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 〃I think it's stubbornness;〃 Dolph said。
 〃What do you mean?〃
 〃Tell anyone that they can't do something; and they'll want to do it。〃
 He had a good point。 〃Makes sense。〃
 〃How do these disappearances tie in to the attack on your house?〃
 Damn; the whole truth; I'd said。 There was my chance to prove it。 I took a deep breath and told him almost all of the truth。 I told him that Gregory had called for help; leaving out why he'd call me。 Dolph never questioned that I'd be a good choice when calling for rescue from the monsters。 He did say; 〃He could have called the police。〃
 〃It hasn't been that long since the police killed wereanimals on sight; Dolph。 You can't really blame them for being leery of you guys。〃
 〃Why didn't you tell me all this when you were in for questioning?〃
 〃You were mad at me;〃 I said; as if that explained it。 And it sort of did; though it made me sound childish。
 〃What are you leaving out?〃 he asked。
 〃I tell you the truth; and you still doubt me。 That really hurts; Dolph;〃
 〃Not as much as it's going to if I find out you withheld evidence on this。〃
 〃It's not like you to make threats; Dolph。〃
 〃I'm tired;〃 he said。
 I was quiet for a second。 〃You should get some rest; Dolph。〃
 〃Yeah; if you can keep from killing anyone else; maybe I'll catch up on the paperwork。〃
 〃I'll do my best;〃 I said。
 〃You do that。〃 I heard him take a deep breath。 〃Is this all the information you're going to give me on this?〃
 〃I'll go back and interview the families again。 Do you know how much extra work this is going to be; just because they fucking lied the first time?〃
 〃They didn't mean to make your job hard; Dolph; they were just scared。〃
 〃Yeah; so isn't everyone?〃 With that; he hung up。
 I stared at the buzzing phone。 The man was not in a good mood。 I knew why; now; and I was probably one of the few outside his family that did know why。 I wondered how much grouchier he was going to get; and if it would start affecting his job; if it hadn't already。 If his hatred of the monsters took away his objectivity; then he was going to be useless as the head of the Regional Preternatural Investigation Team。 Shit。 It was a problem for another day。 I could add it to the list of things I'd worry about later。 At the rate the list was growing; I'd never have time to worry about everything on it。 Maybe I could throw a dart and make what it stuck in the problem of the day。 Or maybe I could just ignore the list。 Yeah; ignoring sounded good。
 THE MACNAIRS; PLUS bodyguard; promised to drive straight to RPIT's headquarters and give statements。 Janet Talbot went with them。 Christine didn't really know anything about the werelion's disappearance; so she just went home; promising to be careful。 I offered to let her stay at my place until the bad guy; or guys; was caught; but she turned me down flat。
 Donovan Reece said; 〃She is an independent creature。〃
 I could admire that。 〃I hope her independence doesn't get her hurt。〃
 He shrugged; getting to his feet。 I noticed a lump under the front of his pink shirt。 〃You're armed;〃 I said。
 He glanced down at the place where his gun was trying and failing to hide。 〃I won't let my girls be taken again。〃
 〃People; call them people;〃 I said。
 He gave me a smile。 〃They are all girls。〃
 〃Humor me;〃 I said。
 He gave a small bow of his head。 〃My people; fine; but I won't let them be taken again。〃
 〃Or you either; Donovan。 Remember everyone that's vanished has been a leader; not a follower。 They chained Nathaniel up because they thought he was you; your people being taken was just incidental。〃
 He met my eyes; suddenly very serious。 〃You're right。 How did you know I was armed?〃
 〃If you're going to tuck a gun into the front of your pants; wear a darker…colored shirt; and maybe one that's a size bigger。〃
 He nodded。 〃I've never carried a gun before。〃
 〃Do you know how to use it?〃
 〃I know how to shoot。 I just don't usually carry concealed。〃
 〃Do you have a license to carry?〃
 He blinked at me。
 〃I take that as a no。〃
 〃No;〃 he said。
 〃Then if you use it and kill someone; it's going to be a headache in court。 Carrying concealed without a license will make it an illegal weapon。 Depending on the judge; you might see jail time。〃
 〃How long does it take to get a license?〃
 〃Longer than you'll want to wait。 But check your county and start the process。 Or don't start the process; and when you get arrested you can try and claim ignorance of the law。 It's not a legal excuse; but it might sway a judge。 I don't know。 I'd apply for a license and hope it goes through。〃
 〃What do I have to do to apply?〃
 〃It differs from county to county。 Check with your local police。 They'll know who you have to see。〃
 He nodded again。 〃I'll do that。〃 He looked at me; gray eyes so serious。 〃Thank you; Anita。〃
 I shrugged。 〃Just doing my job。〃
 He shook his head。 〃This isn't your job。 You're no one's alpha here。 You could have just refused to help us。〃
 〃And what good would that have done?〃 I asked。
 〃Most of the wereanimals won't help each other。〃
 〃You know of all the furry  and feathered  politics; that's the one I understand the least。 Just like now; what happens to one group can affect the others。 If you guys had been talking to each other; then you'd have known that Henry MacNair went missing; violently missing。 It might have put all of you on guard。〃
 〃You think it would have prevented the other disappearances?〃
 〃I don't know; but it might have helped。 People would have been more cautious; maybe not gone out alone。 We might have at least had witnesses。〃
 〃It was after my girls  people  got taken and you helped us that Christine came to me。 She knew about the bears' Ursa having gone missing。 It was Ethan MacNair; not his mother; that told us about his father。〃
 〃I bet he paid for going outside his mother's orders;〃 I said。
 〃Probably;〃 Donovan said; 〃but you're right; if we'd just bloody talk to each other; we could help each other more。〃
 〃Not just in emergencies either;〃 I said。
 His eyes narrowed。 〃You mean a coalition of wereanimals?〃
 I shrugged。 〃I hadn't thought that far ahead; but why not? Something where we share information。 We've got a lion working with a bunch of snakes。 Why should the bad guys get along better than we do?〃
 〃Every time one of the animals talks about joining forces they always mean that they'll be top 。。。 dog。 You want to be everybody's Nimir…Ra; Anita?〃
 〃I'm not talking sharing authority。 That'll never work without a war。 I'm just saying share information; help each other more。 When one of the leopards or wolves gets hurt; he; or she; has a place to stay until they're well。 That kind of thing。〃
 〃Someone would need to be in charge of it。〃
 I felt like grabbing him by the front of the shirt and shaking him。 〃Why; Donovan; why does anyone have to be in charge? Something happens to one of your swans; you pick up the phone and call me; or Ethan; or Christine。 We call someone else。 We try to help each other。 We don't need a hierarchy; just a willingness to cooperate。〃
 He looked unhappy; almost suspicious。 〃You don't want to be in charge。〃
 I shook my head。 〃Donovan
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