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 Nathaniel offered a suggestion。 〃Feed him。〃
 I looked back at him; and the look must have been enough; because he put his hands out empty; and went to stand by the fireplace。 Everyone else had taken a seat; except for Gil; who was huddled beside one of the chairs on the floor; clutching a pillow。
 I turned to Jean…Claude; and it was Micah's voice that turned me back again。 〃I've seen Anita in the  〃 he changed whatever he was going to say  〃grip of the ardeur; and this doesn't look like it。 She's way too calm。〃
 Jean…Claude looked past me at him; seeing him; I think; for the first time; at least in person。 His gaze traveled up and down his body; an assessing look; like he was thinking of buying or was trying to be deliberately insulting。
 Micah either didn't catch the insult or was proof against it; because he started walking towards us。 He moved in a well of his own power; as if even here; surrounded by Jean…Claude's things; he was supremely confident; totally at ease。 He moved like a dancer; pact; graceful; strong。 The sight of him tightened things low in my body。 Jean…Claude made a small sound。 I started to turn towards him; but it was too late; his shields shattered and the ardeur roared over me。 My skin ran with heat; my breath stopped; my vision was gone in streamers of color。 Jean…Claude's need marched over me; through me; inside me。 It screamed in my head; danced down my nerves; flowed through my veins。 In that instant if he had asked anything; anything at all; I would have said yes。
 My vision cleared and I found Jean…Claude on the floor; half…caught in a spill of draperies that he'd pulled from their hangers; so that he sat in a nest of white and silver。 His face was almost slack with need; his eyes already a spill of blind blue fire。
 I was on my knees; too; and didn't remember falling。 Micah was there; taking my arm; I think to help me stand; but the moment he touched me the ardeur leaped; and he fell to the floor beside me; like someone had struck him with a hammer; his legs just stopped holding him。 He whispered; 〃Oh; my God。〃
 The bodyguards moved in then; and I had to scream; 〃No!〃 There must have been something in my voice; because all three of them froze in mid…motion。 〃No one touches us; no one。〃 My voice was high; frantic。 There was a very real chance that the ardeur could spread through the whole room; one touch at a time。 We had enough problems without that。
 Micah had released my arm; his hands nerveless in his lap; but the tie had been made; and the act of touching; or not; didn't change it。
 Jean…Claude crawled from the bed of glittering cloth; slowly; every move something graceful and dangerous。 He'd never looked more predatory than he did at that moment。
 〃Jean…Claude;〃 I whispered; 〃don't。〃 But I couldn't move。 I watched him like a tiny bird fascinated as the serpent glides closer; caught between terror and the sheer beauty of him。
 Asher was suddenly there in the space between the cloth。 Jean…Claude froze; but it wasn't that stillness that the old vampires could fall into; there was a thrumming energy to him; more like a big cat about to pounce than something cold and reptilian。
 〃Jean…Claude; you must control the ardeur better than this。〃 He was hugging his arms as if he felt at least a brush of it himself。 He'd noticed the new faces and used a practiced shake of his head to spill his golden hair across the scars; only revealing the perfect half。
 Jean…Claude's voice came low and harsh。 〃I cannot。〃
 I'd been afraid; now it was sheer terror。 I looked up at Asher and saw him through a film of all the times we'd touched him; all that beauty; all the beauty that I still saw。 I whispered; 〃Help us!〃
 Asher was shaking his head。 〃If I am dragged in as well; it will help no one 〃
 〃Asher; please!〃
 〃Once he feeds; all will be well; simply let him feed。〃
 I shook my head。 〃Not here; not like this。〃
 Micah said; 〃If it will help; why not let him feed?〃
 I looked at him; and just turning to him made my mouth part; my breath catch。 It was almost like the ardeur remembered him; like a succulent food that it wanted to taste again。
 It took two tries to say; 〃You don't understand。〃
 Zane said; 〃Anita doesn't let Jean…Claude feed off of her。〃 He and Cherry were sitting on the far edge of the couch; watching with wide eyes; not ing near us。
 〃I thought she was his human servant;〃 Micah said。
 〃She is。〃 Jean…Claude whispered it。
 Something in those two words made me look at him; made me stare into those glittering blue eyes。 He couldn't trap me with his gaze anymore; because I was his human servant; but tonight there was a pull to those eyes。 I wanted to cradle his face in my hands; wanted to taste those half…parted lips。
 〃Anita!〃 Asher's voice jerked me around; made me look at him。
 〃Help me。〃
 〃He can feed on me。〃 Micah said it; voice soft。 We all turned and stared at him。
 He looked a little less sure。 I think something he saw on our faces made him hesitate; but he said it again。 〃If a little blood will cure this; then I'm willing。〃
 〃He has fed on blood tonight already;〃 Asher said。 〃It is not blood he needs but 。。。 voir les anges。〃
 〃English; Asher; even I didn't understand that one;〃 I said。
 He waved his hands as if erasing what he'd said。 〃He needs release; a 。。。 〃 He said several things in rapid French; and I couldn't follow it。 Asher was in great distress if his English had abandoned him。
 I was careful not to look at Micah when I tried to explain。 〃It's the ardeur that Jean…Claude needs fed。〃
 〃He needs sex; not blood;〃 Nathaniel said。 His voice was soft; but a glance showed him standing as far across the room as he could get。 I didn't blame him a bit。
 〃The first time you fed on me it wasn't intercourse; just contact;〃 he said。
 I nodded; still trying not to look at any of the men。 〃I remember。〃
 〃Contact is okay;〃 Micah said。
 I had to look at him; and the surprise was great enough that for just a second I almost fought free of the ardeur; I could almost think。 〃What kind of contact?〃
 〃Sexual contact。〃 His face was very serious; eyes solemn; as if he; too; could think again。 〃I said I would do anything to be your Nimir…Raj; Anita。 What do I have to do to convince you I mean it?〃
 〃What are you offering; Micah?〃
 〃Whatever you need。〃 He looked past me to Jean…Claude。 〃Whatever you both need。〃
 I felt Jean…Claude's attention sharpen; almost like a physical force; and the ardeur was back; thick enough to drown in。 My breath froze in my throat; my pulse was too fast to swallow。 Jean…Claude's voice came; I think in my head; because his lips never moved。 〃Be careful what you offer; mon ami; my control is poor tonight。〃
 Micah answered; as if he'd heard Jean…Claude too。 〃You were a ménage à trois with the Ulfric。 He's gone。 I'm here; and I'm staying。 I will be Anita's Nimir…Raj; whatever that means。〃
 I managed to say; 〃Who said that we were a ménage à trois?〃
 〃Everyone;〃 he said。
 I wondered who everyone was; because I knew it wasn't everyone。
 Jean…Claude was moving forward again; painfully slow; every movement so full of energy; so full of potential violence and grace; that it almost hurt to watch。 It made m
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