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 〃We are not alone;〃 she said; 〃and the plan is not ours。〃
 Her fingers dipped into her pocket。 Something glittered when she withdrew them。 She turned it in the light。 It was our father's signet ring that she held。
 〃Where did you get that?〃 Random asked。
 〃Where else?〃
 Benedict stepped toward her and held out his hand。 She gave it to him。 He scrutinized it。
 〃It is his;〃 he said。 〃It has the little markings on the back that I've seen before。 Why do you have it?〃
 〃First; to convince you that I am acting properly when I convey his orders;〃 she said。
 〃How is it that you even know him?〃 I asked。
 〃I met him during his … difficulties … some time back;〃 she told us。 〃In fact; you might say that I helped to deliver him from them。 This was after I had met Martin; and I was inclined to be more sympathetic toward Amber。 But then; your father is also a charming and persuasive man。 I decided that I could not simply stand by and see him remain prisoner to my kin。〃
 〃Do you know how he was captured in the first place?〃
 She shook her head。
 〃I only know that Brand effected his presence in a shadow far enough from Amber that he could be taken there。 I believe it involved a fake quest for a nonexistent magical tool which might heal the Pattern。 He realizes now that only the Jewel can do it。〃
 〃Your helping him to get away。。。 How did this affect your relations with your own people?〃
 〃Not too damned well;〃 she said。 〃I am temporarily without a home。〃
 〃And you want one here?〃
 She smiled again。
 〃It depends on how things turn out。 If my people have their way; I would as soon go back … or stay with what shadows remain。〃
 I withdrew a Trump; glanced at it。
 〃What of Merlin? Where is he now?〃
 〃They have him;〃 she said。 〃I fear he may be their man now。 He knows his parentage; but they have had charge of his education for a long while。 I do not know whether he could be gotten away。〃
 I raised the Trump; stared at it。
 〃No good;〃 she said。 〃It will not function between here and there。〃
 I recalled how difficult Trump munication had been when I had been to the fringes of that place。 I tried anyway。 The card grew cold in my hand and I reached out。 There was the faintest flicker of a responding presence。 I tried harder。
 〃Merlin; this is Corwin;〃 I said。 〃Do you hear me?〃
 I seemed to hear a reply。 It seemed to be; 〃I cannot … 〃 And then there was nothing。 The card lost its coldness。
 〃Did you reach him?〃 she asked。
 〃I am not sure;〃 I said。 〃But I think so。 Just for a moment。〃
 〃Better than I thought;〃 she said。 〃Either conditions are good or your minds are very similar。〃
 〃When you began waving Dad's signet around you spoke of orders;〃 Random said。 〃What orders? And why is he sending them through you?〃
 〃It is a matter of timing。〃
 〃Timing? Hell! He just left here this morning!〃
 〃He had to finish one thing before he was ready for another。 He had no idea how long it would take。 But I was just in touch with him before I came here … though I was hardly prepared for the reception I walked into … and he is now ready to begin the next phase。〃
 〃Where did you speak with him?〃 I asked。 〃Where is he?〃
 〃I have no idea where he is。 He contacted me。〃
 〃He wants Benedict to attack immediately。〃
 Gérard finally stirred from the huge armchair in which he had sat listening。 He rose to his feet; hooked his thumbs in his belt and looked down at her。
 〃An order like that would have to e directly from Dad。〃
 〃It did;〃 she said。
 He shook his head。
 〃It makes no sense。 Why contact you … someone we have small reason to trust … rather than one of us?〃
 〃I do not believe that he can reach you at the moment。 On the other hand; he was able to reach me。〃
 〃He did not use a Trump。 He does not have one for me。 He used a reverberation effect of the black road; similar to the means by which Brand once escaped Corwin。〃
 〃You know a lot of what has been going on。〃
 〃I do。 I still have sources in the Courts; and Brand transported himself there after your struggle。 I hear things。〃
 〃Do you know where our father is right now?〃 Random asked。
 〃No; I do not know。 But I believe that he has journeyed to the real Amber; to take counsel with Dworkin and to re…examine the damage to the primal Pattern。〃
 〃To what end?〃
 〃I do not know。 Probably to decide on the course of action he will take。 The fact that he reached me and ordered the attack most likely means that he has decided。〃
 〃How long ago was this munication?〃
 〃Just a few hours … my time。 But I was far from here in Shadow。 I do not know what the time differential is。 I am too new at this。〃
 〃So it could be something extremely recent。 Possibly only moments ago;〃 Gérard mused。 〃Why did he talk with you rather than one of us? I do not believe that he could not reach us if he wished to。〃
 〃Perhaps to show that he looks upon me with favor;〃 she said。
 〃All of this may be entirely true;〃 Benedict stated。 〃But I am not moving without a confirmation of that order。〃
 〃Is Fiona still at the primal Pattern?〃 Random asked。
 〃Last I heard;〃 I told him; 〃she had set up camp there。 I see what you mean。。。〃
 I shuffled out Fi's card。
 〃It took more than one of us to get through from there;〃 he observed。
 〃True。 So give me a hand。〃
 He rose; came to my side。 Benedict and Gérard also approached。
 〃This is not really necessary;〃 Dara protested。
 I ignored her and concentrated on the delicate features of my red…haired sister。 Moments later; we had contact。
 〃Fiona;〃 I asked; seeing from the background that she was still in residence at the heart of things; 〃is Dad there?〃
 〃Yes;〃 she said; smiling tightly。 〃He is inside with Dworkin。〃
 〃Listen; urgency prevails。 I do not know whether or not you know Dara; but she is here …〃
 〃I know who she is; but I have never met her。〃
 〃Well; she claims she has an attack order for Benedict; from Dad。 She has his signet to back it up; but he did not speak of this earlier。 Do you know anything about it?〃
 〃No;〃 she said。 〃All we did was exchange greetings when he and Dworkin were out here earlier to look at the Pattern。 I had some suspicions then; though; and this confirms them。〃
 〃Suspicions? What do you mean?〃
 〃I think Dad is going to try to repair the Pattern。 He has the Jewel with him; and I overheard some of the things he said to Dworkin。 If he makes the attempt; they will be aware of it in the Courts of Chaos the moment that he begins。 They will try to stop him。 He would want to strike first to keep them occupied。 Only。。。〃
 〃It is going to kill him; Corwin。 I know that much about it。 Whether he succeeds or fails; he will be destroyed in the process。〃
 〃I find it hard to believe。〃
 〃That a king would give up his life for the realm?〃
 〃That Dad would。〃
 〃Then either he has changed or you never really knew him。 But I do believe he is going to try it。〃
 〃Then why send his latest order by someone he knows we do not really trust?〃
 〃To show that he wants you to trust her; I would guess; once he has confirmed it。〃
 〃It seems a roundabout way of doing things; but I agree that we should not act without that confirmation。 Can you get i
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