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anted him to hold me。 It wasn't just sex。 If that was all it was; I could have been rid of him long ago。 He must have felt it; too; because his hands rested lightly on my bare arms。 When I didn't protest; his hands caressed my skin; and that small movement brought my breath to a sigh。
 I leaned into him; wrapping my arms around his waist; pressing the lines of our bodies together。 I rested my head on his chest; and I could hear his heart beating。 It didn't always beat; but tonight it did。 We held each other; and it was nearly chaste; just a renewal of the fact that we were touching again。 I'd worked on the metaphysical stuff so I could do this and not lose myself。 It had been worth the effort。
 He pulled back first; enough to look into my face。 〃We can marry the marks here; or find somewhere more private。〃 He wasn't whispering as much as before。 Apparently he didn't care now if others knew what we were doing。
 〃I'm not clear on what marrying the marks means。〃
 〃I thought your Marianne had explained it to you。〃
 〃She said we'll fit together like puzzle pieces and there'll be a release of power when it happens。 But she also said that the manner in which it is done is individual to the participants。〃
 〃You sound as if you are quoting。〃
 〃I am。〃
 He frowned; and even that small movement was somehow fascinating。 〃I do not want you to be unpleasantly surprised; ma petite。 I am striving for honesty; since you value it so highly。 I have never done this with anyone; but most things are sexual between us; whether we will or no; so it is likely this will be; too。〃
 〃I can't leave the leopards here long enough to grab a hotel room; Jean…Claude。〃
 〃They will not be harmed。 Until you go upstairs; they will be safe。〃
 I shook my head and pulled away from him。 〃I'm sorry; but I am not leaving here without them。 If you want to do this afterwards; that's fine with me; but the leopards are priority。 They're waiting for me to rescue them。 I can't go off and have what amounts to metaphysical sex while they're afraid and bleeding somewhere。〃
 〃No; it cannot wait。 I want us to have this done before the fight begins。 I do not like that your gun is gone。〃
 〃Will this marriage of the marks give me more 。。。 abilities?〃
 〃And you; what do you get out of it?〃 I was standing against the wall now; not touching him。
 〃My own defenses will be strong once more; and I will gain power; as well。 You know that。〃
 〃Are there any surprises connected with this that I should know about?〃
 〃As I said; I have never done this with anyone; nor have I seen it done。 It will be as much a surprise to me as to you。〃
 I stared up into his lovely eyes and wished I believed that。
 〃I see the distrust in your eyes; ma petite。 But it is not me that you do not trust。 It is your power。 Nothing ever goes as it should with you; ma petite; because you are like no power e before you。 You are wild magic; untamed。 You throw the best of plans to the wind。〃
 〃I've been learning control; Jean…Claude。〃
 〃I hope it is enough。〃
 〃You're scaring me。〃
 He sighed。 〃And that was the last thing I wished to do。〃
 I shook my head。 〃Look; Jean…Claude; I know everyone keeps saying my people are fine; but I want to see for myself; so let's just get this done。〃
 〃This should be something special and mystical; ma petite。〃
 I looked around the club。 〃Then we need a different setting。〃
 〃I agree; but the setting was your choosing; not mine。〃
 〃But you're the one insisting on it having to be right now before all the fireworks start。〃
 〃True。〃 He sighed and held out his hand to me。 〃e; let us at least go to our table。〃
 I actually thought about refusing his hand。 Funny how quickly I could go from wanting to jump his bones to wanting to be rid of him。 Of course; it wasn't exactly him; but more the plications that came with him。 The mystical stuff between us was never simple。 He said that was my fault; and maybe it was。 Jean…Claude was a pretty standard Master Vampire; and Richard; a pretty standard Ulfric。 They were both wonderfully powerful; but there was nothing too terribly extraordinary in their powers。 Well; there was one thing about Jean…Claude。 He could gain power by feeding off sexual energy。 In another century he'd have been called an incubus。 It's rare even for a Master Vamp to have a secondary way to gain power outside of blood。 So it was impressive; sort of。 The only other masters I'd met who could feed off of something other than blood had fed on terror。 And of the two; I preferred lust。 At least no one had to bleed for it。 Usually。 But I was the wild card; the one whose powers seemed to fit nothing but legends of necromancers long dead。 Legends so old that no one believed they could be true; until I came along。 Sad; but true。
 The table had cleared out while we were whispering。 Now just Jason and one other man were there。 The man was dressed in brown leather; from what I could see of his pants to the zipped…front; sleeveless shirt he was wearing。 He was also wearing one of those hoods that left your mouth; part of your nose; and your eyes bare; but covered the rest of your face。 Frankly; I found the hoods creepy; but hey; it wasn't my bread that was being buttered。 As long as he didn't try anything with me; we were cool。 It wasn't until he looked up into my face that I recognized those pale; pale blue eyes  the startling ice blue eyes of a Siberian Husky。 No human I'd ever met had eyes like that。
 〃Asher;〃 I said。
 He smiled then; and I recognized the curve of his lips。 I knew why he'd worn the hood。 It wasn't sexual preference; or at least I didn't think so。 It was to hide the scars。 Once; about two hundred years ago; some well…meaning church officials had tried to burn the devil out of Asher。 They'd done it with holy water。 Holy water is like acid on vampire flesh。 He'd once been; in his own way; as breathtaking as Jean…Claude。 Now half his face was a melted ruin; half his chest; most of the one thigh I'd seen。 What I'd seen of the rest of him was perfect; as perfect as the day he died。 And the parts I hadn't seen; I wasn't sure I wanted to know about。 Through Jean…Claude's marks I had memories of Asher before。 I knew what his body looked like in smooth perfection  every inch of it。 Asher and his human servant; Julianna; had been part of a ménage à trois with Jean…Claude for about twenty years。 She'd been burned as a witch; and Jean…Claude had only been able to save Asher after the damage had been done。
 The events were over two hundred years old; yet they both still mourned Julianna; and each other。 Asher was now Jean…Claude's second in mand; but they were not lovers。 And they were uneasy friends; because there was still too much left unspoken between them。 Asher still blamed Jean…Claude for failing them; and Jean…Claude had a hard time arguing with that; because deep down he still blamed himself; too。
 I leaned down and gave Asher a quick kiss on the leather cheek。 〃What did you do with all your long hair? Please tell me you haven't cut it。〃
 He raised my hand to his mouth and laid a gentle kiss on it。 〃It is braided; and longer than ever。〃
 〃I can hardly wait to see it;〃 I said。 〃Thanks for ing。〃
 〃I would move
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