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 I glanced at the men standing around in the shadowed room。 Fear rolled off of them in waves; their bodies were tight with tension。 I'd never seen so many men so thoroughly whipped before。 They would do exactly what they were told to do; because they were terrified to do anything else。 I'd been told that a good dominant was a caring partner。 Maybe Narcissus wasn't a good dom; maybe he was a bad one。
 〃I'm sorry; Ulysses; really; I don't want to cause you pain; but if Narcissus has gone crazy enough to make all of you this scared; then we keep the guns。〃
 〃Please; Anita; please。〃 He must have seen something on my face that let him know I wasn't going to give in; because he dropped to his knees in front of me。 The sound of his knees hitting the floor was sharp; made me wince。 He'd kept his hands wrapped on his arms; so that he just dropped without catching himself at all。 〃Please; Anita。〃
 I shook my head; staring into those haunted eyes。
 Tears glimmered down his cheeks。 〃Please; Anita; please; you don't know what he'll do to our lovers if we fail him。〃
 〃Lovers?〃 I made it a question。
 It took him two tries to say; 〃Ajax is my 。。。 lover。 We've been together four years。 Please; Anita。 I don't have any right to ask this; but please give up your guns。〃
 I shook my head。 〃I'm sorry; Ulysses; really I am; but the more you talk the more I want to keep my guns。〃
 He moved so suddenly that I didn't have time to react; and Cris and Bobby Lee both cleared their guns; but Ulysses wasn't trying to hurt me。 He wrapped his arms around me; buried his face in my chest; and wept and begged。 He stank of fear and blood and worse things。
 〃Put up the guns; boys; he's not trying to hurt me。〃
 They put their guns up; but they didn't look happy。 But then; neither; I suppose; did I。 I touched Ulysses's head; but he just kept saying; 〃Please; please; please。〃
 〃You guys can all e with us; just walk out with us。〃
 Bobby Lee whispered; 〃This is not a good idea。〃
 〃I don't care。 Nobody deserves to be treated like this。〃
 〃What'cha gonna do; Anita; offer them all sanctuary? We didn't bring that many guns;〃 he said。
 〃If the other werehyenas object; we leave them。 I didn't bring us out here to get killed; but if we can; we take them with us。〃
 Bobby Lee shook his head。 〃You make your life hard; Anita; you make your life very hard。〃
 〃So I've been told。〃
 Ulysses just clung to me; crying; begging。 I had to grab his face and make him look at me; and even then his eyes didn't focus。 It took almost a full minute for him to see me。 〃You can e with us; Ulysses; all of you; just walk out。〃
 He shook his head。 〃They have our lovers。 You don't know what they'll do; you can't know。〃
 A rifle shot exploded from somewhere in the room。 I had the Browning halfway out of its holster when Cris staggered backwards。 Blood sprayed out his back onto Caleb and Gil。 Gil started screaming。 I had to turn away before Cris hit the floor。
 Bobby Lee said; 〃Three on the catwalk with rifles。 Fuck; girl; we've walked into it。〃
 I looked where he was looking and could barely make out the shapes。 If I was supposed to be the kitty…cat; why did the rat have better night vision?
 Ulysses was whispering over and over; 〃I'm sorry; I'm sorry; I'm sorry。〃
 I put the barrel against his forehead。 〃Whatever else happens; Ulysses; you die next。〃
 A man's voice came out of the darkness。 He was speaking over a sound system; that much I could tell。 〃If you pull the trigger; we will kill your other bodyguard。 Rifles with silver shot; Ms。 Blake; and I assure you that my people are dead shots。 Now; put your guns down; and we'll talk。〃
 I kept my gun and told Ulysses; 〃Get away from me; now!〃 He crawled away; still crying。
 I picked out the shadowy form on my side of the catwalk。 Bobby Lee was aimed to the other side; which left one man in the middle without a gun on him。 But from this distance; with them above us; we had to make each shot count; which meant that we had to kill what we could; then hope we could do something with the last one。 〃Who the hell are you?〃 I asked。
 〃Drop your guns; Ms。 Blake; and I'll tell you。〃
 〃We keep our guns; girl;〃 Bobby Lee said。 〃He's going to kill us either way。〃
 I agreed。
 〃We don't want you dead; Ms。 Blake; but we don't give a shit about your friends。 We can just keep picking them off until you change your mind。〃
 I moved to stand in front of everyone; so that the middle shot was harder。 From the above angle; I couldn't block them pletely; but it was the best I could do。 〃Everybody get down。〃 Only Bobby Lee hesitated。 〃They don't want me dead; and I need your gun。〃 He glanced at me; then dropped to one knee; using me to shield himself from the middle gunman。 He'd grasped my plan。 Everyone else was hugging the floor。 There was no cover; and the door was close but not close enough; what with three rifles on us。
 〃What are you doing; Ms。 Blake?〃 the voice asked。
 〃Just testing a theory;〃 I said。
 〃Don't be stupid; Ms。 Blake。〃
 〃Bobby Lee;〃 I said。
 〃Yes; ma'am。〃
 〃How good are you?〃
 〃Give the word; we'll find out。〃
 I felt my body go very; very still; so that the world narrowed down to the end of my gun and that shape crouched on the catwalk。 It was about ten yards。 I'd hit targets farther away than that。 But that was target shooting。 I'd never tried to drop a man with a handgun from this distance。 I let out the last of my breath so that I was just stillness; just the gun; just the point of the gun; just the aim of the gun; and with the last; barest touch of my voice; I whispered; 〃Word。〃
 Our guns went off almost simultaneously。 I didn't shoot just once; I fired as fast as I could pull the trigger。 My figure jerked; the target came out of his crouch; then fell slowly off the catwalk。 I turned my gun before the body hit the ground and found the man in the middle standing up。 I saw the shadow of his rifle。 I heard the voice shouting over the explosion of gunshots; 〃Don't hit her; don't you dare。〃
 The rifle plowed up floor inches from me  two shots  trying to get me to move and give him a shot at Bobby Lee; but I stood my ground and fired back。 Bobby was firing with me; and the shadow form jerked; staggered; then slumped forward; his rifle falling to land on the floor with the other two bodies of the now…dead riflemen。
 The voice said; 〃Boys; do not disappoint me。〃
 The werehyenas rushed us。 Bobby Lee and I started shooting。 We divided the six werehyenas up between us; smooth; no cross fires; no taking the other's hit  my side of the room; his side of the room。 I took two; I think he took one; and we both clicked empty。 I drew the Firestar left…handed; which made it about two seconds slower than it needed to be; but it was probably faster than popping the clip on the Browning and reloading。 If I survived; I'd have to time which one was faster。
 It was Ulysses who was almost upon me like a dark shape of doom。 A gun exploded at my back; and Ulysses fell backwards onto the floor。 I whirled to find Nathaniel with a gun。 His eyes were wide; his lips parted; a look of astonishment on his face。 He'd picked up Cris's dropped weapon。 Movement turned me back to the fight。 Metal fla
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