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nger。 I made one effort later; but it failed。〃
 〃When was that?〃 Random asked。
 〃That was the one Corwin got blamed for。 I masked myself。 In case he managed to get away as Corwin had; I did not want him knowing I was still around。 I used the Pattern to project myself into his chambers and tried to finish him off。 We were both hurt … there was a lot of blood around … but he managed to Trump away; too。 Then I got in touch with Julian a while back and joined him for this battle; because Brand just had to show up here。 I had some silver…tipped arrows made because I was more than half convinced that he was no longer like the rest of us。 I wanted to kill him fast and do it from a distance。 I practiced my archery and came looking for him。 I finally found him。 Now everyone tells me I was wrong about you; so I guess your arrow will go unused。〃
 〃Thanks a lot。〃
 〃I might even owe you an apology。〃
 〃That would be nice。〃
 〃On the other hand; I thought that I was right。 I was doing it to save the rest …〃
 I never did get Caine's apology; because just then a trumpet blast seemed to shake the entire world … directionless; loud; prolonged。 We cast about; seeking its source。
 Caine stood and pointed。
 〃There!〃 he said。
 My eyes followed his gesture。 The curtain of the stormfront was broken off to the northwest; at the point where the black road emerged from it。 There; a ghostly rider on a black horse had appeared and was winding his horn。 It was a while before more of its notes reached us。 Moments later; two more trumpeters … also pale; and mounted on black steeds … joined him。 They raised their horns and added to the sound。
 〃What can it be?〃 Random asked。
 〃I think I know;〃 Bleys said; and Fiona nodded。
 〃What; then?〃 I asked。
 But they did not answer me。 The horsemen were beginning to move again; passing along the black road; and more were emerging behind them。
 Chapter 12
 I watched。 There was a great silence on the heights about me。 All of the troops had halted and were regarding the procession。 Even the prisoners from the Courts; hemmed by steel; turned their attention that way。
 Led by the pale trumpeters came a mass of horsemen mounted on white steeds; bearing banners; some of which I did not recognize; behind a man…thing who bore the Unicorn standard of Amber。 These were followed by more musicians; some of them playing upon instruments of a sort I had never seen before。
 Behind the musicians marched horned man…shaped things in light armor; long columns of them; and every twentieth or so bore a great torch before him; reaching high above his head。 A deep noise came to us then … slow; rhythmic; rolling beneath the notes of the trumpets and the sounds of the musicians … and I realized that the foot soldiers were singing。 A great deal of time seemed to pass as this body advanced along that black way across the distant track below us; yet none of us stirred and none of us spoke。 They passed; with the torches and the banners and the music and the singing; and they finally came to the edge of the abyss and continued over the near…invisible extension of that dark highway; their torches flaring against the blackness now; lighting their way。 The music grew stronger; despite the distance; with more and more voices added to that chorus; as the guard continued to emerge from that flashing storm curtain。 An occasional roll of thunder passed by; but this could not drown it; nor did the winds which assailed the torches extinguish any so far as I could see。 The movement had a hypnotic effect。 It seemed that I had been watching the procession for countless days; years perhaps; listening to the tune I now recognized。
 Suddenly; a dragon sailed through the stormfront; and another; and another。 Green and golden and black as old iron; I watched them soar on the winds; turning their heads to trail pennons of fire。 The lightning flashed behind them and they were awesome and magnificent and of incalculable size。 Beneath them came a small herd of white cattle; tossing their heads and blowing; beating the ground with their hoofs。 Riders passed beside and among these; cracking long black whips。
 Then came a procession of truly bestial troops from a shadow with which Amber sometimes has merce … heavy; scaled; taloned … playing upon instruments like bagpipes; whose skirling notes came to us with vibrance and pathos。
 These marched on; and there were more torch bearers and more troops with their colors … from shadows both distant and near。 We watched them pass and wind their way into the far sky; like a migration of fireflies; their destination that black citadel called the Courts of Chaos。
 There seemed no end to it。 I had lost all track of time。 But the stormfront; strangely; was not advancing as all this went on。 I had even lost something of my sense of person; to be caught up in the procession which passed us。 This; I knew; was an event which could never be repeated。 Bright flying things darted above the columns and dark ones floated; higher。
 There were ghostly drummers; beings of pure light and a flock of floating machines; I saw horsemen; clad all in black; mounted on a variety of beasts; a wyvern seemed to hang in the sky for a moment; like part of a fireworks display。 And the sounds … of hoofbeats and footfalls; of singing and skirling; of drumming and trumpeting … mounted to a mighty wave that washed over us。 And on; on; on out over the bridge of darkness; wound the procession; its lights lining the great span for a vast distance now。
 Then; as my eyes drifted back along those lines; another shape emerged from the glistening curtain。 It was a cart draped all in black and drawn by a team of black horses。 At each corner rose a staff which glowed with blue fire; and atop it rested what could only be a casket; draped with our Unicorn flag。 The driver was a hunchback clad in purple and orange garments; and I knew even at that distance that it was Dworkin。
 It is thus; then; I thought。 I do not know why; but somehow it is fitting; fitting that it be the Old Country to which you travel now。 There were many things that I might have said while you lived。 Some of them I did say; but few of the right words were ever spoken。 Now it is over; for you are dead。 As dead as all of those who have gone before you into that place where the rest of us soon may follow。 I am sorry。 It was only after all these years; on your assuming another face and form; that I finally knew you; respected you; even came to like you … though you were a crochety old bastard in that form; too。 Was the Ganelon self the real you all along; or was it only another form adopted for convenience's sake; Old Shapeshifter? I will never know; but I like to think that I finally saw you as you were; that I met someone I liked; someone I could trust; and that it was you。 I wish that I might have known you even better; but I am grateful for this much。。。
 〃Dad。。。?〃 Julian said softly。
 〃He wanted to be taken beyond the Courts of Chaos and into the final darkness when his time came at last;〃 Bleys said。 〃So Dworkin once told me。 Beyond Chaos and Amber; to a place where none reigned。〃
 〃And so it is;〃 Fiona said。 〃But is there order somewhere beyond 
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