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rdinaire; should not have been the leader of a group of rogue shapeshifters。 It wasn't doable somehow。
 〃That's why you knew about all the shapeshifters in town; because they came to you for help。〃
 He nodded。 〃I have been known; since my accident; to hunt down rogue lycanthropes and not inform the authorities。 A few bad apples don't have to spoil the entire barrel。〃
 I looked at him and tried to think。 〃People thought your near…death experience had mellowed you; but you contracted lycanthropy; that's why you stopped being a bounty hunter。〃
 〃It seemed wrong to hunt other unfortunates;〃 he said。 〃People who had less to do with the accident that made them what they were than I did。 At least I was hunting the werewolf that almost killed me。 I was trying to hurt it。 Most people who survive an attack are just innocents。〃
 〃I know that;〃 I said; voice soft; because knowing Chimera was Orlando King didn't help solve the mystery for me; it deepened it。 I was more confused than when I walked in the damn building。
 〃But my change of heart; as you put it; came later。 Wolf lycanthropy showed up in my bloodstream within forty…eight hours of my attack。 I decided I would take out as many monsters as I could and let them take me out before the first full moon。〃 He stared past me; eyes distant with remembering。 〃I took the most dangerous jobs I could find; until I ended up trying to kill an entire tribe of weresnakes in the depths of the Amazon basin。〃 He looked at the small dark man still at his side。 〃I decided that dozens of any animal would surely kill me; and if not; then at the first full moon I would be in an area devoid of any human except the people I'd e to kill。〃
 〃Logical; I guess;〃 I said; because it seemed appropriate to say something。
 His gaze flicked to me。 〃I had planned my death; Ms。 Blake; but every animal I tried to kill just wasn't up to killing me。 By the time I had my first full moon I'd been infected by a great many forms of predatory lycanthropy。 And on that first moon; I changed into what Abuta and his people are; then a wolf; then a bear; then a leopard; then a lion; so forth; and so on。〃 He was looking at Abuta; and his face held some of the religious fervor that the smaller man seemed to emanate。 〃They thought I was a god because I could take so many forms。 They worshipped me; and they sent half their tribe to acpany me back to civilization。〃 He laughed then。 It was abrupt and unpleasant。 Something about that laugh raised the hairs on my arms。
 〃You've killed all but three of them; Anita。 I may call you Anita; mightn't I?〃
 I nodded; almost afraid to speak; because emotions were chasing across King's face; emotions that didn't match his calm words; as if he were feeling things that he wasn't aware of。 It was like watching a badly dubbed film; except it was body actions that were out of step; not the words。
 A prickling rush of energy came off him like heat; and his eyes turned。 One pale greenish leopard; one wolf amber。 It wasn't just the colors of the irises that didn't match; it was the shape of the pupils; the entire set of each eye socket was slightly different from the other。 I hadn't noticed the bone structure shifting; it had been that fast。
 A smile curled his lips。 The entire expression of face; body; everything changed; and it wasn't shapeshifting; it was as if another person just settled into King's skin。 Chimera's voice was slightly southern; thick and round…voweled。 It was the voice I'd heard over the loudspeaker when they tried to ambush us in the club。 〃Poor Orlando; he just can't cope anymore。 He hates what he's bee。〃
 I think I stopped breathing for a few heartbeats; which made my next breath harsh。 I'd dealt with sociopaths; pychopaths; serial killers; crazies of all ilk; but this was my first multiple personality。
 Chimera jerked at the tight tie; tore it off; unbuttoned the collar; rotated his neck; and smiled。 〃There; that's much better; don't you agree?〃
 My voice came out breathy。 〃Always good to be fortable。〃
 He stepped closer to me; and I backed up; bumping into Zeke。 Chimera stepped in very close; almost touching and sniffed just above the skin of my face。 This close his power rode over me like thousands of ants biting along my skin。
 〃You smell of fear; Anita。 I didn't think a little eye shift would spook you。〃
 I licked my lips; staring into those mismatched eyes from inches away。 〃The eyes don't bother me。〃
 〃Then what does?〃 he asked; still hovering over me。
 I licked my lips again and didn't know what to say。 Or rather; couldn't think of a safe thing to say。 I thought of several smart alec remarks; but you should humor crazy people when you're at their mercy; it's a rule。 Of course; I also had a rule never to put myself at the mercy of sadistic serial killers suffering from multiple personality disorder。 I hoped we all lived to regret my breaking that rule。 Truly insane people are often unpredictable and hard to negotiate with。
 〃I'm waiting for an answer;〃 he said in a sing…song voice。
 I just couldn't think of a good lie; so I tried mild truth。 〃The fact that I was talking to Orlando King and now I'm not; but it's the same body talking at me。〃
 He laughed and stepped back。 Then he went very still; as if he were listening to things I couldn't hear。 Was it the rescue; this soon? It couldn't be。 He looked down at me; smiling that unpleasant smile and ran his hands down his own body。 〃I make better use of the body than Orlando does。〃
 Okeydokey; things were not improving。 I looked up at Zeke and tried to tell him with my eyes that he should have told me that Chimera was this crazy。
 Chimera grabbed my wrist; jerked me close。 I'd been so busy trying to get eye contact with Zeke that I hadn't even seen it ing。 〃I was always inside Orlando。 I was that part of him that allowed him to slaughter other human beings and feel nothing but hatred。 He rarely took a shifter in animal form。 It was safer in human form; and Orlando was a very big believer in safety; at least for himself。〃 He drew me against his body using my wrist like a handle。 He wasn't hurting me; but the strength in his grip was like a promise; a threat。 He could have crushed my wrist and we both knew it。
 〃King had a reputation for getting the job done;〃 I said。
 〃The job was to kill other people; women as well as men。 Then he'd cut off their heads; burn the bodies; make sure they weren't ing back。 I was the part of him that enjoyed the work; and when he became what he hated most in the world; I protected him from himself。〃
 〃How?〃 I asked; softly。
 〃By doing the things he was too weak to do himself; but still wanted done。〃
 〃Like what?〃 I asked。 Rescue was ing; it was just a matter of stalling until help arrived。 It had been the original plan; and the fact that Chimera was Orlando King and crazier than a June beetle on crack didn't really change the plan。 Just keep him talking。 All men love to talk about themselves; even the ones who are pletely buggers。 Being insane doesn't change that; or at least it never had before。 It was just the multiple personality stuff that was freaking me out。 If I treated Chimera like any other homicidal maniac; we'd be fine。 At least that's w
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