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 〃When will you be here?〃 Ulysses asked。
 〃How do you know I'm ing?〃
 〃Because you know that he's enough of an egotist that if you don't e now he may not share the information at all。 You know he'd let the lions' Rex die just because he's not the same animal we are; and you not ing down now would be an insult。〃
 〃This clannish shit has got to stop; Ulysses。 We need to start helping each other more。〃
 〃Not my place to change the system; Anita。 I'm just trying to survive in it。〃
 He sounded sad。 〃I don't mean to yell at the messenger; Ulysses; I'm just tired of the system。〃
 He laughed again; but not like he was happy。 〃You're tired of the system。 Jesus; you have no idea。 When can I tell him to expect you?〃
 〃An hour。 Less; if I can manage it。 I want Joseph alive to see his baby。〃
 〃His mate will probably lose it like all the others。〃
 〃I thought you hyenas didn't talk to the lions or anyone else。 How do you know about Joseph's baby woes?〃
 〃Narcissus keeps track of things like that。〃
 〃Why would he care?〃
 〃He wants a baby。〃
 That made me raise my eyebrows。 〃I've never pictured Narcissus as the paternal type。〃
 〃Try maternal。〃
 〃We'll be waiting for you; Anita。 Don't keep him waiting。 He doesn't like to be kept waiting。〃 I heard sorrow in his voice; sorrow bordering on grief。 I almost asked what was wrong; but he'd already hung up。 What had Narcissus done to him to put that tone in his voice? Did I really want to know? Probably not。 Not unless there was something I could do about it; and there wasn't。 If I started a war with every harsh lycanthrope master in town; I'd have to kill them all; or almost。 The only one who wasn't harsh was Richard; and that was going to get him killed。 I plained about Narcissus being too harsh and Richard being too soft。 I guess I was just never satisfied。
 I hung up the phone and told Nathaniel what was happening while I picked out clothes。 Nathaniel threw a tank top over the jogging shorts he'd slept in; added jogging shoes; no socks。 He knew better than to try and dress; because he'd insist on unbraiding his hair and bing it out; which would take all the time the rest of us would need to get dressed。 I was wrong。 Nathaniel wasn't even close to done with his hair when the rest of us were dressed and ready to go。 Bobby Lee and Cris just threw on their shirts and shoes; ran fingers through their short hair; put the holsters back on; and they were ready to go。 Gil came down in jeans; jogging shoes; and an untucked men's dress shirt。 The shirt looked new; but he didn't keep us waiting。 Caleb came down in jeans and nothing else。 I didn't bother to tell him to throw a shirt on; or shoes。 Somehow I didn't think that Narcissus would deny us service because Caleb was under…dressed。
 I actually took the longest getting dressed: black jeans; red polo shirt; black Nikes; every blade I had; including the new back sheath I'd had made for the largest knife that ran along my spine。 The first sheath had gotten cut to pieces by emergency room personnel; while they were trying to save my life。 I also brought my two handguns; though I wasn't sure that any of us would be allowed to bring guns into the club。 But just in case I brought them; and I warned Cris and Bobby Lee about the no…guns rule。 They flashed their own set of wicked…looking blades  about three apiece  and we were ready to go。
 I thought about calling Christine the weretiger; but figured since it wasn't quite seven that I'd let somebody sleep in today。 Besides; I didn't know shit yet。 When I knew something worth sharing; I'd share。
 I was halfway to the club when I realized that the ardeur hadn't set in。 It was morning。 I was awake。 There wasn't a stir from the ardeur。 Hope flared through me in a warm; fuzzy wash。 Maybe the ardeur was going to be temporary。 Dear God; I hoped so。 I said a brief prayer of thanks and kept monitoring myself for the first hints of unbridled lust。
 We arrived at Narcissus in Chains with me grumpy; but not the least bit lustful。 It was a good day。
 I WAS ABLE to park right in front of Narcissus in Chains。 Not only was there no line at 8:00 A。M。; there were no other people in front of the club。 The wide sidewalk stretched empty; almost golden; in the early morning light。 If I'd had time for coffee; I might even have said it was pretty; but I hadn't had time for coffee; so the sunlight was just bright。 I had finally broken down and bought sunglasses a few weeks ago。 I huddled behind them; wishing I was still in bed。 I was so tired; I felt fuzzy…headed。 I'm usually pretty good at going without sleep。 The only thing I could blame the fuzziness on was the heat exhaustion from the night before。 Maybe I needed more than three hours to recover from it。 It made me wonder how bad off I'd have been if I hadn't had all my preternatural powers。 A person can die of heatstroke。
 Nathaniel was at my side; Bobby Lee and Cris; a step behind and to either side。 Gil and Caleb brought up the rear。 The door opened before we could knock。 Ulysses ushered us into the darkened club。 He was still wearing his leather and metal harness。 The smell of it made me wonder if it was the exact same outfit he'd been wearing; was it five or six days ago? The tall; dark; and handsome man that I'd met looked hollow…eyed。 His strong hands gripped his elbows; hugging his body。 When he moved a hand to motion us inside; it shook。 What the hell had been going on?
 Half a dozen other muscular men of varying races and heights stood in the shadows waiting for Ulysses to tell them what to do。 The tension in the room was so thick you could have choked on it。
 Cris made a hissing sound at my back; and I couldn't blame him。 I decided then and there that unless we got some really good explanations; we were keeping the guns。 There was an air of desperation about all the werehyenas; as if something really bad had happened。
 The door was shut behind us; but we were close to it; and no one was between us and it。 I wanted to save the lion Joseph; but not enough to risk myself and my people。 If it was a choice; I knew who I'd choose。 Cold; maybe; but I'd never met Joseph the werelion。 He wasn't real to me yet; and everyone with me was。
 Ulysses must have seen; or smelled; something on us; because he explained。 〃Our master has seen fit to punish us。〃
 〃What for?〃 I asked。
 He shook his head。 〃That is personal。〃
 〃Fine; let's talk to Narcissus; and you guys can get back to punishing yourselves。〃
 〃We are not punishing ourselves;〃 Ulysses said。
 I shrugged。 〃Look; I don't believe in letting anyone push me around to this degree; but it's not my deal; it's yours。 So let's share information and let us get out of here。〃
 Something crossed Ulysses's face; some emotion that I couldn't read。 〃No guns in the club; that's the rule。〃
 〃I think we'll keep our guns;〃 Bobby Lee said。
 I glanced at him; and the look was enough。 He shut up but smiled at me。 〃Actually; I agree with him。 We're not giving up our guns today。〃
 Ulysses shook his head。 〃I can't fail my master in this; Anita。 You have no idea what he'll do to us if we let you inside with guns。〃
 I glanced at the men standing around in the shadowed roo
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