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 〃My tomb?〃
 He snorted and chuckled faintly。
 〃That will do。 Go there and wait my pleasure。 I have some thinking to do。〃
 I stood。 He reached out and placed his right hand on my shoulder。 The jewel was pulsing。 He looked into my eyes。
 〃No man can have everything he wants the way that he wants it;〃 he said。
 And there was a distancing effect; as of the power of a Trump; only working in reverse。 I heard voices; then about me I saw the room I had earlier departed。 Benedict; Gérard; Random and Dara were still there。 I felt Dad release my shoulder。 Then he was gone and I was among them once again。
 〃What is the story?〃 Random said。 〃We saw Dad sending you back。 By the way; how did he do that?〃
 〃I do not know;〃 I said。 〃But he confirms what Dara has told us。 He gave her the signet and the message。〃
 〃Why?〃 Gérard asked。
 〃He wanted us to learn to trust her;〃 I said。
 Benedict rose to his feet。
 〃Then I will go and do as I have been bid。〃
 〃He wants you to attack; then fall back;〃 Dara said。 〃After that; it will only be necessary to contain them。〃
 〃For how long?〃
 〃He said only that this will bee apparent。〃
 Benedict gave one of his rare smiles and nodded。 He managed his card case with his one hand; removed the deck; thumbed out the special Trump I had given him for the Courts。
 〃Good luck;〃 Random said。
 〃Yes;〃 Gérard agreed。
 I added my wishes and watched him fade。 When his rainbow afterimage had vanished I looked away and noticed that Dara was crying silently。 I did not remark on it。
 〃I; too; have orders now … of a sort;〃 I said。 〃I had best be moving。〃
 〃And I will get back to the sea;〃 said Gérard。
 〃No;〃 I heard Dara say as I was moving toward the door。
 I halted。
 〃You are to remain here; Gérard; and see to the safety of Amber herself。 No attack will e by sea。〃
 〃But I thought Random was in charge of the local defense。〃
 She shook her head。
 〃Random is to join Julian in Arden。〃
 〃Are you sure?〃 Random asked。
 〃I am certain。〃
 〃Good;〃 he said。 〃It is nice to know he at least thought of me。 Sorry; Gérard。 That's the breaks。〃
 Gérard simply looked puzzled。
 〃I hope he knows what he is doing;〃 he said。
 〃We have been through that already;〃 I told him。 〃Good…bye。〃
 I heard a footfall as I left the room。 Dara was beside me。
 〃What now?〃 I asked her。
 〃I thought I would walk with you; wherever you are going。〃
 〃I am just going up the hall to get some supplies。 Then I am heading for the stables。〃
 〃I will go with you。〃
 〃I am riding alone。〃
 〃I could not acpany you; anyway。 I still have to speak with your sisters。〃
 〃They're included; huh?〃
 We walked in silence for a time; then she said; 〃The whole business was not so cold…blooded as it seemed; Corwin。〃
 We entered the supply room。
 〃What business?〃
 〃You know what I mean。〃
 〃Oh。 That。 Well; good。〃
 〃I like you。 It could be more than that one day; if you feel anything。〃
 My pride handed me a snappy reply; but I bit it back。 One learns a few things over the centuries。 She had used me; true; but then it seemed she had not been entirely a free agent at the time。 The worst that might be said; I suppose; was that Dad wanted me to want her。 But I did not let my resentment on this interfere with what my own feelings really were; or could bee。
 So; 〃I like you; too;〃 I said; and I looked at her。 She seemed as if she needed to be kissed just then; so I did。 〃I had better get ready now。〃
 She smiled and squeezed my arm。 Then she was gone。 I decided not to examine my feelings just then。 I got some things together。
 I saddled Star and rode back up over the crest of Kolvir until I came to my tomb。 Seated outside it; I smoked my pipe and watched the clouds。 I felt I had had a very full day; and it was still early afternoon。 Premonitions played tag in the grottoes of my mind; none of which I would have cared to take to lunch。
 Chapter 3
 Contact came suddenly as I sat drowsing。 I was on my feet in an instant。 It was Dad。
 〃Corwin; I have made my decisions and the time has e;〃 he said。 〃Bare your left arm。〃
 I did this; as his form continued to grow in substantiality; looking more and more regal the while; a strange sadness on his face; of a sort I had never seen there before。
 He took hold of my arm with his left hand and drew his dagger with his right。
 I watched as he cut my arm; then resheathed his blade。 The blood came forth; and he cupped his left hand and caught it。 He released my arm; covered his left hand with his right and drew away from me。 Raising his hands to his face; he blew his breath into them and drew them quickly apart。
 A crested red bird the size of a raven; its feathers all the color of my blood; stood on his hand; moved to his wrist; looked at me。 Even its eyes were red; and there was a look of familiarity as it cocked its head and regarded me。
 〃He is Corwin; the one you must follow;〃 he told the bird。 〃Remember him。〃
 Then he transferred it to his left shoulder; from whence it continued to stare at me; making no effort to depart。
 〃You must go now; Corwin;〃 he said; 〃quickly。 Mount your horse and ride south; passing into Shadow as soon as you can。 Hellride。 Get as far away from here as possible。〃
 〃Where am I going; Father?〃 I asked him。
 〃To the Courts of Chaos。 You know the way?〃
 〃In theory。 I have never ridden the distance。〃
 He nodded slowly。
 〃Then get moving;〃 he said。 〃I want you to create as great a time differential as you can between this place and yourself。〃
 〃All right;〃 I said; 〃but I do not understand。〃
 〃You will; when the time es。〃
 〃But there is an easier way;〃 I protested。 〃I can get there faster and with a lot less bother simply by getting in touch with Benedict with his Trump and having him take me through。〃
 〃No good;〃 Dad said。 〃It will be necessary for you to take the longer route because you will be carrying something which will be conveyed to you along the way。〃
 〃Conveyed? How?〃
 He reached up and stroked the red bird's feathers。
 〃By your friend here。 He could not fly all the way to the Courts … not in time; that is。〃
 〃What will he bring me?〃
 〃The Jewel。 I doubt that I will be able to effect the transfer myself when I have finished what I have to do with it。 Its powers may be of some benefit to us in that place。〃
 〃I see;〃 I said。 〃But I still need not ride the entire distance。 I can Trump through after I receive it。〃
 〃I fear not。 Once I have done what must be done here; the Trumps will all bee inoperative for a period of time。〃
 〃Because the entire fabric of existence will be undergoing an alteration。 Move now; damn it! Get on your horse and ride!〃
 I stood and stared a moment longer。
 〃Father; is there no other way?〃
 He simply shook his head and raised his hand。 He began to fade。
 I turned and mounted。 There was more to say; but it was too late。 I turned Star toward the trail that would take me southward。
 While Dad was able to play with the stuff of Shadow atop Kolvir; I had never been able to。 I required a greater distance from Amber in order to work the shifts。
 Still; knowing that it could be done; I felt
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