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t me; still holding my arm across his chest; but lightly now。 One hand gently on my wrist; the other hand stroked my arm。
 〃I hear you're my master。〃
 I looked into those calm eyes。 〃You don't seem upset。〃
 He rubbed his chin and cheek against my arm。 It was catlike; and intimate; a lover's gesture。 I studied his face; tried to read past those peaceful emerald eyes。 Then I realized I didn't have to read his face。 The barest thought and I knew that the peacefulness in his eyes went all the way through。 He was filled with a great calmness; a sense of rightness。 Calm and peace had never been my reaction to Jean…Claude binding me closer to him。
 I could feel what Damian was feeling; knew his heart almost better than my own; but I didn't understand him。 In that moment staring into those beautiful; peaceful eyes; I simply had no clue。 I would have run for the hills; fought; screamed; hated。 I would not have gone quietly into any kind of servitude; no matter how potentially beneficent the ruler。 Truthfully; I wasn't a hundred percent sure I was a beneficent ruler。 I mean I was easy to get along with as long as everything went my way; but cross me; and I wasn't easy。 I was close to being the hardest person I knew; and I know some hard people。 I was trying to be softer lately; but trying to be softer and actually being softer; aren't the same。 I looked into Damian's eyes and knew that if it were me; tied to me as master; I'd be scared。
 Damian turned in the water; kneeling at the tub edge。 He leaned in and laid a gentle kiss on my forehead。 〃You saved me; again。〃
 He was right; but as his lips touched my skin; I wondered how long he'd be grateful and when he'd finally realize how screwed we both were。
 ASHER TOOK DAMIAN down to the basement for the day; settling them both in just before dawn。 Micah had called; saying that both Merle and Zane would survive。 Cherry was going to stay there with Zane; and he had to go check on the rest of his wereleopards。 I invited him to bring his leopards over to my house; and he said he'd ask。 We didn't say 〃I love you〃 at the end of the conversation; which was unnerving。 I wasn't used to sleeping with someone that I didn't love or didn't say I love you to。 But I was too tired to think that hard; so I pushed it down where all the other things I don't want to think about live。 The place is getting damned crowded。 Nathaniel helped me dress in the coolest jammies I had  a silky spaghetti strap nightshirt that would have been too revealing if I hadn't been so damn short。 Then Nathaniel cuddled in beside me in a pair of jogging shorts。 Gil slept in the guest room。 The two wererat bodyguards divided the night up between the couch and sleeping on the floor in front of the door of my bedroom; which meant if I had to go to the bathroom after we bedded down I'd have to step over them。 Bobby Lee said; 〃It'll wake us up; make sure you don't go wandering around alone。〃
 I couldn't persuade Bobby Lee or Cris that I didn't need that much watching; but truthfully I was too tired to do much arguing。 So we all settled down for a long summer's nap。 Nathaniel had closed the heavy curtains so that the room lay in a heavy gray twilight。
 I settled down in the air…conditioned hush of the bedroom with Nathaniel curled up against my side and fell almost immediately into a deep; dreamless sleep。 When the bedside phone shrilled; I knew what it was; but it took me several seconds to wake up enough to move。 Nathaniel had actually reached across me and answered; 〃Blake residence;〃 before I opened my eyes。
 He was quiet; face very serious; then he cupped his hand over the receiver and said; 〃It's Ulysses; Narcissus's bodyguard。 He wants to speak with you。〃
 I took the phone; still lying flat on my back。 〃This is Anita; what do you want?〃
 〃My Oba wishes to meet with you。〃
 I moved my head enough to see the clock and groaned。 I'd barely had two hours of sleep。 I could manage an hour nap and feel okay; or go without sleep; but somewhere between two and three hours just felt worse。 〃I work the night shift; Ulysses; whatever Narcissus wants can wait until later in the day。〃
 〃The word went out yesterday that any information about the missing lycanthropes was to go through you。〃
 That woke me up a little。 I blinked and tried to be more awake than I felt。 〃What information?〃
 〃He will only talk directly to you。〃
 〃Then put him on the phone; I'm all ears。〃
 〃He insists that you e down to his club; now。〃
 〃I have had less than two hours of sleep; Ulysses。 I am not dragging my ass over to the Illinois side of the river at the crack of dawn。 If he has information that can help us save shapeshifters' lives; just give it to me; and I'll see that the info gets to where it needs to go。〃
 〃My Oba insists that if you do not e down to the club now; he will not share the information at all。〃
 I sat up; leaning against the headboard; closing my eyes。 〃Why now?〃
 〃It is not my way to question my orders。〃
 〃Maybe you should work on that;〃 I said。
 There was silence on the other end of the phone。 I didn't know if he was puzzled and didn't get my ment; or if it had struck too close to home。 He finally said in a quiet voice; 〃Right now the lions' Rex is alive。 That may not be the case in a few hours。〃
 I sat up; eyes wide; pletely awake at last。 〃How do you know that?〃
 〃My Oba knows many things。〃
 〃Narcissus would really let the lions' Rex die; just because I won't e down to the club at the ass crack of dawn?〃
 〃My master is very insistent。〃
 〃Shit;〃 I said softly and with feeling。 〃Tell him I'll be down; but tell him this; too。 The next time he's in trouble; maybe no one will help him either。〃
 〃This is more help than he has ever been to any other animal clan。〃
 There was something in Ulysses's voice now; something。 He was lying。 I could hear it in his voice。 I didn't know if it was vampire powers or werewolf or wereleopard; and I didn't care。 The question was; why lie about the fact that the werehyenas had helped no other shapeshifter group more than this? Why was that worth a lie at all?
 〃Narcissus helps out more than he wants people to know; doesn't he?〃 I said。
 〃What makes you say that?〃 There was a thread of fear; almost panic; in Ulysses's voice。
 〃What would it hurt if the lycanthrope munity knew that the werehyenas were helping other animals out?〃 I asked。
 His breath came out in a long sigh。 〃Narcissus would never want anyone to think that about the werehyenas。 It would 。。。 〃 he hesitated; 〃be bad for business。〃
 〃If Narcissus is so concerned about Joseph the lion; then why not give me the info over the phone?〃
 Ulysses laughed; abrupt; amused。 〃Narcissus has never given anything away for nothing。 There's always a price with him。〃
 〃So my dragging down to his club on no sleep is the price?〃
 〃Something like that。〃
 〃Can I bring my people?〃
 〃My master would love to see any of your people you care to bring。〃
 I didn't like the phrasing on that。 〃How big of him。〃
 〃When will you be here?〃 Ulysses asked。
 〃How do you know I'm ing?〃
 〃Because you know that he's enough of an egotist that if you don't e now he may not share the information at all。 You
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