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 〃Good point;〃 I said。
 〃No;〃 he said; 〃this is。〃 I felt the movement of his hips; seconds before he thrust inside me; in one powerful motion that drove sounds from my mouth somewhere between a scream and a shout。
 He lowered his head enough to see my face。 I lay gasping under him; but whatever he saw there reassured him; because he arched his back; his face looking somewhere in the distance; and drew himself out of me; slowly; inch by inch; until I made small noises。 He drew himself out until he was barely touching inside me。 I gazed down the length of my body to see him stretched hard and ready。 He'd always been careful of me; because he wasn't small; that one first thrust had been more force than he'd ever before allowed himself。 He; like Micah; filled me up; hit that point deep inside that was either pain or pleasure。 I saw his back and hips flex a second before he thrust into me。 I watched him thrust into me; saw every inch of him plunge into me; until it bowed my back; my neck; and I couldn't watch because I was writhing underneath him; my hands scrambling at the bedspread; digging fingers into the covers。
 He drew himself out of me again; and I stopped him with a hand on his stomach。 〃Wait; wait。〃 I was having trouble breathing。
 〃It's not hurting you。 I can tell by your face; your eyes; your body。〃
 I swallowed; took a shaky breath; and said; 〃No; it's not hurting me。 It feels wonderful; but you've always been so careful; even when I asked you not to be。 What's changed?〃
 He looked down at me; his hair falling around his face like a silken frame。 〃I was always afraid of hurting you before。 But I felt your beast。〃
 〃I haven't changed yet; Richard; we don't know for sure。〃
 〃Anita;〃 he said softly; and I knew he was chiding me。 Maybe it was a case of the lady protesting too much; but still 。。。
 〃I'm still human; Richard; I haven't changed yet。〃
 He leaned over me; his hair gliding around my face as he kissed me gently on the cheek。 〃Even before the first full moon; we can take more damage。 The change has already begun; Anita。〃
 I pushed against his chest until he drew back enough for me to see his face。 〃You've always been holding back; haven't you?〃
 〃Yes;〃 he said。
 I searched his face and saw such need in his eyes; and I knew why he'd been so angry at Gregory。 He'd said that he almost regretted not making me his lupa in truth; now that he'd seen me be Nimir…Ra; but it was more than that。 I looked into his brown eyes in the spill of early morning light and knew that he'd wanted me to be what he was; even though he hated it; that at some level he'd been tempted to make me his lupa for real。 Somewhere in the lovemaking where he had to be so careful; he'd thought of it; more than once。 It was there in eyes; his face。 He started to look away as if he could feel that I saw it all; but he made himself look back; meet my gaze。 He was almost defiant。
 〃How careful have you been of me; Richard?〃
 He did look away then; using his hair as a shield。 I reached through that thick hair to touch his face; to turn him to look at me。 〃Richard; how careful have you been of me?〃
 There was something close to pain in his eyes。 He whispered; 〃Very。〃
 I held his face between my hands。 〃You don't have to be careful anymore。〃
 A look of soft wonderment crossed his face; and he bent his head down; and we kissed; kissed as we had earlier; propping; exploring; taking turns at thrusting into each other。 He drew slowly back from the kiss; and I felt the tip of him touch my opening。 I stared down the length of our bodies so I could watch as his body flexed above me; and he thrust himself inside me harder this time; quicker。 It brought my breath in a soundless scream。
 〃Anita 。。。 〃
 I opened my eyes; not realizing I'd closed them。 I gazed up at him。 〃Don't be careful anymore; Richard; don't be careful。〃
 He smiled; gave me a quick kiss; then he was back; arched above me; and this time he didn't stop。 He thrust every inch of himself into me as hard and as fast as he could。 The sound of flesh into flesh became a constant sound; a wet hammering。 I realized it hadn't been just his size that made him careful; but his strength。 He could have bench…pressed the bed we lay on; and that strength lay not just in his arms; or back; but in his legs; his thighs; in the body he was pressing inside me; over and over again。 For the first time ever; I began to appreciate the full power of him。
 I'd felt the strength in his hands; his arms; when he held me; but it was nothing to this。 He made of our bodies one body; one pounding; sweating; soaking; drenching piece of flesh。 I was vaguely aware that it did hurt; that I was bruising; and I didn't care。
 I called out his name as my body tightened around his; squeezing; and I spasmed underneath him; body slamming against the bed; not from Richard's thrusts; but from the power of the orgasm itself; screams spilled from my throat as my body rocked underneath him。 It felt good; better than almost anything; but it was almost violence; almost pain; almost frightening。 Somewhere in the midst of it all I was aware that he came; too。 He screamed my name; but held his place; while I continued to writhe and fight underneath him。 It wasn't until I lay quiet that he allowed himself to collapse on top of me; slightly to one side; so my face wouldn't be pressed into his chest。
 We lay in a sweating; breathless heap; waiting for our hearts to slow enough to speak。 He found his voice first。 〃Thank you; thank you for trusting me。〃
 I laughed。 〃You're thanking me。〃 I raised his hand to my mouth and kissed the palm; then rested his hand against my face。 〃Trust me; Richard; it was my pleasure。〃
 He laughed; that rich throaty sound that is purely male; and purely sexual 〃We're going to need another shower。〃
 〃Whichever of us can walk first can have the first shower;〃 I said。
 He laughed and hugged me。 I wasn't even sure my legs would work enough to shower at all。 Maybe a bath。
 I WOKE JUST enough to feel the weight of someone at my back。 I snuggled against that warmth; wrapping sleep back around me。 An arm spilled over my shoulder; and I wriggled into the circle of arm and body。 It wasn't the warmth; or the feel of him that woke me; the wereleopards had gotten me used to all that。 It was the scent of his skin。 By the scent alone; I knew it was Richard。 I opened my eyes and snuggled deeper against him; curling that dark; muscled arm tighter around my body like drawing a cozy blanket around me。 Of course; a blanket didn't have the hard weight of Richard; or the silken glide of his naked skin against mine; or the ability to cuddle back; to use hands to pull my body tighter in against him。 He closed the distance; worked until; even with the height difference; his chest; stomach; and hips were curled around me。 He gave one last movement; and I could feel him pressed hard and ready against the back of my body。 It was morning; he was male; but it wasn't something embarrassing to be ignored。 I could pay as much; or as little; attention to it as I wanted; and I wanted。
 I started to roll over in the almost tight circle of his body and found I was stiff。 My lower body felt bruised; a
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