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ad spilled into my lap; and I jumped。 Micah raised his head; slowly; heavy。 He propped himself up on one arm and turned unfocused eyes to me。 His pupils were enormous; drowning black in the circle of his green…yellow eyes。 I watched his pupils spiral downward to small dots so that the color almost overwhelmed them; like a vampire's eyes。 I could feel him staring at me; the weight of his gaze like something pushing against me。 He leaned in towards me; slowly; lips half…parted。
 I stayed where I was; frozen; unsure what to do。 It wasn't that he was any less lovely than he had been。 It was just 。。。 oh; hell; I didn't know what to do。 I didn't even know what I wanted to do。
 〃Didn't you need to get Damian out of his coffin?〃 Asher's voice came dry; making me draw back from Micah。
 Jean…Claude snarled at him; looking more inhuman than the entire time he was feeding。
 Asher stood in one smooth motion; like a puppet pulled up by strings。 〃Fine; but if you are going to have sex; then I don't have to watch。〃
 I stood; Micah's hands sliding down my body as I moved away from the couch。 I faced Asher。 〃Look; I am so far over my fort zone right now that I can't think; but I'll tell you one thing。 I am not going to salve your male ego while the little voice in my brain is still screaming; run away; run away。 So; put the attitude on ice; Asher; I can't deal with it right now。〃
 He was suddenly vibrating with anger; his eyes like icy blue pools。 〃So sorry that my disfort annoys you。〃
 〃Fuck you; Asher。〃
 He was suddenly moving forward in a blur of speed。 I backed up so fast that I fell against the couch。 Micah caught me; or I'd have fallen to the floor。 I had time to draw a gun; or a knife; but I didn't even try。 Asher wasn't trying to hurt my body; just my feelings。 He bent at the waist; looming over me and Micah; though I think that part was accidental。 He put a hand on either side of us and leaned into my face; so close that I had to pull back to focus on those chilling blue eyes。 〃Don't offer things you're not willing to do; ma cherie; because that is annoying。〃
 He stood up abruptly and stalked from the room。
 Micah's voice was soft。 〃What was all that about?〃 His hands were still on my arms; half…holding me; protective。
 I shook my head。 〃Ask Jean…Claude。〃 I pushed to my feet。 〃I'm going to go get Damian。〃
 〃I will acpany you; ma petite。〃
 〃Fine。〃 I started walking。 I could feel them following me; feel them both behind me。 I almost turned around to see if they were holding hands; but if they were; I wasn't ready to see it。
 Bobby Lee trailed behind without a word。 Smart man。
 THE ROOM WAS bare stone walls。 There was no pretense of fort。 It was the vampire's version of prison; and it looked like one。 There were half a dozen coffins sitting on bare; raised platforms with silver chains around them; waiting to be raised and locked in place with crosses。 The only crosses in the room were on the two closed coffins。 Two? Two chained coffins。 Damian was in one。 Who the hell was in the other?
 〃Which one is your boy?〃 Bobby Lee asked。
 I shook my head。 〃Don't know。〃
 〃I thought you were supposed to be this boy's master。〃
 〃That's the theory。〃
 〃Then shouldn't you be able to tell which box is which?〃
 I glanced at him; gave a small nod。 〃Point。〃 I looked back at the door but it was still empty; just us。 I didn't know where everyone had gone to; and I was so trying not to speculate on what might have distracted Micah and Jean…Claude。
 I tried to concentrate on who was in the coffins; but I couldn't。 Once upon a time I could sense Damian even before he woke in his coffin; but I got nothing from either coffin; except that there were vampires in them。 I went to the closest coffin。 The wood was pale and smooth。 Not the most expensive; but not cheap either; heavy; well made。 I passed my hands across the smooth wood; fingers caressing the coolness of the chains。 Something banged against the lid of the coffin。 I jumped。
 Bobby Lee laughed。
 I frowned at him; then turned back to the coffin; but I wasn't touching it anymore。 I knew it wasn't possible with a blessed cross attached to the lid; but I'd had this sudden image of an arm tearing through the wood and grabbing me。 Damian was supposed to be homicidally crazy。 Better cautious than dead。
 I put my hands just above the coffin; not quite touching。 I drew my necromancy; like drawing a breath; and breathed it out through my body; not exactly through my hands; but everywhere。 The necromancy was part of what I was; not just who I was。 I started to push my power into the coffin; but it was pulled in; like water pouring into a hole。 The water falls down because gravity pulls it down; and there is no stopping it; it's natural; automatic。 My necromancy spilled into that coffin; and into Damian。 I felt him lying in the dark; his body pressed against the thin satin。 I saw his eyes stare up into mine; felt something flare inside him; something that recognized my power; but I couldn't feel him。 There was no personality there; no Damian。 I knew it was him; but there was no thought in him; nothing but that tiny spark of recognition; and barely that。 I tried to reconcile the thing I felt to what I knew Damian had been; and it was like he had bee something else。 I said a quick prayer; and I didn't even feel odd praying to God about a vampire。 I'd had to give up my narrow ideas of God a long time ago; or give up church and everything I held dear about my religion。 The deal was; if God was okay with what I was doing; then I had to be; too。
 〃Where is everybody?〃 I asked it aloud; so Bobby Lee answered。
 〃I don't know; but if you e with me; we'll go look。〃
 I shook my head staring at the other coffin。 Who was in there locked in the dark? I had to know; and if I could; I'd get them out。 I didn't approve of torture; and being locked in a coffin where you would never starve to death; but always go hungry; never die of thirst; but burn with the need for liquid; be trapped in a space so small you couldn't even turn onto your side; were all good definitions of torture in my book。 I liked most of Jean…Claude's vamps; and I wouldn't leave them like this; not if I could persuade him that they'd been punished enough。 I was pretty stubborn about things like that; and Jean…Claude was wanting to please me right now; I could probably get whoever it was out。 I'd do my best。 But who was it? Admittedly; there were vampires that I'd make more of an effort to save; just like people。
 I went to stand beside the other coffin and pushed my magic into it。 I had to push this time; it wasn't like Damian。 Whatever was in this box didn't wele me in。 It wasn't anyone I had a connection with。 I felt something; and I knew it was a kind of undead; but it didn't feel like a vampire。 It felt emptier than that。 It was fully dark outside; there should have been movement; life; of a sort; but there was nothing。 I pushed farther into the thing; and found the faintest answering pulse。 It was as if whatever was in there was a lot more dead than alive; yet not truly dead。
 A sound turned me towards the door。 Jean…Claude glided into the room; his robe tied tight now; like a signal that he was 
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