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 kissed; soft; then harder; his lips; his tongue; his mouth working at mine。 I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him  kissed him long and hard。 When I drew back; breathless; I found that he'd rolled his lower body over and lay on his back; nude。 He laughed at the expression on my face and pulled me down towards him。 I lost that forty points of intelligence and all my reasoning skills as he undid my robe and I ran my hands down the long line of his body。
 I had just enough self…possession left to say; 〃Not here。 We've got an audience in the living room。〃
 His hand slid under the green satin of the camisole; curving around to my back; pulling me against him。 〃There's no place in the house that they won't hear us; smell us。〃
 I pulled back from him before he could kiss me。 〃Gee; Richard; that makes me feel a lot better。〃
 He propped himself up on one arm; staring down at me。 〃We can go into the bedroom if you want; but we won't be fooling anybody。〃
 I didn't like that; and it must have shown on my face; because Richard drew his hand out from under my top; and said; 〃Do you want to stop?〃
 We hadn't really gotten started; but I knew what he meant。 I looked into the solid brown of his eyes; traced the edge of his jaw with my gaze; the fullness of his lips; the curve of his throat; the spread of his shoulders; the way his hair fell around him; catching the early morning light; bringing out shades of gold and copper in his hair; the swell of his chest; his nipples already dark and hard; the flat line of his stomach with that thin; dark line of hair that went from his belly button to 。。。 the skin was darker; richer; you could almost smell the blood that pumped him full and hard。 He looked ripe; like he was something full to bursting with life。 I wanted to touch him; to squeeze; oh so delicately。 I lay on the floor with my hands at my sides; my pulse beating in my throat; and said; 〃No; I don't want to stop。〃 My voice was almost a whisper。
 His eyes filled with that dark heat that spills into a man's face when he's almost a hundred percent sure of what's about to happen。 His voice was deeper; that low note that most men's voices get when the excitement runs deep。 〃Here; or the bedroom?〃
 I tore my gaze away from him to look at the open doorway to the living room。 There was no door to close。 I needed more privacy than this。 Even if they could hear us; even smell us in the bedroom; at least they wouldn't be able to see us。 Maybe it was only an illusion of delicacy; but sometimes illusion is all you've got。
 I looked back at him。 〃Bedroom。〃
 〃Good choice;〃 he said; and got to his knees; taking my hand; so that when he got to his feet; he half…pulled me to mine。 The movement startled me; and I fell against him。 The height difference was enough that it put my hand on his hip and so very close to other things。 It embarrassed me how very much I wanted to touch him; hold him。 I started to pull away; because I was so close to losing all decorum and groping him right there in the kitchen。 I wasn't entirely sure that if I grabbed him we'd make it to the bedroom。 I wanted that door between us and everyone else。
 He put his arms around my waist and lifted me off my feet; until our faces were even and I didn't know what to do with my legs。 If I'd been sure we wouldn't be using the kitchen table I'd have wrapped my legs around his waist; but I didn't trust either of us that far。 He put his arms under my butt; so that my head was slightly above his; and I rested in his arms almost like I was in a swing。 I could still feel him pressed hard and firm against my body; but it had a certain decorum to it that straddling his waist lacked。 He started walking for the door; carrying me; his eyes so intent on my face that he almost tripped on a chair。 It made me laugh; until his eyes came back to meet mine; and I saw the need in those dark eyes。 That one look robbed me of speech; and all I could do was stare into his eyes as he carried me into the bedroom。
 THE BEDROOM WAS empty when he kicked the door shut behind us。 I didn't know if the living room was empty or not。 I couldn't remember anything but Richard's eyes from the kitchen to the bedroom。 Every room might have been empty; for all I'd seen。
 We kissed just inside the door; my hands were full of the rich thickness or his hair; the firm warmth of his neck。 I explored his face with my hands; my mouth; tasted; teased; caressed; just his face。
 He drew back from my mouth enough to say; 〃If I don't sit down; I'm going to fall down。 My knees are weak。〃
 I laughed; full…throated; and said; 〃Then put me down。〃
 He half…walked; half…staggered to the bed; laying me on it; going to his knees beside it。 He was laughing as he crawled onto the bed beside me。 He lay beside me; his knees hanging over the side of the bed; though since he was tall enough for his feet to actually touch the floor when he lay like that; maybe hanging wasn't the right word。 We lay beside each other on the bed; laughing softly; not touching。
 We turned our heads to look at each other at the same moment。 His eyes sparkled with the laughter; his whole face almost shining with it。 I reached out and traced the lines of laughter around his mouth。 The laughter began to fade as soon as I touched him; his eyes filling up with something darker; more serious; but no less precious。 He rolled onto his side。 The movement put my hand along the side of his face。 He rubbed his face into my hand; eyes closed; lips half parted。
 I rolled onto my stomach; and moved towards him; my hand still on his face。 He opened his eyes; watching me crawl towards him。 I propped myself up on hands and knees and watched his eyes as I leaned in towards his mouth。 There was eagerness there; but there was also something else; something fragile。 Did my eyes mirror that look; half…eager; half…fearful; wanting; afraid to want; needing; and afraid to need?
 My mouth hovered over his; our lips touching; delicate as butterflies blown by a warm summer wind; touching; not touching; sliding along each other; gliding away。 His hand grabbed the back of my neck; forced my mouth to press against his; hard; firm。 He used his tongue and lips to force my mouth open。 I opened to him; and we took turns exploring each other's mouths。 He came to his knees; hand still pressed to the back of my neck; our mouths still locked together。 He drew back; crawling backwards to the head of the bed; leaving me kneeling alone in the center of the bed。 He reached under the covers; drew out pillows; propped himself up; watching me。 There was something almost decadent about him naked; propped up; watching me。
 I knelt looking back at him; having a little trouble focusing; thinking。 I finally managed to say; 〃What's wrong?〃
 〃Nothing;〃 he said; voice deep; lower than normal。 It wasn't the growl of his beast; it was a peculiarly male sound。 〃I want to run my beast through you; Anita。〃
 For a split second; I thought it was a euphemism; then I realized he meant exactly what he'd said。 〃Richard; I don't know。〃
 〃I know you don't like otherworldly stuff during sex; but Anita 。。。 〃 he settled into the pillows in a strange smoothing motion that somehow reminded me 
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