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ross that huge bed to be within touching distance of us all。 But it wasn't us all that he wanted to touch。
 〃Sweet; sweet; Jean…Claude; I thought I had forgotten you; but seeing you tonight on the floor with the two of them made me remember。〃 He reached out towards Jean…Claude; and Richard grabbed his wrist。
 〃Don't touch him。 Don't ever touch him again。〃
 Narcissus looked from Jean…Claude to Richard and finally back to Richard。 〃Such possessiveness; it must be true love。〃 I had a ringside seat and watched the muscles in Richard's hands and forearm tense as he squeezed that dainty wrist。
 Narcissus laughed; voice shaky; but not with pain。 〃Such strength; such passion; would he crush my wrist just for trying to touch your hair?〃 His voice held amusement and what I finally realized was excitement。 Richard touching him; threatening him; hurting him 。。。 He was enjoying it。
 I felt Richard realize it too; but he didn't let go。 Instead he jerked the other man off balance until he fell against his body。 Narcissus made a small surprised sound。 Richard kept one hand on his wrist; and he put the other to the man's neck。 Not squeezing; just there; large and dark against Narcissus's pale skin。
 The bodyguard; Ajax; had moved away from the wall; and Asher had moved to meet him。 Things could go very bad; very quickly here。 It was usually me that lost my temper and made things worse; not Richard。
 Narcissus had to sense rather than see the movement; because Richard had him facing away from the rest of the room。 〃It's alright; Ajax; it's alright。 Richard is not hurting me。〃 Then Richard did something that made Narcissus's breath stop in his throat and e out harsh。 〃You may crush my wrist; if it's foreplay; but if it's not; then my people will kill you; all of you。〃 His words were reasonable; his tone was not。 You could hear the pain in his voice; but there was also anticipation; as if whichever way Richard answered; it would excite him。
 Jean…Claude spoke。 〃Do not give him an excuse to have us at his mercy; mon ami。 We are in his territory tonight; his guests。 We owe him a guest's duty to his host; as long as he does not forfeit that right。〃
 I wasn't a hundred percent sure what a guest's duties to his host were; but I was willing to bet that crushing their limbs wasn't among them。 I touched Richard's shoulder; and he jumped。 Narcissus made a small protesting sound; as if Richard had involuntarily tightened his grip。
 〃Jean…Claude's right; Richard。〃
 〃Anita councils you to temperance; Richard; and she is one of the least temperate people I have ever known。〃 Jean…Claude moved forward; laying his hand on Richard's other shoulder; so we both touched him。 〃Besides; mon ami; hurting this one will not undo the harm already done。 No drop of blood less will have been spilt; no pound of flesh less will have been lost; no humiliation will have been stopped。 It is over; memories cannot harm us。〃
 For the first time I wondered if Richard and I had gotten the same memories in that flash of shared insight。 What I'd seen had been horrible; but it hadn't affected me like it had him。 Maybe it was a guy thing。 Maybe a white; Anglo…Saxon; upper…middle…class male like Richard would take memories of being abused and raped harder than I would。 I was a woman。 I knew things like that could happen to me。 Maybe he had never thought they could happen to him。
 Richard spoke low; his voice fallen to a rolling growl; as if his beast lurked just behind that handsome throat。 〃Never touch him again; Narcissus; or we'll finish this。〃 Then Richard slowly; carefully; slid his hands away from Narcissus。 I expected him to scoot away; clutching his injured wrist; but I underestimated him; or maybe overestimated him。
 Narcissus did cradle his wrist; but he stayed pressed against Richard's body。 〃You've torn ligaments in my wrist。 They take longer to heal than bone。〃
 〃I know;〃 Richard said softly。 The level of anger in those two words made me flinch。
 〃With a thought I can tell my men to leave her wereleopards to the mercy of their captors。〃
 Richard glanced at Jean…Claude; who nodded。 〃Narcissus can contact his 。。。 men mind…to…mind。〃
 Richard put his hands on Narcissus's shoulders; to push him away I thought; but Narcissus said; 〃You've revoked your safe passage by injuring me against my will。〃
 Richard froze; and I could see the tension in his back; feel the sudden uncertainty。
 〃What is he talking about?〃 I asked。 I wasn't even sure who I was asking。
 〃Narcissus has a small army of werehyenas within this building and on the surrounding buildings as guards;〃 Jean…Claude said。
 〃If the werehyenas are so powerful; then why doesn't everyone talk about them in the same breath with the wolves and the rats?〃 I asked。
 〃Because Narcissus prefers to be the power behind the throne; ma petite。 It means that the other shapeshifters are constantly currying his favor with gifts。〃
 〃Like Nikolaos used you;〃 I said。
 He nodded。
 I looked at Richard。 〃What have you been giving him?〃
 Richard eased away from Narcissus。 〃Nothing。〃
 Narcissus turned on the bed; still cradling his wrist。 〃That's about to change。〃
 〃I don't think so;〃 Richard said。
 〃Marcus and Raina had an arrangement with me。 They and the rats dictated that my hyenas could never rise above fifty in number。 To make this happen they used gifts; not threats。〃
 〃The threat was always there;〃 Richard said。 〃War between you; us; and the rats; with you on the losing side。〃
 Narcissus shrugged。 〃Perhaps; but have you not wondered what I've been doing since Marcus died and you took over? I wondered when the gifts would start arriving; but instead all gifts stopped; even the ones I'd begun to count on。〃 He looked at me then。 〃Some of those gifts were yours to give; Nimir…Ra。〃
 I must have looked as confused as I felt; because Jean…Claude said; 〃The wereleopards。〃
 〃Yes; Gabriel; their old alpha; was a dear; dear friend of mine;〃 Narcissus said。
 Since I'd killed Gabriel; I didn't like the way the conversation was going。 〃You mean that Gabriel gave some of the wereleopards to you?〃
 Narcissus's smile made me shiver。 〃All of them have spent time in my care; except Nathaniel。〃 His smile faded。 〃I assumed Gabriel kept Nathaniel to himself because he was his personal favorite; but now that you've told me what Nathaniel is; I know that wasn't it。〃 Narcissus leaned forward on his knees。 〃Gabriel was afraid to give me Nathaniel; afraid of what we might do together。〃
 I swallowed hard。 〃You covered your reaction really well when I told you。〃
 〃I'm an acplished liar; Anita。 Best remember that。〃 He looked up at Richard。 〃How long has it been since Marcus's death; a little over a year? When the gifts stopped ing; I assumed the pact was at an end。〃
 〃What are you saying?〃 Richard asked。
 〃There are over four hundred werehyenas now; some new; some recruited from out of state。 But we rival the wererats and werewolves now。 You will have to negotiate with us as equals instead of peons。〃
 Richard said; 〃What do you 。。。 〃
 Jean…Claude interrupted。 〃Let us e to terms。〃 I felt the fear that was behind his calm words; and so did Richard。 You did not ask a sexual sadist what he wanted。
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