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ead of you。 I think the others have e to realize this。〃
 〃And yourself?〃
 〃I wanted it only because Eric did。 I did not realize it at the time; but it is true。 It was the winning counter in a game we had been playing across the years。 The end of a vendetta; really。 And I would have killed him for it。 I am glad now that he found another way to die。 We were more alike than we were different; he and I。 I did not realize that until much later either。 But after his death; I kept finding reasons for not taking the throne。 Finally; it dawned on me that it was not really what I wanted。 No。 You are wele to it。 Rule well; brother。 I am sure that you will。〃
 〃If Amber still exists;〃 he said after a time; 〃I will try。 e; let us be about this business with the Jewel。 That storm is getting unfortably near。〃
 I nodded and took the stone from his fingers。 I held it by its chain with the fire behind it。 The light came through; its insides seemed clear。
 〃Lean closer and stare into the Jewel with me;〃 I directed。
 He did this; and while we both regarded the stone; I told him; 〃Think of the Pattern;〃 and I menced thinking of it myself; trying to summon to mind its loops and swirls; its palely glowing lines。
 I seemed to detect a slight flaw near to the stone's center。 I considered it as I thought upon the twistings; the turns; the Veils。。。 I imagined the current which swept through me every time I essayed that plex way。 The imperfection in the stone grew more distinct。
 I lay my will upon it; summoning it into fullness; clarity。 A familiar feeling came over me as this occurred。 It was that which had taken me on the day I had attuned myself to the Jewel。 I only hoped that I was strong enough now to go through the experience once again。
 I reached out and clasped Random by the shoulder。
 〃What do you see?〃 I asked him。
 〃Something like the Pattern;〃 he said; 〃only it seems to be three dimensional。 It lies at the bottom of a red sea。。。〃
 〃e with me then;〃 I said。 〃We must go to it。〃
 Again; that feeling of movement; drifting at first; then falling with increasing velocity toward the never fully seen sinuosities of the Pattern within the Jewel。 I willed us ahead; feeling my brother's presence beside me; and the ruby glow which surrounded us darkened; being the blackness of a clean right sky。 This special Pattern grew with each thudding heartbeat。 Somehow; the process seemed easier than it had before … perhaps because I was already attuned。
 Feeling Random beside me; I drew him along as that familiar shape grew and its starting point became apparent。 As we were moved in that direction; I once again tried to enpass the totality of this Pattern and was lost once more in what seemed its extra…dimensional convolutions。 Great curves and spirals and knotted…seeming traceries wound before us。 The sense of awe I had felt earlier swept over me; and from somewhere nearby I was aware of this in Random; also。
 We progressed to the section of the beginning and were swept into it。 There was a shimmering brightness all about us flashed through with sparks as we were woven into the matrix of light。 This time; my mind was entirely absorbed by the process and Paris seemed far away。。。
 A subconscious memory reminded me of the more difficult sections; and here I employed my desire … my will; if you like … to hurry us along the dazzling route; recklessly drawing strength from Random to accelerate the process。
 It was as if we negotiated the luminous interior of an enormous and elaborately convoluted seashell。 Only our passage was soundless; and we ourselves disembodied points of sentience。
 Our velocity seemed to increase constantly; as did a mental aching I did not recall from the previous traversal of the design。 Perhaps it was related to my fatigue; or to my efforts to hurry things so。 We crashed through the barriers; we were surrounded by steady; flowing walls of brightness。 I felt myself growing faint; dizzy; now。 But I could not afford the luxury of unconsciousness; nor could I permit us to move more slowly with the storm as near as I remembered it。 Again; regretfully; I drew strength from Random … this time just to keep us in the game。 We sped ahead。
 This time; I did not experience the tingling; fiery sensation of somehow being shaped。 It must have been an effect of my attunement。 My previous passage through it might have rendered me some small immunity in this regard。
 After a timeless interval; it seemed that I felt Random falter。 Perhaps I represented too great a drain upon his energies。 I began to wonder whether I would leave him with sufficient strength to manipulate the storm if I leaned upon him any further。 I resolved not to draw upon his resources any more than I already had。 We were well along the way。 He should be able to continue without me; if it came to that。 I would simply have to hang on as best I could now。 Better for me to be lost here than both of us。
 We swept on; my sense rebelling; the dizziness recurring。 I set my will to our progress and forced everything else from my mind。 It seemed we were nearing the terminus when a darkening began which I knew was not a part of the experience。 I fought down panic。
 It was no good。 I felt myself slipping away。 So close! I was certain we were almost finished。 It would be so easy to …
 Everything swam away from me。 My last sensation was a knowledge of Random's concern。
 It was flickering orange and red between my feet。 Was I trapped in some astral hell? I continued to stare as my mind slowly cleared。 The light was surrounded by darkness and。。。
 There were voices; familiar。。。
 Things cleared。 I was lying on my back; feet toward a campfire。
 〃It is all right; Corwin。 It is all right。〃
 It was Fiona who had spoken。 I turned my head。 She was seated on the ground above me。
 〃Random。。。?〃 I said。
 〃He is all right; also … Father。〃
 Merlin was seated off to the right。
 〃What happened?〃
 〃Random bore you back;〃 Fiona said。
 〃Did the attunement work?〃
 〃He thinks so。〃
 I struggled to sit up。 She tried to push me back; but I sat up anyway。
 〃Where is he?〃 She gestured with her eyes。
 I looked and I saw Random。 He was standing with his back to us about thirty meters away; on a shelf of rock; facing the storm。 It was very close now; and a wind whipped his garments。 Lightning trails crissed and crossed before him。 The thunder boomed almost constantly。
 〃How long … has he been there?〃 I asked。
 〃Only a few minutes;〃 Fiona replied。
 〃That is how long it has been … since our return?〃
 〃No;〃 she said。 〃You have been out for a fairly long while。 Random talked with the others first; then ordered a troop withdrawal。 Benedict has taken them all to the black road。 They are crossing over。〃
 I turned my head。
 There was movement along the black road; a dark column heading out toward the citadel。 Gossamer strands drifted between us; there were a few sparks at the far end; about the nighted hulk。 Overhead; the sky had pletely reversed itself; with us beneath the darkened half。 Again; I felt that strange feeling of having been here long; long ago; to see that this; rather than Amber; was the true center of creation。 I grasped after the
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