃
 The vampire raised an arched eyebrow at me。
 〃They may not have found all the guns;〃 I said。
 He still looked at me。
 I sighed。 Over a hundred years of 〃life;〃 power enough to be a master vamp; and he was still an amateur。 〃It would be bad to be standing in the center of the door when a shotgun blast went off on the other side。〃
 He blinked; and a little of that humor leaked away; showing that arrogance that most vamps acquire。 〃I think Narcissus would have found a shotgun。〃
 I leaned my shoulder against the wall and smiled at him。 〃Do you know what a cop…killer is?〃
 He raised both eyebrows at me。 〃A person who kills policemen。〃
 〃No; it's a type of ammunition designed to go through body armor。 The cops have no defense against 
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