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 I rolled off of him; and Raina came like heat; racing through my body; drawing my mouth down to his hip; licking along that small hollow just where the waist meets groin。 Gregory writhed under the stroke of my mouth; and as much as I'd tried to ignore it; drew our gaze to his groin。
 He was hard; ready; but the sight of him pushed Raina back; left me in control; not because it was embarrassing; but because I had never seen Gregory erect before。 He was still lovely to look at; but he was an odd shape; almost hooked at the end。 I didn't know that men could be made that way; and it stopped me cold。
 Raina screamed in my head; roared over me in a rush of body memory。 The memory was of being on all fours with a man riding me from behind; riding Raina。 I couldn't see who it was; all I could do was feel。 They'd found that spot in a woman's body; and the rush of orgasm was close。 Raina threw her  our  head back; a rush of auburn hair flinging free of our face; and I saw Gregory's reflection in the room's mirror。
 Raina whispered in my head; 〃It's always like that with him from behind; because of his shape。〃
 I tore free of the memory and found myself on all fours beside Gregory; one hand on his body。 I fell back from him; because the shared memories didn't work without body contact。
 I turned my face away so I wouldn't see him nude and ready; because I could still feel the memory of him inside my body; Raina's body。 A hand touched my bare arm; and the rush of memories this time was overwhelming。 I was there。
 He filled my mouth; my throat; came inside my mouth in a spill of thick heat; and with his body trembling; thrashing; teeth tore into thick; tender flesh; and we ate him。 Blood poured upwards; and Raina bathed in it。
 I fought free of it; screaming; shrieking; and someone else was screaming It was Gregory。 For one awful second I opened my eyes; because the memory was so strong I couldn't tell the difference between it and reality。 But when could see again; he was whole; crawling away from me; from the shared memory。 Because that was one of Raina's gifts; the ability to share the horror。
 I could still feel the thickness of meat in my mouth; taste blood and thicker things。 I crawled to the railing; pulled myself up and lost everything I'd eaten that day。
 Someone came up behind me; and I put out a hand; head still dangling over the dark edge of the deck。 〃Don't touch me。〃
 〃Anita; it's Merle。 Nathaniel said that no one was to touch you that had ever shared a 。。。 〃 he hesitated; 〃moment with the old lupa。 I didn't know her。 She can't hurt you through me。〃
 I held my head in my hands。 It felt like it was going to split apart。 〃He's right。〃
 His grip on my shoulders was as hesitant as his words。 I pushed away from the railing and the world swam。 Merle caught me; held me against his chest。 〃It's alright。〃
 〃I can still taste meat and blood and 。。。 oh; God! God!〃 I screamed it; and it didn't help; not for this。 Merle held me against his chest; tight; my hands pinned to my sides; as if I'd tried to hurt myself。 I didn't think I had; but I didn't know anymore。 Months of practice; and Raina could still do this to me。
 I screamed wordlessly over and over again; as if I could scream the memory out of me。 Every time I drew breath I could hear Merle whispering; 〃It's alright; it's alright; Anita; it's alright。〃
 But it wasn't alright。 What Raina had just shown me would never be alright。 Merle carried me into the bathroom; and I didn't protest。 Caleb wet a cloth and put it on my forehead without a word of teasing。 A small miracle; but not the one we needed。
 RAINA HAD GONE; fled laughing; pleased with herself。 God; I hated that woman。 I'd already killed her; it wasn't like I could do anything else to her; but I wanted to。 I wanted her to hurt like she'd hurt so many others; but I guess it was a little late for that。
 Dr。 Lillian was shining a tiny light in my eyes and trying to get me to follow her fingers。 I wasn't doing a good enough job apparently; because she wasn't happy。 〃You are in shock; Anita; and so is Gregory。 He was a little shocky before you began; but damn it。〃
 I blinked and tried to focus on her。 My eyes just couldn't settle on anything; as if the world were trembling; but that made no sense。 Maybe I was the one that was trembling? I couldn't tell。 I clutched the cover they'd put around me; huddling on my white couch amid the multicolored pillows; and couldn't get warm。 〃What are you saying; doc?〃
 〃I'm saying that Gregory's chances are worse than fifty…fifty now。〃
 I blinked and fought to look at her; meet her eyes; to think。 〃How bad?〃
 〃Seventy…thirty; maybe。 He's curled on the deck in a blanket; shivering worse than you are。〃
 I shook my head; and couldn't seem to stop。 I closed my eyes; forced myself to be still for a second; a heartbeat。 I spoke without opening my eyes。 〃I saw 。。。 how did Gregory heal 。。。 〃 I stopped; tried again。 〃How did he survive 。。。 what she did to him?〃
 〃We can regrow any body part short of decapitation; unless fire is added to the wound to close it。 We can't heal burns; unless the burned flesh is pletely removed; in effect making a new wound。〃 Her voice was bitter; fierce。 I'd never heard her so angry。
 I looked up at her。 〃What's wrong with you?〃
 Lillian looked down; wouldn't meet my eyes。 〃I was the doctor on call the night she did that to Gregory。 I saw the reality; not just a memory。〃
 I shook my head; and had to bury my chin on my knees to stop the movement。 〃It isn't a memory with the munin; doc; it's real。 It's like 。。。 it's like a live…action movie; but with me in the movie。〃 I hugged my knees and tried desperately not to think; not to revisit what I'd experienced。 I was actually having some luck being absolutely blank。 Even my mind had finally found something so terrible it couldn't cope with it。 In a bizarre way; it was forting。 I'd finally found a line that I could not cross。
 〃If I try to force Gregory into animal form now; it'll probably kill him;〃 Dr。 Lillian said。
 I buried my face into my knees; hiding。 I spoke with my mouth buried against the thick covers。 〃I can't try again。〃
 〃No one is asking you to call that bitch again。〃
 〃Anita。〃 It was Nathaniel。
 It wasn't his voice that made me look up; it was the rich; bitter smell of coffee。 I found him holding my baby penguin mug full of fresh coffee。 It was very pale; lots of sugar; lots of cream; good for shock。 Hell; good for everything。
 He helped me rescue my hands from the blanket and wrap them around the mug。 I held the mug tight; and it took several seconds to realize I was burning my hands。 I didn't panic; just handed the mug back to Nathaniel。 He took it; and I stared at my pink; red hands。 I had first…degree burns; and I hadn't felt the heat until it was too late。
 〃Damn;〃 I said; softly。
 Lillian sighed。 〃I'll get some ice。〃 She left us alone。
 Nathaniel knelt in front of me; being careful not to spill the coffee。 Merle and Cherry glided into the living room while I was still staring at my reddened hands。 Cherry sat beside me on the couch。 She was still nude; but it didn't matter。 Nothing seemed to matter。 Merle stayed standing; and I didn't 
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