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se he loves us; all of us。 Micah offered to betray you to stop them from hurting me; but Chimera said he could smell that Micah was lying and that he would just get away and warn you。 So he sent me with Zeke; because he trusts Zeke。〃
 I looked at Zeke over her slowly collapsing form; trying to cradle her as she slid down; and not hurt her; but everything seemed to hurt。 She was making small mewling sounds by the time I helped her lower herself to the floor。 There was something in Zeke's human eyes that didn't need facial expressions to interpret。
 〃Chimera must be stopped;〃 Zeke said; softly。 〃He must be stopped。〃
 〃Yes;〃 I said; still holding one of Gina's hands; 〃yes; he must be stopped。〃
 〃Stopped; hell;〃 Bobby Lee said; 〃we need to kill his ass。〃
 I nodded。 〃That; too。〃
 WE MADE IT back to the club with a little time to spare。 The wererats had arrived in force at my house; and I'd left Rafael in charge of the rescue; because that's what it would be。 I was letting Zeke take me into the bad guy's lair unarmed。 Zeke would be carrying my weapons; and theoretically he'd give them back to me if I needed them; theoretically。 But theory and practice aren't always the same thing。 Zeke had tried to kill me once; now I was supposed to trust him with my life。 It seemed a bad idea; but I was still going to do it。 With enough time maybe we could have e up with a better plan; but we didn't have the time。 Not if we hoped to save Cherry and Micah。
 It seemed like I'd spent most of the last four years arriving too late。 Too late to save people; too late to keep the monsters away。 I was cleanup crew; someone that came after the bodies were scattered around and mopped up the mess。 I killed the monsters; but only after they'd done terrible things。 Even now; Chimera had already butchered and tortured; but I could confess to myself; if to no one else; that part of me didn't give a damn about the others。 I mean; I was sorry for Gina's pain and Bacchus's lover; and Ajax getting chopped up; but they were abstract to me。 Cherry and Micah were real。 How very quickly Micah had bee that real to me frightened me; but if I didn't look too closely at it; I could keep moving forward; could keep thinking clearly; could keep breathing normally。 Thinking too much tended to make my thoughts jump around; my breath e a little too fast。
 The main part of the club had been dark and empty。 The party; as they say; was upstairs。 It was the room at the end of the big white hallway that we'd gone down to rescue Nathaniel and Gregory days ago。 Chimera waited outside the door in his black hood; and his eye slits were unzipped so I could see pale gray eyes。 He wore a rather ordinary looking suit; plete with tightly knotted tie and white shirt that met oddly with the black leather of the hood。 He had his hands behind him; leaning against his arms。 He was trying for casual and failing。 He was nervous; and I didn't need any lycanthrope powers to notice。
 Gina had needed help from two of the werehyenas to make the steps。 Zeke and I could have helped her; but he was pretending to guard me; and Gina had a note under her shawl to slip the hyenas。 The note was from Bacchus; asking one of them to let him in the secret entrance。 Apparently Chimera had never asked if there was a secret entrance to the club; so no one had told him。
 Chimera's eyes looked past me to her。 〃Gina 。。。 〃 He shook his head。 〃Take her away; get her some medical care。〃
 The two hyenas didn't argue; just turned and went back down the hallway。 The snake man that had been with them stayed where he was; his black…and…green striped eyes never leaving Chimera's face。 I would have said he stood at attention like a good soldier; but it was more than that。 There was something on his face that went beyond that; as if standing there waiting for Chimera's orders was the most wonderful thing in the world。 That look of patient adoration was creepy all on its own; and I knew why Bacchus had said the snakes had to die。 Not because of what they'd done to the hyenas; not revenge; but because people who worship their kings as gods don't participate in palace revolts。
 〃I wasn't sure you'd e; Ms。 Blake。〃
 The voice was familiar; but I couldn't quite place from where。 〃You didn't give me much choice。〃
 〃And for that I am sorry。〃
 〃Sorry enough to let me take my leopards and go home?〃
 He almost smiled; but shook his head。 〃Micah is not your leopard; he's mine; Ms。 Blake。〃
 Again; the voice rang familiar; but I couldn't place it。 I shrugged。 〃You got me down here with the understanding that both Cherry and Micah would be set free; unhurt。 Sounds like they're both mine。〃
 He shook his head again。 〃To give up Micah I would have to give up all my leopards; and I am not willing to do that。〃
 〃Then you lied to get me down here。〃
 〃No; Ms。 Blake。〃 He took his hands out from behind his back。 He wore black leather gloves。 〃Join your pard to ours; strengthen us。〃
 I shook my head。 〃I came down here to free my people; not to join your club。〃
 He looked at Zeke。 〃Didn't you explain to her what I wanted?〃
 Zeke shifted beside me。 〃You told me that if she came down here unarmed you would free Micah and the other wereleopard。 That is all you told me。〃
 Chimera frowned; even through the hood I could see it。 He rubbed at his face behind the leather as if something hurt。 〃I know I told you that I wanted her to join us。〃
 〃You have said many things over the last few weeks;〃 Zeke said; voice very careful。
 〃How long have you been the leopard's Nimir…Ra?〃 he asked。 The voice was normal; ordinary; though his hands kept rubbing at his face。
 〃About a year。〃
 〃Then you must see as I do that there needs to be a joining together of all the different forms。 The only thing that has allowed us to move in to every city and take over the smaller groups is the fact that the larger groups won't help them。 They're like city neighbors who only call the police if it's their own apartment being robbed。 They let anyone who isn't like them go to hell。〃
 〃I agree that the lycanthrope munity could use a little togetherness; but I'm not sure torture and blackmail is the way to get it done。〃
 He clamped his hands over his eyes; back bowing; as if he were in pain。 The snake man touched him with small dark hands。 Chimera shuddered; then raised up; the snake man still touching him; forting him; I think。
 Chimera looked at me; eyes very direct。 He grasped the leather hood and pulled it over his head。 His dark hair stood on end; sweaty; needing to be bed。 The touch of gray at the temples wasn't distinguished anymore。 It looked more like mad…scientist hair; as if he'd done something awful and it had changed colors over night。 I could see the scars at the side of his neck now。 Orlando King; alias Chimera; looked down at me。
 I just gaped at him。 I was too surprised for anything else。
 〃I see that you didn't recognize me; Ms。 Blake。〃
 I shook my head; and tried twice before I could say; 〃I didn't expect to see you here。〃 That sounded lame even to me; but what I meant was Orlando King; bounty hunter extraordinaire; should not have been the leader of a group of rogue shapeshifters。 It wasn't doable someho
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